Beasts of Beyond
MY STOMACH FEELING SICKLY ☆ tanglewood visitors - Printable Version

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MY STOMACH FEELING SICKLY ☆ tanglewood visitors - wormwood. - 02-04-2021

Re: MY STOMACH FEELING SICKLY ☆ tanglewood visitors - SirDio - 02-04-2021

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound.
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down.

The darkly colored serval strolled toward the visitors with a wide smile. Hovering in the air was a book and quill, book open and quill moving rapidly in writing. "Hello - good day to you! My name is Eltrous - Ellan, if you wish, and I joined The Typhoon recently. A pleasure to meet you." He closed the book and set it and the quill before him as he bowed. Standing himself straight again, he looked over the two with interest. [color=#ffeb84]"Others are sure to show up - not like I could fill you in on anything."

[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: MY STOMACH FEELING SICKLY ☆ tanglewood visitors - ROXANNE R. - 02-06-2021

Roxanne would've visited her closest ally but with Goldie to worry about, the Iron Forged being shitheads, and eventually making an alliance with the Palm Glades. She had been rather occupied though when the bell rang, the captain couldn't hell but let out a soft groan wondering if it was any more joiners. She was a rather busy woman preferring not to be bothered yet she knew better than heed the call of the bell, a small frown on her maw slowly disappearing as the scent of Tanglewood brushed against her nostrils. It took her a moment to realize that the tigress that was currently standing there was no other than Aurum and it seemed that he had brought someone else, she shrugged lightly to herself before approaching the trio with a small smirk on her maw "Well, if it isn't our swamp folk." Came her smooth voice with tail tip twitching to the sides momentarily. Her mismatched gaze locked onto Aurum for a moment only to turn to Moth briefly, her ears twitching lightly.

"It's pleasant for you to grace us with your presence," There was a pause as the cannibal took a seat curling her tail over her paws, her smirk being dismissed and a shit eating grin now present "Although, I thought you'd only bring a plus one... Not several," Her eyes fixated on Aurum's belly for a brief moment as she continued "I can see you've been busy and thus, neglecting your friendly neighborhood pirates." Her voice joking and teasing though once she felt satisfied did her claws click over against the blade near her leg, her gaze still leather observant "Good to see you again."

Re: MY STOMACH FEELING SICKLY ☆ tanglewood visitors - Simon F.M. - 02-08-2021

「  H U R R Y  U P !  T H E  S U N  I S  G O I N G  D O W N !  」
[Image: diya_small.png]
The polar bear chuckled as the sound of her fiancee's teasing came into earshot. Settling next to the captain, she greeted the visitors with a wave. "Aurum, yes? With everything that's happened, I don't think I've properly introduced myself! I'm Diya, it's good to finally meet you," she introduced, a smile on her maw. She was glad all the fighting was over and they could finally properly meet. Her pale blue eyes glanced to Roxanne, smile softening as she thought of the rose-shaped ring she had hidden away. While Roxanne had beaten her to the punch, her plans were all the same. That thought brought to mind another, one that took into consideration Roxanne's friendship with the Tanglewood leader. "Perhaps, Roxanne, would you like to invite him to our own event that's coming up?" she suggested, referring to the approaching wedding.

Re: MY STOMACH FEELING SICKLY ☆ tanglewood visitors - bubblegum - 02-08-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Funny timing, considering the tigress had just recently discussed in private with Sophiea the idea of visiting Tanglewood with the other. Most of the members she had gotten to know had gone over time, and there was few she could really bring herself to hold many long conversations with after she'd been freed from the bunker. No one could really blame her for that. Not that she would recall the time she'd spent within Tanglewood just two months before. All she'd known was that it'd not been particularly good the last time she'd been there, and it was not their faults, nor her own, but simply the situation, and it was when she'd truly gotten closer to her love now, even if they had to make new memories in its place. Now she has been home, she has been recovering, and she was dealing with a new kind of fear she hadn't considered she'd woken up. In fact, it'd not really been a fear of Goldenluxury before now at all, only an inconvenience. The fear of dying. But, she feels safe with Sophiea, and she thinks, soon she will be strong enough for the journey. She'd like to meet their ally again, like to see what Sophiea's home was like.

When she'd smelled the unfamiliar scent in the air, she would hesitate, but continue shortly after due to the fact that there was a friendly tone in her ears. And so, the female would move over towards the small group, stepping next to Diya and Roxie slowly, head held low, ears perked forward curiously. She'd caught Diya calling the lion Aurum, and would blink towards him. She recognized the name to be one of the people Sophie had mentioned. "Hello," she'd speak up after Diya finished, offering a nod. "M' name's Goldenluxury Roux, or Goldie. I think we've met before? Is' nice t' meet you again."

Re: MY STOMACH FEELING SICKLY ☆ tanglewood visitors - wormwood. - 02-08-2021

Re: MY STOMACH FEELING SICKLY ☆ tanglewood visitors - ROXANNE R. - 02-10-2021

Her gaze shifted slightly when Diya approached, Roxanne offering her fiancee a smile before noticing that Goldie arrived a moment later. Her attention returning to Aurum as she continued to sit there not saying much of a word as the tiger spoke about being busy "Yeah, you'll definitely be out of commission for a bit but needless to say. It's great to see you again too, big buffoon." Her ears twitching for a moment watching the interaction between Diya and Aurum, it made her wonder if she should pay the Pitt a visit though it took her a moment to recall that Keona had gone with baskets of some sort. A soft breath leaving her maw as she sat there in brief silence until she was pulled out of her thought process.

What Aurum said next made her make a face at first not having processed the words at first, when they finally settled in her mind. The exhausted captain would feel her own smirk returning as she said with a light snort of amusement "Me trying to hide something special from someone as nosy as you, Aurum? You have me mixed up for the wrong captain." There was a pause as she continued learning into Diya "But if you must know, I'm marrying this beautiful fluffball and she is going to be my beloved wife soon." Truly, she was happy about the thought of marrying Diya. She loved her so much. She fell silent watching Aurum speak to Goldje, it still felt bad that Goldenluxury did not remember but she was still the same sweet girl that Roxanne saw when she had first came to the Typhoon. That was her daughter and Goldie made her proud.