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CAUSE I'M NO GOOD FOR YOU // small breakdown - Printable Version

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CAUSE I'M NO GOOD FOR YOU // small breakdown - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 02-03-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
//This happens shortly after the events of this thread!
TW for this thread though: talks about abuse

Almost as soon as her mother took off running, Vayne whipped around and ran in the opposite direction. Her mind was whirling after that encounter, tears streaking down her face as she ran. While in the moment, she had felt this surge of confidence in that brief confrontation with Aphra, as soon as her mother took off, that confidence broke down and was replaced with worry and anxiety - would she come back in the night and take her away again? What if Aphra came and killed her as a punishment? Maybe she should just turn back around and try to follow after Aphra's scent -

Vayne let out a squeak as she tripped over a rock, having been completely unaware of her surroundings as her thoughts (and the tears) blinded her. She tumbled just a few spaces, sand getting all over her fur but at the moment, the Cipher spawn didn't care. She wailed, wrapping her thick-furred tail tightly around her in an attempt to both silence her and to try and calm herself down. Aphra... terrified her. What her mother could do as a punishment scared her, and while Vayne knew her crewmates were here to protect her for now, the she-cat couldn't help but feel as if Aphra was already planning something. She should have felt relief in not having to be around Aphra's abuse anymore, but the thought of that in of itself was causing Vayne to worry.

The biggest worry Vayne had was Aphra catching her off-guard and taking her away from The Typhoon. If that happened, what would she do? Would she berate and belittle Vayne, or do... something worse? Would she take it out on her littermates, if they ever came around again? Vayne was half-expecting someone to yell at her for what she did, even though everyone who had been there appeared to be on her side. She was too afraid to move away from her crash spot, too shaken up to even realize that she had scrapped up her paw slightly. All she wanted to do right now was just... stay curled up and cry.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: CAUSE I'M NO GOOD FOR YOU // small breakdown - salem - 02-04-2021

Unaware of the day's earlier transactions, the small wildcat froze at the sound of a wail -- alarm and concerned.  Salem moved quickly, vine-wrapped paws swiftly chasing after the sound.  Dark-hued eyes soon softened, confused and worrisome as he stumbled upon Vayne.

"Vayne?" He kept his voice gentle and soft; reluctant to startle or frighten her any further.  She must've fallen -- although he doubted the tears were truly from tripping alone.  Hesitantly, the wildcat took a step forward, intending to be slow about entering her space any further.  "What's happened? Do you need help up?"
I'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat   salem / faemor / crewmate

Re: CAUSE I'M NO GOOD FOR YOU // small breakdown - roan ; - 02-05-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

The entire incident with Aphra had been... tense, for Roan, to say the very least. Immediately upon seeing the other's snow white pelt he had felt a feeling of rage hit him, that anger driving him forward as he dug his claws into her skin. He didn't feel any regret over his direct actions towards her – he believed she wholeheartedly deserved it – but he did feel bad that Vayne had seen it. While he didn't understand how she could still feel any compassion for her mother following the other's abuse, he didn't want to make her upset. She was just a kid, and as much as the soothsayer struggled with being close to anyone these days – with the main exception being Paintbrush – he considered Vayne to be a friend. Or at least someone that he cared for, even if the young girl came to see him as nothing but a vindictive creature for his actions towards Aphra. Perhaps she would understand his actions more when she was older, and could truly see the extent of what her mother had done. Or maybe, she would just never figure it out, and she'd end up following her mother's footsteps in thinking that The Typhoon was the villain. He sincerely hoped that things would turn out as the former, since Vayne deserved to break the curse that was the Cipher name.

After the incident with Aphra, Roan had headed off back towards the temple, intending to wash the other's blood from his claws and then getting some work done. However, he was only about halfway to his destination when he heard rapid pawsteps in the distance, followed by a pained squeak – and tumble. Immediately the medic's ears perked, his body turning and quickly moving off in the direction of the sound, jaws parted just in case he needed to scent any blood. Thankfully, if there was any scent of blood in the air, it was relatively muted, telling him that the injuries were relatively minor. It wasn't a big surprise when he came upon Vayne curled in on herself, no doubt reeling from the whole experience with her mom. A soft sigh left Roan as he approached, slipping his satchel off of his body as he spoke soon after Salem, "Hey, Vayne... you look a little banged up. You want me to take a look at your paw?" He jerked his chin in the direction of her injured paw, knowing it wouldn't take long to patch up. He didn't mention Aphra or the whole incident directly, not wanting to upset Vayne any more than she already was.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: CAUSE I'M NO GOOD FOR YOU // small breakdown - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 02-09-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne should have been comforted by the fact that there was someone here who didn't have to see the scene with her mother, but Salem's question only ended up hurting the young Cipher more. Not that Salem intended too, of course, but the fact that she would have to explain what happened hurt, because she was afraid of admitting what just happened. It was a heat of the moment thing and while Vayne truly did love it here in The Typhoon, the fear of her mother was just overpowering.

"I just wanna stay here..." Vayne mumbled her response to Salem whenever Roan came up and Vayne tensed up at the sound of his voice. He didn't mention what happened, thankfully, and she sniffed and raised her head from her cradled position. "... Yeah." She whispered as a reply to Roan's question, sniffing as she extended her scrapped paw towards him. Her gaze flickered to Salem, noticing how worried he looked. "'M sorry." She squeaked, afraid her response had seemed harsh or upset him.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]