Beasts of Beyond
YOURS ARE THE SWEETEST EYES ◇ gathering herbs - Printable Version

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YOURS ARE THE SWEETEST EYES ◇ gathering herbs - WINTERHYMNS P. - 02-08-2021

Winterhymns had been keeping to himself as of late, he was a busy man after all though he was preoccupied with other duties than tending to his garden near his home. No, he had other things going on and the thought of it made him feel his face growing hot though a shy smile appeared on his maw. Eventually, his thoughts drifted away for a moment before he stepped out of his home with both of his ears twitching lightly. He sighed quietly under his breath only to realize that there was some flowers near the Twisted forest, Winnie feeling rather nervous about approaching it after hearing Magnum mentioning it when they had been alone together about a month or so ago. Surely, it wasn't as bad as the other made it to be, right? Yet the feeling of unease still made his fur prickle slightly, Win picking up the flowers at the outskirts of the forest until he realized the silhouette of something in the distance. Win glanced to the sides unsure if anyone was around to go with him, he shouldn't risk going into the forest in his current condition though he figured that he would repay his new group for their hospitality. Taking a deep breath, Win took a few steps forward letting out a soft hiss when thorns pricked and clawed lightly at his legs.

"What a horrid place..." He mumbled under his breath but his observation was interrupted when his eyes caught sight of some marigold and other plants used for medicinal purposes. Win glanced over his shoulder to see the beach behind him, he shouldn't go so far. Magnum would grow worried... "Maybe just these herbs and then I'll head back..." The small feline comprised to himself as he took some steps forward unable to shake the feeling of being watched. You're overthinking things again, Winnie. He thought with a shake of his cranium as he began to pick up the marigold, he heard something behind him shift and he turned around feeling the fur on his spine begin to rise. "H-hello?" Win mews timidly hoping that it wasn't any of his clanmates trying to startle him and even after he had spoke... There was just silence. Eventually, he picked a decent amount of herbs realizing that a home stood within Twisted forest.

It made him curious of who possibly lived there, Win curled his tail around his belly wondering if he should tread any further than what he had originally intended. A soft huff left him, the Pendragon slowly making his way towards the home only to slip into a hole in the wall. He winced at the sight of several cobwebs but he would need those so with a motion of his tail, he gathered some cobwebs until he placed them within his satchel that he had brought along for the trip. "Maybe I'll find some more within spots of sunlight or the dark spaces..." Win sighed quietly with tail flicking to the sides lightly, he picked away at herbs and a few weeds while he was there. Unaware of the dangers within Twisted forest but the sudden loud snort and gust of hot, carrion smelling breath hit him on the back. Immediately whipping around, he was faced with the giant snout of some creature and it bared its teeth at him beginning to snarl loudly. Whatever that thing was it began to slip a claw into the crack as if trying to grab the small feline, Win staying within the corner of the home feeling his heart racing within his chest.

Before he could react, the beast broke through the wall reaching out for Win managing to get its claws on Winter's leg and sunk said claws into his flesh causing a hiss of pain to leave the Pendragon. Win already getting out his dagger slashing at the unknown beasts paw, it let out a snarl. Now, it was angry. Win bleeding from the wounds managed to slip through the house only to make a run for the opening that lead to the beach. The sound of heavy steps behind him and growls leaving that damn thing, he was much too afraid to actually glance behind his shoulder to see what was chasing him to begin with. Getting scratched up by the thorns at the opening, Win tripped onto the beach letting out a soft squeak though his eyes turned to try and see what the monster was. Dark scales, jagged teeth, and lots of scales. It almost looked as if they were going to snatch him up but just as he closed his eyes preparing for the attack... Nothing happened.

The expecting feline laid there with a shocked expression "What the bloody damn was that?" He hissed under his breath though he stopped trying to decipher the creature realizing that he was bleeding. He shakily grabbed at the marigold and cobwebs he had gathered, he might as well patch himself up. His movements were shaky but he managed to complete his task of bandaging himself, a hitched breath leaving him. He had been fortunate... Or rather they had been fortunate. A tail curling protectively over his belly, he winced at the pain that pulsated through his leg.