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WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - Printable Version

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WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - tristitia - 05-17-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Now she knew she had family in these parts. And, she would never go away from her family. They meant too much to them. However, she also knew what kind of a person Valemon was. He was kind, outgoing, a bit childish. He would never fit in with her group. And, truth be told, she didn't fit in to her own group. It was only that after she saw what Tanglewood was, she left. And, she figured the Typhoon would put her heart to rest the most. So, she stayed.

But, upon hearing that Val was here, yes here. In these cold mountains, where lions would not be found naturally. However, if Valemon called this place home, she would call it a second home.

The muddy-colored lion trekked to the border, her breath turning into cold crystals as she waited. She shifted awkwardly,the cold starting to seep in her bones and bite at her paw pads. How did her brother ever manage to live in such a land? With chattering teeth, Sekai attempted to say, “H-h-hello g-g-uys, Se-Sekai Skywalker h-here... From the Typhoon. C-can... I have a d-dual alliance? And c-can someone call Valemon... or V-Val? He's my b-brother.”

The reason for calling Val? She had a gft for him. Using her own weekly task, she decided to write a letter to him. She had stuck the parchment in a glass bottle, a letter written in dark blue ink. In the bottle was also gifts, such as a silver and blue anklet, and a small, stuffed lion. The bottle was decorated with gold and blue swirls, and it had a shimmering icy blue ribbon, with a tag that said: "To: Valemon. From: Sekai." The lion gently let the bottle go into the snow, as carrying it all the way up was a rather large task.


//anyone can reply before him!
© madi

Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-17-2018

Killua had a distinct dislike for the Typhoon except for one animal that lived there by the name of Argus. He at least thought that she was okay, but Killua didn't like the rest because they reminded him too much of the mentality of those that would kill without a second though. It reminded him of what he didn't want to end up turning out to be in his life, as he had dropped the assassin title from the rest of his family and wasn't about to start taking on any jobs anytime soon either. The ivory hued wildcat didn't like the Typhoon because they didn't pay for the crimes that they had comitted against Snowbound, and they were left off far to easy to his liking. Except, Killua was more of the violent sort that did live in Snowbound, meaning that he would rather resort to that rather than talking like one would think. Although his train of thought is slowly being changed over time, something he isn't sure he should be afraid about or just be fine with it. The young male didn't like the Typhoon, and until they made up for the terrible things that they had done he wasn't going to trust any of them no matter who othey are. After all, they could train someone at a young age like he had gone through and basically make a soldier like he had been at the age of three. Snowbound had been too quick to accept the idea of an alliance, instead of accepting the idea of an alliance with a group that was ultimately similar to them. Killua didn't approve, but it wasn't like anything he could do about it. If Jacob got betrayed by the Typhoon that was on him and he would simply tell him that he told him so. He knew that with their different views they would ultimately break apart from one another, something that he had seen plenty of times before as it would cause conflict with other clans as well. If any Typhoon member tried to do anything while he was in Snowbound, he would make sure that they wouldn't be capable of walking back to their home. Killing them? Less likely as he was trying to go on a clean streak for a while. He wasn't in a good mood. The ivory hued serval definitely wasn't in a good mood. He had a scowl that was spread across his facial features as he was walking around in the snow. His air elementals making git impossible to catch his scent and making it almost impossible to hear the movements that he made as his air elementals made sure to cushion and muffle any sound that he made. He had an irritated look on his face, and there was one reason for why he was a little bit upset. Someone wouldn't leave him alone no matter how much he would tell the other to stop following him. The creature wasn't capable of speech, and that meant he shouldn't expect to get an answer from them either. He wanted to tear his own fur out of his head. His metal claws flexing into the ground as the bandages around his neck and his right arm shifting slightly.

