Beasts of Beyond
SO WHAT IF I MISBEHAVE? ◇ home redecoration - Printable Version

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SO WHAT IF I MISBEHAVE? ◇ home redecoration - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-09-2021

It was an empty home but it would be big enough for the both of them and their little ones that would be born soon enough, he supposed that they should have worked on it a little sooner since two months had gone by quick for the duo. A soft sigh brushing pass his jaws as he pushed around few cushions into the home with a thoughtful frown on his maw, he began to wonder how many kittens they would end up having though these thoughts were rudely interrupted as he tripped over but thankfully the cushions were there to break his fall. "I need to be a bit more careful," He mused to his partner with his tail flicking back and forth behind him, he sighed with some relief as he stood up nudging the cushions until they stood upright in front of him. These had been the ones he had moved from his home to here... Magnum's house or would it be theirs together? He was unsure but it had a nice ring to it as a soft purr left him.

They still had quite a bit of stuff to move from his old house and move it over to Magnum's but he was sure that the two of them would finish eventually. Although, some of the NPCs within Palm Glades were already getting amused by the sight of a plump feline and wolf heading back and forth between homes. Winnie was starting to get a bit exhausted from running back and forth not to mention that the kittens were definitely weighing him down. "Slowly but surely, it is looking like someone does live here." Winnie teased glancing over at the lupine, he would brush against the others front legs before sitting down. They weren't done with redecoration or moving... This would take this quite a bit, wouldn't it?

Re: SO WHAT IF I MISBEHAVE? ◇ home redecoration - RHINESTONE. - 02-12-2021

Rhinestone did know a little bit about the situation between Winterhymns and Magnum. It had certainly been a bit of a shock, seeing how quickly the two of them hit it off with each other, but Rhine couldn't say much. After all, she had fallen for Vaas fairly quickly, all things considered. Although, she did have to admit that finding out the pair was having kids together had caught her more than a little off guard. She wasn't used to people moving so fast together, but maybe that was just because of her traditional nature. After all, both of her parents had waited quite a while before they had gotten together, and she had assumed that to be just... the usual. That wasn't to say that them waiting had guaranteed a good life for their children, though. While Rhinestonestar had turned out fairly well - or at least, the legate liked to think she had - most of her siblings were no longer around. Toadwhisker had disappeared once again, nowhere to be found, and Branchsong had similarly vanished from her life. That wasn't even to mention Redpond, her beloved sister that had been dragged out to see by the hurricane. The tasmanian tiger knew full well that it wasn't the fault of her parents that their family had ended up so scattered and half dead, but she couldn't help sometimes looking back, wondering if Toadwhisker would still be around if their parents were, as well.

She needed to get her mind off of such pondering, and thankfully Win and Magnum's redecorating was a perfect new thing to focus on. Seeing the pair from afar - along with also spotting how tired Winterhymns seemed to be - Rhinestone slowly made her way over, a casual smile on her muzzle. The horned canine said softly, her whip of a tail moving slowly behind her, "Hey there, Winterhymns... the children aren't giving you too much trouble yet, are they?" She glanced down at the other's stomach, surprised by how quickly everything had moved. It seemed like only yesterday that Win had left to tell his brother the good news, and now the kittens seemed well on their way into the Glades. She did have to wonder how many new members the union of Win and Magnum would be getting them - maybe 4 or 5? Maybe even 7, if luck was truly smiling down on them. She had to say that she was excited to have some new little ones around, especially considering most of her own children were now apprentices.

Looking back towards the pair's home itself, the legate found herself smiling slightly. Although progress seemed to be going slowly, it certainly did seem as though they were beginning to form a house all of their own. It was heartwarming, and Rhine was more than willing to help out, considering Winter's condition. Tilting her head to one side, Rhinestone questioned in a casual bark, "Do you need any help moving things in? I know it's gotta be a hassle to move everything, especially when you're being weighed down by the kits." It also didn't seem fair to have Magnum do all the work on his own - even if he was the reason why Win was weighed down, technically.