Beasts of Beyond
Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - Printable Version

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Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - Seven - 02-04-2021


Moving. Pursuit. Stench of blood and ash, maniacal laughter chased her closer to the swamp. White fur and red stripes blended into unity and her gasps echoed. Ugly teeth nashed and she turned on her bony heels, jaws parted to roar at the three assaulters. Instead of a roar, a scream, a shriek, echoed from her, high-pitched. The wolves yelped and snarled, speaking in tongue she couldn't understand, they were too fast.

A brindled wolf lunged at her, only to be met with a scorpion stinger in their jaw. They gargled and fell limp as she tossed them away. The tiger stared down the other wolves and they rushed her, too quick to stop, and they bit down around her neck, tearing at flesh that stained white fur red. She screamed again to disorient them, biting one's skull and breaking it with little issue. The remaining wolf backed away, pleading, crying, silenced by her jaws. Releasing the body she looked into the surroundings. "Mhhh... Mmmhhhh..." She moaned in pain, air hissing from her jaws.

Re: Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - FARAH - 02-04-2021

Farah's laughs might be taken for one's deranged cries, shrill as claws against a chalkboard, but, well.... Heh, whatever. It didn't matter. Not in this moment. In this moment the only thing that mattered was shutting up those exasperating roars.

Her cackles sounded as though they were being mimicked from afar now. They sounded pained, whoever held the eerie voice. And then there were those damned stupid howls. And those damned stupid whines. Good bloody lord, what was going on over there? She had only came out for a brief stroll... Though it seemed there were other situations to take into account.

"HAHA! You good there, bud?" Farah watched as the tiger was ripped comically up by a few overgrown dogs. "Let me know if you think you'll need any help. I'm not going nowhere."

Re: Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - trojan g. - 02-04-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The smell of blood, the sound of whining, all on the border. It was becoming something so common in the reaper's life, yet every time those happened she couldn't help but have a spike of anxiety run through her chest. Anxiety flared into anger, however, when she saw the scene at the border. Three dead wolves, and a tiger bleeding out, while a newer member of the group simply laughed and watched. "Leave. She would growl out towards Farah, ears pinning to her head in anger as she made her way to Seven, picking out herbs and large leaves quickly from her bag before attempting to place the leaves down on Seven's neck. She needed to stop the bleeding before she bled out, Moth was unconcerned with the other wounds that the tiger could have at the moment, this one was the biggest and needed her help the most. "Either leave and get help from camp, or get the fuck out of Tanglewood. Stop acting like a piece of shit Coalition member." If Farah wasn't going to help someone at the border, she didn't belong in Tanglewood. She didn't belong in the home that had worked so hard to pick themselves back up from being thrown down from the Coalition.

Head turned back to Seven, back to her patient, and Moth would let her voice get level once more, she'd let herself calm down before speaking once more. "It'll be okay, I've got you." Calming tone, make sure not to let the patient's heart rate get up, don't let her lose more blood than was already lost. "My name's Moth, you're in Tanglewood, you're safe now."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - rhosmari - 02-04-2021

Hearing screeching, shrieking and the breaking of bones and tearing of flesh set the Shadow Regent on edge. She was cautious when she came upon the scene to see three wolves dead and one creature still alive. She heard Moth's command and she turned to look at Farah whom had not decided to help the other. Then lioness weighed the options that they had. She didn't trust the injured tiger. They didn't know why the three canines had been chasing her. Were they good or bad? Had the scorpion tailed creature done something to cause their ire to be focused on her? There was so many options and pathways. They could be helping someone in need or someone who could potentially turn on them. Flicking her tail she decided to speak to Farah then. "She should go bring Aurum." Even though it was bitter she knew that they would need his judgement here. Her own words were bland as she focused on the stranger who had a gruesome beginning on their lands.

"Does this one have a name? She may call me Elsweyr. What happened to her?" The question that needed to be answered. Why were the wolves suddenly racing to attack one creature and cause harm only for all three of their lives to be taken. Murder was not something to be overlooked and so she waited to see what the answer was. Just a few words could make a difference.

Re: Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - Seven - 02-04-2021


Seven eyes focused on Farah, a hoarse growl leaving her throat. Slowly the beast started for the cougar before the sound of another stopped her. Seven turned her gaze to Moth, snarling as the jaguar approached. Harm. Anyone approaching meant harm and the tiger retreated for a moment before the leaves made contact with her exposed wound. She forced away a scream and just moved back even further, stinger poised to strike. Slowly, though, the mutant tiger quieted down, relaxed somewhat, and simply watched Moth with wide eyes. Safe.

The tigress couldn't retreat or run now - was there truly safety within.. within.. "Tangle... wood..?" Before she could speak anymore a lioness appeared. Seven stared at Elsweyr with suspicious eyes. Name.. Why? Seven shook her head. Names.. [color=#ff7f7f]"Suh... Subject Seven..." Voice barely above a whisper for her strained vocal chords. [color=#ff7f7f]"Mean.. Mean wolves.. Chased for fun.. for the chase.." Her head pounded and she lifted her lips in a sharp, pained snarl.

Re: Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - FARAH - 02-04-2021

Farah tutted her tongue. "I'd been planning to help in just a second, anyway," she murmured, before realizing a near second later the fatality of the situation at hand. A frown, one of stupefaction and mortification, pulled at her lips. A soft"Ah," was inhaled by the cougar. "You know what, my apologies. Seem pretty oblivious, now don't I..." The whiskers twitched thoughtfully as she studied the details of the scene. "'Zit bad? Let me  know how I can help.. Cobweb, maybe? Hmm." Her head craned for her to peer up the branches of the nearby trees.

Her eyes then landed, though, on Elsweyr, as the lioness neared. "Uh-huh. Aurum, right. Yep. Will do." Tail flicking she whisked around, pacing her way into a trot in the direction of camp. "Stay alive for me back there, will ya' bud? Thank youuu. Op and I-" She picked up the place veeringly upon hearing the tiger's attempt at approaching her. "Yep, Tanglewood, correct! Now I'll be right back." She rounded a corner, figure graying away into a copse of trees.

Re: Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - wormwood. - 02-04-2021

Re: Smelling of ice and coal / Chased; joining - Seven - 02-04-2021


Focus moved to the golden tiger as he approached, eyes narrowing in suspicion. At this point, everyone but Moth was considered suspicious until proven otherwise. Because of this assumed fact the tigress didn't move, only watched everyone from her position. A chance at safety seemed too true for the mutant. 

"Safe.. Safety..?" She whispered, voice airy. She had to know if she was truly going to be safe.