The Snowstriker just wanted to be left alone and because of his family he wasn't getting any sort of reprieve. The albino serval's ears did pick up a voice that he did not recognize. The stench of Typhoon immediately made his mood even worse. It wasn't a scent that he recognized from the Typhoon so it wasn't Argus either. The assassin wanted nothing to do with the group, but it seemed like he was the only one capable of responding right about now. His sapphire blue eyes didn't express any happy emotion as he approached in the direction that Sekai was looking through. He was immediately able to see that she was a lion, and a lion had just joined the clan, a lion named Val. He had seen the other and wondered if they were related form one another. There were only two other lions in the clan, and they looked nothing like each other. Killua wasn't the only one walking toward her, as behind him an 11ft tall Hellhound towered over the albino serval. Having shaggy fur and a muzzle like that of a fox. The massive claws it adorned was definitely intimidating, and it was a family guard dog that was following him around. The massive beast following him was the reason that Killua was such in a bad mood. The beast not capable of speech and its dark eyes resembling that of almost a machine that wasn't capable of feeling. The Hellhound was large enough that steps it took knocked snow from the nearby trees and would shake the ground slightly. Why couldn't the thing just leave him alone? His family was certainly a nuisance. The Snowstriker came to a stop in front of the young lion, who was still bigger than him, the Hellhound coming to a stop directly behind him. Dual alliance? Great. The last thing he wanted. He didn't need Typhoon knowing everything about Snowbound. He clenched his jaw as he knew he would probably be capable of accepting this, but he didn't really want to. Then the other was requesting Val. So they did know each other. The other was only a little bit older than him, and because of that, the assassin was going to try his best not to be rude to her, especially since she was obviously nervous about being here. Why was she in the Typhoon then? It didn't seem like she belongs in a place like that, well, the same could be said about himself as well. "You'll have to wait for Jacob to probably get here. I doubt he even knows what they are." Killua says casually as he shrugs his shoulders, his metal claws still unsheathed as he forgot to sheathe them after his bad mood. Killua didn't sound like he was being rude, there were some in this place that didn't know what a dual alliance was but he did. "Considering how he drools over the place you'll probably be accepted but still." Killua would state with a huff, his mentality of what he thought of the Typhoon probably exposed. The other was here for her brother though, and he wasn't going to deny her access to that. Despite he would never go looking for his own brothers. Ever. "Val actually just joined. He should be around here somewhere." Killua stated calmly this time, as a neutral look was spread across his facial features. He didn't seem at all concerned by the hovering beast behind him.

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - valemon - 05-18-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val hadn’t been here very long and already things were looking up. He’d discovered that his sister was living in another Clan, and although it would be great to live with her again, he enjoyed this place. The individuals he had met had been nothing but kind. And, though he wasn’t fond of the cold, he found that he could live with it, especially when provided with the hot chocolate found in excess around here. His father had told him not to indulge in sweets, seeing as his body was adapted for meat, but Valemon had always had a thing for marshmallows.

As it always was when Valemon found himself some place new, he had chosen to explore. He would probably be back to the warmth of a cabin before long because his nose was beginning to feel frozen. However, the air around him seemed to warm as he heard Sekai and was immediately injected with new excitement.

Bounding through the snow towards the source, the cub found who he was looking for, along with two others, one familiar. The serval - Kill-something - was the one he recognized. The silent hellhound, he did not. But, they might’ve both been invisible because Val rushed by them to his sister’s side without acknowledgement. With his teeth, he grabbed the end of his cape and aimed to toss part of it over his sister as he pressed up against her side. The white fabric was slightly wet from the snow it was dragged in, but it was the thought that counted, right?

“Sekai stay?” He asked, having managed to catch Killua’s second statement. If so, that would be great! Sure, it was colder than the winter’s back home, but they would have so much fun! They could have a cabin together, and play in the snow, read books, share marshmallows... just thinking about it brought a wide grin to his face.
© madi

Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - Luciferr - 05-19-2018

Hymn of Ruin
as always when concerning family members - adopted relations via strange reincarnation into a child and being adopted by a pine marten counted - the large dragon was never far behind shadowing them like the overgrown worried motherhen he was.

of course then the voice turned out to be familiar indeed and Lucifer was momentarily taken aback - so soon in as many days it seemed he'd gained back more family he'd thought he'd never see again and fro the Typhoon? well mayhaps if he'd stayed their longer he'd have run into Sekai joining them huh.

