Beasts of Beyond
Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - Printable Version

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Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - Seven - 02-05-2021


Deer held tightly in jaws as she moved toward the inner part of the territory, halted by voices all to familiar. "Where'd that bitch go? Swore I justa saw her. Can't miss the fucker, all white and red like some god-damned candy cane." "She's definitely here, recognized that bitch's scent a mile away. Donno why she went into some fuckin' swamp, though. Just gotta bag her and bring her to the boss. Can't be that hard, noh?"

Que the crashing of two bodies into her view, large tigers with gloves of leather and metal, leather armor cladded their bodies and hiding weak points. Seven dropped her deer and staggered back. "There's the bitch! Look, ya' father wants you back at home, he don't want you wandering about some fuckin' swamp. Come here and we won't hurt you." A darker tiger snuck forward, masking vicious intent with a call to come home. Home.

Seven snarled. "No. Not home. Here is home." She voiced, taking satisfaction in their frustrated expressions before the satisfaction became a twisted snarl as they were upon her. Claws scored across leather, stealing flesh from their faces, before claws dug into her head, threatening to break her skull with the pressure. No. Not again. It could not happen again.

Jaws parted in a scream, forcing them back as her stinger stabbed one in the back and jaws clamped around the second one's maw, breaking it and sending him yelling. Body straight in stance, eyes focused with a primal anger. [color=#ff7f7f]"Leave. Or die." Direction simple enough and the transgressor turned and fled, leaving her with the body of the other one. Deer was forgotten as she stripped the leather off the body.

Flesh savored for only a moment as she bit and swallowed, maw stained red. Animalistic grunt sounded, another hunk ripped away and swallowed without pause, aware of oncoming footsteps but focused on only the feast before her.

Re: Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - FARAH - 02-06-2021

"SEVEN!" Words spilled like honey with amazement, with admiration she knew would never falter, ever, as Farah trotted over toward the striped beauty. Golden eyes peered joyfully down at the conglomeration of blood and entrails spread in the soil. A deliriously joyed grin inched across her muzzle. "Oh, my fuckity flipped fuck.... Great job babe!" Whether or not that last little piece was intended to be even slightly romanticized, Farah preferred that subject untouched, just for the moment being.

She sat back, tongue curled to brush along her fangs. "How'd ya' manage so effortlessly, eh? I'd been watching for quite some time. Teehee!" She could feel her stomach growing queasy with various sorts of excitement as she spoke.

Re: Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - arrow - 02-07-2021

"but you promised me this is love"   ── "Mother of God, Sev." The ghost's arrival sealed the deal for the unintentional gathering of the strangest sights in the swamp, and that was truly saying something. Arrow hadn't realized there was a violent feast going on, and the grimace on her maw was as genuine as it was gonna get. Quite the opposite of Farah, who was practically about to start doing flips in disturbed excitement. To each their own, but blood and gore was not her source of joy, to put it very lightly.

Leaning over, the spirit blinked with squinted green eyes at the remains, detecting the leather and metal tossed aside despite all the mutilated flesh and bone. Putting 2 and 2 together, it clicked a minute too late that it was probably associated with the conversation of dragging the hybrid home, wherever that would be. Didn't matter now, the survivors were long gone, either out the swamp or about to be some lucky gator's lunch, and this son of a bitch wasn't goin' nowhere, except through Seven's gastrointestinal tract. "Is he tasty, at least?"

Re: Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - Seven - 02-07-2021


Farah and Arrow approaching seemed to have little effect on Sevens efforts; She only slowed her feasting when Arrow asked if the meal was tasty. Lifting a bloodied maw she ran her three-forked tongue across it, coating her maw with saliva. She placed a paw over the body, lifting her head to meet the two. "Mh... Yes." She forced out, very clearly not entirely there. [color=#ff7f7f]"Wanted me home.. but home not there. Home here."

Re: Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - wormwood. - 02-08-2021

Re: Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - Seven - 02-09-2021


seven eyes stared at Aurum, listening before settling on the mangled remains of the other tiger. "They send all they wish - i kill them. All. No mercy." cold and determined the words that left her, knowing she could take on all of them, even the so-called "father" she had.

[color=#ff7f7f]"No injuries. Tried to break skull. Failed, but not bad." She muttered, running a damp paw over the puncture wounds from where claws had been pressed against her head.

Re: Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - arrow - 02-10-2021

"but you promised me this is love"   ── "Home here." Arrow echoed the words that Seven spoke, nodding half heartedly with a more vacant look on her face, staring off into nothing in particular. It had taken a few moments of silence before she uttered the words, as if something had distracted her, or something said had caused a stir deep in her subconscious. Truthfully there was, she felt the phantom pains of a cracked skull as the red and white hybrid ran over the wounds left on the head. the ghost swayed on her paws subtly, before blinking roughly and snapping back to reality. "Hope you don't eat 'em all, gonna be a stomachache waiting to happen." The lopsided grin seemed a little distant, but nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. "Kick them to the gators, see if they act so tough then."

Re: Can't see past the red / Trespassers / past the blood on me. - rhosmari - 02-10-2021

Home was something that she didn't know of at the moment but she would not say anything against how Seven felt. Especially if she was willing to kill and potentially eat those that were trying to take her away. Her eyes roamed over the scene and she drifted close by Arrow, watching the ghostly woman for a small moment, concern growing before she turned her gaze back on the creature that had caused such a mess. The swamp had become a battleground many times as far as she knew and it was going to become one probably many more times. So long as there were animals wishing to continue trying to force their ways then there would always be violence and problems. Her eyes roamed over Seven slowly and she allowed a frown to pull over her muzzle. Truth be told she was also worried that more would come back and she figured that perhaps they should start actually training for invasions and or hold some patrols. She figured it wouldn't be too bad to look after their borders. ''This makes her worry...'' She began mostly to herself as she looked away, though there were some joking words spoken to lighten the mood she knew that enemies were prevalent.