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be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - Printable Version

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be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - Alexandre - 02-01-2021

// after this thread + feel free to take free shots at him! wait for [member=16709]SOJOURN[/member] to post though please!

The subtle fog of the frozen icicles floated through the cave's entrance. Such a cave entrapped the pirate's precious child, captured by the maddened lioness herself. Alexandre shivered in the rocky depths. Not only because of the environment was freezing, but out of fear for the destined future. The warmth of his curled up body was keeping him alive, but how long would he last in this god-forsaken hole? With his broken leg cradled between his stomach, the boy let out a ragged sigh. Frozen tears lined his cheeks. He was hopeless.

Alexandre shuffled out of his curled position at the sound of pawsteps and the shaking of the icicles before him. The reflection off the ice signified a visitor, but who? The feline moved towards the back of the cave, pressing himself against the cold wall and attempting to hide in the shadows. Orange hues awaited them fearfully. Their appearance, whoever lied behind the makeshift cell bars, would either bring him hell or heaven.

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - rhosmari - 02-01-2021

To her the cold of their boreal forest was a friend. A creature she could feel living and breathing through the pads of her paws. She inhaled and she felt that the snow and ice shifted just slightly. She could and would snuff out anything that threatened her home for this was her domain. She was the queen here, the master of this element that plagued this place year round. And truthfully she relished in that sort of control. That power. Her eyes flicked around the snow laden ground as she walked her way to the cave. She held with her jaws a limp body, one of a passing by domestic cat to be exact. A poor fellow who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Congealed blood hung off the tattered and claw stricken corpse as she entered the cave. It took her a few strides more to make it to the prison of sharp icicles that marked where her little capture was held. "Surely you are hungry." She began after she placed the body on the ground.

Raising a paw she slowly lowered it and one of the icicles keeping the young feline incarcerated melted down into a puddle of water. "I brought you something to eat." The flesh of another cat, how morbid. But to her it was one of the most succulent meals she could have. Slowly her claws moved and dug into the corpse. Cutting the flesh and tearing off bits as blackened red blood oozes sluggishly out. Her eyes flicked up to the kid and she smirked slowly as she moved toward the other with a chunk of meat hanging from her paw. "Say ah." If he didn't then she guessed she would have to do things the hard way.

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - Alexandre - 02-01-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
The large silhouette came to light soon enough. Sure enough, it was the strange lion herself and Alexandre recoiled into the shadows further. His eyes focused on the sight of the corpse dangling from her jaws, taunting him from afar. A feline too. He couldn’t help but fear that was his own fate as she grew closer and lowered the icicle nearby. Water seeped onto the floor with ease, grazing the foreigner’s own paw pads as it did so. He swallowed. Alexandre shook in his place and his stomach turned. Pointed claws scratched at the stone beneath him, trying to avoid the urge to shoot through the new hole she had made, but he held himself. The kitten would only make his punishment worse.

The squelch of flesh being torn open and bones cracking among them echoed within the small cave, causing the sensitive pirate to press his ears into his skull. His weary gaze turned away. Alexandre couldn’t bare the sight, even after seeing Corrupttimelines’ unintentional kill. Any sight of flesh and bone made him feel queasy, making this situation no different from the last... except that he couldn’t run. Alexandre’s trembles reached their peak as Sojourn finished, her paw beckoning for him to come closer. The flesh that hung there called his name, begging to spare any further punishment, yet he pulled away and whipped his head around to the back of the cave.

A soft whisper reverberated from the back of the cell quietly. “I...” He paused. “I c-can’t eat that.” His heart thumped violently, anxiety signaling his fear. While his denial was brave, it could come with a consequence and Alexandre wasn’t looking forward to it. At least sweet release would come soon...

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - Byriath - 02-02-2021

Only thing they fear is YOU -

Another shadow seemed to arrive, large and bulky, a black mass. A stench of smoke and blood carried with it. A low voice like rolling boulders echoed out, "Pitiful. If you don't eat, she'll just take it from you. Make you suffer." He was toneless, cruel. Thunder rolled as a laugh.

"Who might this small fry be?"