a sedate pace brought him up alongside Killua - plus hellhound - while the two siblings had their joyous reunion and his half scarred face pulled into a slight smile as he nodded to the serval in greeting before speaking up "Been awhile Sekai, good to see you in good health"


Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - tristitia - 05-20-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Her actual, physical sensation of coldness seemed to go away when Killua stepped on the scene. He seemed so arrogant. What a little-- No. Now was not the time to scratch someone's eye out, because they were being a little brat. Her fur felt hot as he remarked sarcastically about the group. Her gaze traveled to the silent hellhound, before focusing again on the white serval. Having no witty comebacks, she settled for, “Thanks, I suppose. I'm assuming we'll just have to avoid each other if I do get in.” The child let out a huff, her tail lashing as her sapphire gaze locked onto Killua.

Then came Valemon. Her treasure, her dearest brother. Her eyes lit up, and she was injected with the same excitement Val was. Her paws gently tapped the ground as she attempted to find something to say. That was, of course, until the lion put part of the cloak over her. Her eyes held a soft sadness. This was their father's cape, after all. Despite already being pressed against his side, Sekai had attempted to go closer. Sekai stay, huh? She didn't know yet. Her gaze fell to him. “I don't know yet, we'll see if I'm allowed to. If I am, then yes, I will be staying somewhere... around here.”

Call this somewhat of a family reunion. It was her adoptive... grandnephew? She thought, at least. Sekai didn't know who was on or off of her family tree at this point. Well, she knew, she just didn't have a good grasp on the positions. Still, Sekai offered a bright smile and a dip of her head, a sign of respect. “It is very nice to see you as well. Glad to see you've got teeth and claws.”

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]
© madi

Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - valemon - 05-20-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Oblivious to Sekai’s attitude toward Killua, Val hoped he was right. The cub had yet to meet this Jacob, but would probably be upset if he turned Sekai down. If he didn’t know what a dual alliance was, surely Sekai could explain it. His brow furrowed slightly in confusion as Sekai mentioned avoiding Killua... then he was distracted when she answered his question. So, she would try and stay! Val could hardly wait any longer.

He looked up as Lucifer appeared. Learning that the dragon also lived here had been exciting, and now that Sekai might as well, Valemon was hopeful they may yet find more old friends. What luck had been bestowed upon him that he find both of them? Perhaps it was something more than that.

Being pressed up against his sister to share body heat, he finally noticed what she had carried over. Being so excited to see her, he had almost missed it, but now that they were simply waiting, he gestured to the bottle in the snow with his paw. “Sekai bring stuff t’ stay?” Val assumed it contained some sort of personal belonging she needed. Why she had chosen to carry it in a bottle alluded him, though.
© madi

Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - jacob w.c. - 05-20-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE —//apologies for the late reply, this weekend has been kinda crazy haha

Why was it people always seemed to show up at the border when he was on a walk? Well, he supposed it wasn't so much that they only showed up when he was out walking but simply that they had a lot of visitors and joiners in Snowbound. He didn't mind, of course, he'd always enjoyed the company of others and he was always thankful for an opportunity to give his trembling legs a break. They'd been worse lately and he'd been more careful about how long he went out to walk. He'd been wanting to deliver a letter to Typhoon for quite some time to thank Pincher for the gifts he'd sent but he was worried about going on his own and he was too stubborn to ask anyone else for help. He knew he could probably ask Melantha, she wouldn't mind and she looked after him frequently anyway, but he felt guilty about the whole thing. No one should have to look after him. It was his job to look after everyone else. He knew that wasn't a realistic expectation, especially with all his health conditions, but it didn't stop him from trying. He would just be thankful when Izuku got better and was able to at least takeover one of his positions or when he found a suitable leader. Either way, he knew he couldn't keep up with everything forever. Something would have to give and he'd prefer if it wasn't his own health.

