Beasts of Beyond
PUPPY LOVE — OPEN / GIFT - Printable Version

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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
He had heard news about a rather important event and well, Pincher had always been one to enjoy celebrating said events with the desire to show what he had to offer. And when it came to the whispers about how Jacob had turned a full year, the sly male couldn't help but want to show that he wouldn't ignore the said rumors about the husky. At first, he had been a little bit taken back on not being told by the chief but he supposed that it was due to their rather complicated relationship, the one that was a mix of romance and growing friendship. Pincher wasn't really used to being someone's anchor due to his former instability and stubborness to truly let anyone get personally close to him but after getting to know Jacob, his mannerisms has changed. He wasn't as cynical nor was his head littered with paranoid thoughts that he would not see another day. Instead, his thoughts now shifted to one of warmth, one of happiness and he would even dare to say — love. Even with all the "romantic" relationships he had with previous women, Pincher had never really been able to connect with them in the way he managed to catch with Jacob. Just the idea of seeing his smile brought a sliver of optimism to the doberman as he went to set out into his journey to the freezing tundra that was the home of Snowbound.

It took him a few hours of traveling yet wasn't too difficult for the pirate. Due to the island shores consisting of long rolling hills of sand, everyone generally was used to putting more effort into walking and when it came to walking on solid ground, his paws felt light and brisk without much complaint other than the occasional prick of tiredness in his back haunches and forelegs. His jaws were clamped around a thick pale brown rope that was wrapped around a medium-sized chest, his broad shoulders also carrying another package though, this one shifted every once in a while. Humming an old song that rumbled in his throat, the obsidan colored canine finally managed to reach the colder temperatures, his oceanic piercing blue eyes flickering upwards to notice tiny specks of snowflakes flutter down to rest on his dark form. Finally reaching the border, Pincher lowered his head to gently settle down the chest of "treasures". They weren't really treasures but Pincher had taken up a few days to fill it with everything he had desired to bring to the kindly chief. Part of him longed to stay but he didn't want to risk leaving the Typhoon without their captain for too long so he gently set down the other package that had been resting on his shoulder beside the treasure chest. "Don't cause too much trouble." he muttered softly to the squirming creature that was tucked inside the blanket. In response, the small head of a sugar gilder popped out of the warmth of the fabric, glancing up at Pincher but simply curling back inside. With that, Pincher rose to his full height and began to walk away, halting a few feet to glance over his sleek shoulder in hopes of seeing Jacob but after a few minutes, decided to simply head back home.

The gifts that were left were tucked inside the rich coffee brown chest that was painted with swirls of blue to resemble the ocean's waves, some even forming hearts if one looked closely. Inside the chest were three different gifts that Pincher had created. The first one was a bracelet made out of gems of different shades of blue with a chain of brilliant gold connecting them. The second gift was one that he enjoyed which was a small wind chime, instead of them being made out of wood or iron, they were paper cranes of warm colors that were similar to that of a sunset. The third gift was settled inside a large jar, delicious tropical fruit in the shape of hearts and flowers that had been dipped in sweet golden honey from the bees that lived in the island. Under the jar was a small set of soft tissues that Pincher guessed would come in handy. Taped to the top of the treasure chest was a letter. The letter was written in slender writing that was in French. It read: Dear Jacob, I heard the latest gossip about you turning twelve months and since I had not known jackshit about it, I was not ready to offer any decent gifts for you. I'm not the best at writing but I hope you know that you mean more than the world to me. You mean the skies, the sea, and everything else in this universe. I am just so glad that out of billions of creatures in this world to meet, I got to meet you. And know you. And be able to hear your laugh and see your smile. I hope this makes you smile. With love, Deniz. P.S., there's some tissues in the chest if you do cry. Just don't cry too much or you'll get a headache.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: PUPPY LOVE — OPEN / GIFT - jacob w.c. - 05-19-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wasn't sure what to think of Pincher after all that'd happened between them. He cared greatly for the other man but he was also afraid. Not of Pincher but of what his Babbo would think, what Jersey would say, what everyone would think when they both led rather different groups. Jacob had never wanted this position and his feelings for Pincher had begun long before he became leader. It'd all started that week the pirate captain had taken care of him. No one but his Ma had ever done anything like that for him and he wasn't sure why Deniz thought he was worth the trouble but he wasn't going to ignore such actions. He'd even gone as far as to punish the woman who'd captured and tortured him. Besides that, being around him just made Jacob happy. He always looked forward to seeing him and he liked hearing what he thought about the different rubber ducks Jacob collected for him. It wasn't much but he enjoyed it. Every time he passed the border, he found himself hoping to catch the scent of salt water and cigarette smoke.

Today he did. He caught the smell of the ocean first and darted towards the border as quickly as he could, hoping to catch a glimpse of the doberman. However, as he came closer, he felt his excitement fall when he realized he'd only just left. The scent was fresh enough that he recognized it but stale enough that he knew it was far too late to try and catch up with the pirate. He then turned his attention to the items that'd been left, assuming they were gifts for the clan. As he came closer, he noticed the letter attached to them and picked it up. It'd been quite some time since he'd ready any French but his Ma had taught him well. His eyes scanned the words in excitement as he settled down, his tail thumping softly against the ground and his eyes widening as he realized it was all for him. He already felt tears starting to gather in his eyes and he opened the chest. The sooner he got to those tissues, the better. Still, he neatly folded the letter and tucked it in his bag. That was something only for him to see. He didn't think anyone else here would be able to read it but he'd rather be safe than sorry. Maybe he'd even write one in response. He wasn't sure yet. He wasn't sure how the man had found out about his birthday but he wasn't going to complain.

Jacob pulled out the little bracelet, his eyes widening and he quickly set down his other possessions to slip it on his front right paw, a light smile on his maw as he did so. Tears pricked his eyes and he knew he had to keep moving. He then saw the wind chime filled with cranes, smiling as he noticed all the brilliant colors. He knew he'd have to find somewhere to set it up where it'd actually be in the light but he was up for the task. Even with living in a cave, he'd make sure to figure something out. Then there was the fruit all dipped in honey and he found himself glad to have some kind of healthy snack, otherwise he'd just resort to pasta and ice cream on a daily basis. Then he noticed another package, this one much smaller than the others. He made his way over and hesitated when he noticed it was moving all around. Slowly, he came closer and moved the fabric away. Immediately, a tiny creature popped out and climbed up his leg and to his back. "Woah!" The sugar glider then moved in front of him and a wide smile came across his maw as he bent down. "Hi there! Wha' ya' think your name is, huh? What'd ya' think ah' 'Rosie'?" The little sugar glider seemed to like that, clambering over his leg and up to ride on his back again. He felt tears pricking his eyes. He could hardly believe anyone thought he was worth this amount of effort, let alone Pincher. Still, even as tears gathered in his eyes, he picked up the rope attached to the chest and began to pull it back. With his legs as they were, it'd take quite some time since he was by himself but he was sure he could manage it. Even as he walked, his mind spun with ways to thank Deniz and what he'd say next time they saw each other. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP