Beasts of Beyond
Can't make me see sense / Joining / But I see stars in your eyes - Printable Version

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Can't make me see sense / Joining / But I see stars in your eyes - SirDio - 02-10-2021

[glow=#000,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYEHOLES, WHAT DO YOU SEE?。+゚.[/glow]
Damn, did her neck hurt now. The cold seemed to make it worse. Why, oh why, did her old group have to choose the cold. Large paws flexed in the snow, a growl lifting from her jaws. [color=#5e4a16]"What happened while little ol' me was stuck in limbo, I wonder." She could sense the heaviness of the air with each breath - something was wrong. With a final huff she sat down, looking over the snowy land. [color=#5e4a16]"Anyone still here, or have you all froze to death."

Re: Can't make me see sense / Joining / But I see stars in your eyes - Romulus - 02-11-2021

A familiar voice. One had hadn't hurt since his father's reign in Tanglewood, causing Romulus to traverse over towards the island's edge and paused. Narrowed, periwinkle hues observed the hybrid's outline momentarily. He wondered where she had gone. She had abandoned Tanglewood as their leader, leaving their empire to collapse without protection, initially leading to his parent's deaths. Disgraceful. Cowardly, even.

With a disgruntled huff, he stopped within a few feet in front of her and offered a bow of his head in greeting. "Stheno," he reminisced lightly. "Where'd you head off to?" Romulus words were blunt. He wanted to remain neutral and friendly, but he couldn't help to inquisitively inquire about her whereabouts. His head craned in interest, awaiting her explanation.

Re: Can't make me see sense / Joining / But I see stars in your eyes - SirDio - 02-11-2021

[glow=#000,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYEHOLES, WHAT DO YOU SEE?。+゚.[/glow]
Stheno blinked slowly. So was Stryker gone? Did he die? She definitely wasn't expecting his half-n-half son to show up. [color=#5e4a16]"Romulus. Hello." She nodded back. The memory hit her like a truck and she rubbed her neck a bit when the pain hit. [color=#5e4a16]"Funny you should ask.. I got killed in Tanglewood, as is to be expected, honestly." Didn't mean she was happy about it.

[color=#5e4a16]"A simple question - what happened while I was in limbo?"

Re: Can't make me see sense / Joining / But I see stars in your eyes - rhosmari - 02-13-2021

What an unexpected surprise this was and she hadn't even thought for a second that she would show her face again. As unappealing as it was the Coalition could use anyone that they got and she was sure that they would come with due time. She was personally not in any hurry to tire herself out if no one else was willing to put in the work or effort to do their jobs around here. She was the leader, she would do what was necessary. Still looking upon this woman now she was reminded of the fact that this was the reason why they had lost Tanglewood. A weak link in their chain of command. Given permission to lead and keep Tanglewood submissive only to fall and be kill. It was unfortunate wasn't it. The woman came forward suddenly, tail lashing through the air but a smile pull across her muzzle. There was no warmth to it though, just a cold grin that was fixated on the other. ''Oh, I'm sure we are oh so very delighted to see you, Stheno.'' She began with a light chuckle to her voice. Though her smile suddenly dropped as she heard the question that was asked. What had happened indeed.

''Why, everyone is dead, Stheno. You should have met like half of them in your limbo by now. No one really wants to deal with what they have brought so now I'm leader.'' Her eyes were wider than normal but they held an odd innocent to them as if she could understand the situation herself. It was life she supposed that she would become abandoned by her own parents and she was thinking the same would happen to her siblings as well. She will become the lonely princess in the end.

Re: Can't make me see sense / Joining / But I see stars in your eyes - Romulus - 02-14-2021

As she spoke, Romulus' brow furrowed and his gaze narrowed. He truly wanted to spare his sympathy for her, but he couldn't help it with the recent death of both of his parents. Perhaps if she had lived they would have too. Grinding his teeth together, the lion merely nodded. Flicking his tail, he spoke up. "Well, that appears to be better than fleeing," he responded dully. "I hope death treated you..." His eyes looked her up and down curiously as he found his words, only to raise his eyes back up to meet her gaze. "Nicely." Whether or not the statement was true would remain a mystery.

A chuckle sounded behind him, followed promptly by Sojourn's words. He merely turned his head towards her, offering a nod to acknowledge her presence. As she spoke, he couldn't help but feel disdain bubble up in his chest and fester within his thoughts. His tail flicked dismissively, momentarily growling underneath his breath. His voice fell to a whisper. "Yes..." Romulus' neck craned towards Stheno. "Everyone is dead."

Re: Can't make me see sense / Joining / But I see stars in your eyes - SirDio - 02-14-2021

[glow=#000,1,400]LOOK INTO MY EYEHOLES, WHAT DO YOU SEE?。+゚.[/glow]
The Thyla hybrid turned her silver gaze to Sojourn as she spoke, also listening to Romulus. Everyone, dead? Stheno averted her gaze, staring blankly into the snow. [color=#5e4a16]"Damn.. god damn. Sojourn, you shouldn't lie. I knew no one would miss such a bitch as I." She worded coldly, but still her voice faltered. Maybe she should have stayed dead.