THe husky heard voices nearby and made his way over, his tail wagging lazily behind him as he moved among the group. He thought having a Typhoon member among them sounded like an excellent idea. They'd be able to bond more, they could communicate easier, it sounded perfect. "'S nice ta' meet ya', Sekai. 'M Jacob. 'Course you're welcome ta' stay 'ere. If ya' need anythin', like food or help findin' a cavern ta' call your own, ya' jus' let me know," he greeted happily, settling down and relaxing slightly as his legs were finally allowed a brief rest. He knew he could only stay for a moment and then he'd need to start heading back to camp but he told himself a few more minutes wouldn't matter. "If ya'd like, I can show ya' back ta' camp," he offered. Seeing as he'd be leaving in a few moments anyway, it wouldn't be any trouble to him. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - tristitia - 05-20-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai truly enjoyed sharing warmth with her brother. Though childish and outgoing, she felt safe. Protected. And most of all, so, so happy. They would live together, have so much fun. It felt nice to finally be in his presence. Suddenly, he brought up the bottle. No, no. She let out a dry chuckle. Why would she put stuff in a bottle... if it was her own? No, it was for her gentle older brother. She gently picked it up, and placed it near him. “Not for me, for you! It’s a gift!” Her voice carried barely-containable excitement. She wanted him to open it so, so soon.

Another voice distracted her. It appeared that this husky was the leader. It was confirmed upon her getting the name. She could stay! She could stay with Valemon! Her eyes lit up like the night sky and she let out the lion’s version of a purr. Now, as for the tour? She’d rather be with her brother or Lucifer.  “Thank you for letting me stay here, Mr. Jacob. As for showing me camp, though I appreciate the offer, no thank you. ”

//Mobile Sorry about shortness.
© madi

Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - valemon - 05-21-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
“Fo’ me?” Val echoed, now growing excited as well. He had gifted her a shell strung necklace after she’d been injured badly. And, while he never expected anything in return, gifts were one of his favorite things. He could easily recall waiting at the border for sometimes a whole afternoon, simply waiting for ambassadors toting baskets full of presents to come along.

The cub picked up the bottle and - quite reluctantly - waited for Jacob to finish introducing himself. This would be the first time Val had seen him, as well. But just like everyone else so far, he seemed nice. Now, onto Sekai’s gift!

The container was so pretty, he almost didn’t want to risk ruining it by trying to get at its contents. So, he was careful as he pulled from it first the anklet. “Oh!” he gasped in awe, looking between his sister and the silver and blue trinket. “‘S pretty!” Taking a second to slip the anklet over his paw, he went back to the bottle, removing the stuffed lion next. Valemon hadn’t though it could get any better and he’d loved the anklet... but this was great! He was instantly reminded of his stuffed falcon, dubbed ‘Silly Bird’. It had been through many adventures and Anakin had had to repair it due to the fact Val had carried it everywhere. Unfortunately, he’d misplaced it long ago. This would make a nice replacement. “Thank, Sekai!” he said, aiming to give her a quick hug.

Finally, there was one thing left. He gingerly placed the stuffed lion on top of the snow in front of him, so as to avoid it getting too wet. Valemon had recognized his own name along with Sekai’s on the tag, but realized he wouldn’t be able to read the majority of what the parchment he removed next said. “Will read t’ me?” he asked his sister. It was her writing after all, and he was well aware she knew how to read, even before. Some of his favorite memories with her were listening to her read from the Jedi texts.
© madi

Re: WISH I'D BEEN A TEEN IDLE \\ o, dual alliance + gift for Val - Luciferr - 05-21-2018

Hymn of Ruin
this might be the best day he'd had here so far - I mean snowbound was all fine n dandy most days, but running into two of your adoptive family and finding them now living with you? certainly eased some of the melancholy that had taken him as of late - the dragon snorted at the comment from Sekai but smiled idly with a dip of his head in return "small miracles I didn't end up a child again" he idly mused considering just how he'd shown up on the river border, certainly a relief - and less of a trauma to relieve everything after dying and coming back.

He had yet to gain a place of his own here - mostly due to his size sadly but he could live with that easily enough, the cold never bothered him anyway - but he tapped his claws on the snow briefly in contemplation looking between the two siblings "Vale and I can always take you around the area later if you'd like? who knows, I might find somewhere that fits me" the latter comment meant in a light joking tone - Jacob often felt bad the dragon hadn't gotten a housing area so to speak, though he'd reassured the husky it was quite alright, somewhere would be found in time.