[align=center]"Speech" 'Thought'

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - rhosmari - 02-02-2021

''You can't. Or perhaps you just won't, hmm. The woman spoke the words casually as she held the piece of bloodied meat in her grasp. She was humored by the youth and she could smell his fear. This must be his first time being the one that was stepped on. The Coalition lived on and they would understand that they had done nothing to stop them. Just because they....killed him didn't mean that they were scattered or broken. She was not broken. She was not the one that just took out the trash when summoned. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she flicked her tail across the air, pulling on rounded ear back as she heard someone else approach. Her eyes though didn't leave the kid as he spoke and she couldn't help the snort that left her throat. This was not about starving him and making him sit in a cell till he rotted, although it was an idea, no. She was going to force him to consume the flesh of his own. ''Just a little bastard spat out by some Typhoon wench.'' She spoke the words uncaringly, it was no mistaking that COTC and the Typhoon were not friends and would most like remain the most heinous enemies and it would continue with this kid.

Moving forward then she aimed to suddenly grab the kid by the back of his head, twisting him around to look up at her. Gleaming eyes watched him almost solemnly before she moved to try and grab his jaws, pull them wide open before then she would force the flesh down his throat, coating his tongue with the blood of the fallen cat. From there she would then attempt to force his mouth closed, holding it tightly so he couldn't spit anything out and would be forced to swallow. ''Be a good kid and chew your food. Eat all of it and I'll maybe be lenient with you. After all I bet they are working hard in trying to come and rescue you. So good behavior would be great unless you want to go back to them in pieces, or as vomit from my stomach.'' She wouldn't have any issues with eating the young feline if he decided to become more of a problem.

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - Alexandre - 02-02-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
A distasteful glance of his orange gaze shifted towards the newcomer. Alexandre's throat mustered up a subtle snicker at his words, bravely expressing his repugnance. With a toothy sneer, the kitten snapped back. "Take it away then," he hissed. Little did Bryiath know, that disgusting flesh being taken away from him was exactly what he desired. The sickness that overwhelmed him would only reject it anyways. At least he presumed so. He wouldn't share his thoughts though, as it would give that thing an advantage. With a snort, a lash of his tail signaled he was done with the wanderer, already dismissing his false threat.

His alabaster head craned as Sojourn began to speak and his pupils narrowed, attempting to dauntingly lock with her own, only to look away moments later. He would remember that face. A growl began to rumble within his throat, but he was promptly muzzled. Claws yanked him backwards. His head involuntarily whipped around to face her with a fearful gaze. Alexandre struggled within her grip. There was no escape. Unable to fight back, her paw plunged between his teeth. Jaws parted as she pushed down forcefully, only to slide the bloody flesh in promptly after. Crimson liquids coated his tongue and the remains of the feline lined his teeth, disgust wracking at his brain. The feeling of warmth traveled throughout his body and Alexandre began to regurgitate instinctively, but an alluring force told him to swallow.

So he did.

The coated flesh slid down his throat. The boy flailed in her grip, only to settle moments later as the impending threat faded. A tender fondness for the warmth of what he consumed flushed out his other thoughts, only to widely stare up at the feline holding his jaws shut. A kindling fire in his chest arose. Consequentially, Alexandre pulled away from her grip. With a growl, he furiously attempted to lurch back and snap at her paw with sharp teeth latching on, only to aim to drag down and rip her flesh open.

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - Byriath - 02-02-2021

Only thing they fear is YOU -

The beast lifted his mask a bit, revealing scarred lips that lifted to reveal sharp, bloodied teeth. "I find it that mortals do not wish to suffer. Often they will avoid it at all costs." He grinned before lowering his mask. The boy did not fool him.

Typhoon, eh? "I took a prize from there." He doubted Alexander knew Xhocoatl, but the idea that another idiot had been taken from the tropical land hopefully helped irk the boy. If not, oh, well. His focus turned on Sojourn, watching her force-feed the boy sent a shiver of laughter down his body.

He simply watched the scene before him, grin falling and his mask falling to cover his face once more.

[align=center]"Speech" 'Thought'

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - rhosmari - 02-07-2021

The moment that little teeth sank into her paw and tore her flesh she allowed a hiss to leave her throat. One of pain but of something else. Joy? Something in between? She was alive and she felt it but she also knew that it was supposed to hurt. Swiftly the woman jerked back her paw in an attempt to pull the boy to her. Her eyes flashed darker and the ghoul in her screamed out to tear his head from his body. The transgression not lost on her but she held herself together. What there was left to hold back anyway. Her other claw was swift to deal punishment and she attempted to unsheathe her claws and tear them across the young kit's back. "You've moxy but I would be careful with that if I were you..." She began in a whisper as she tilted her head a bit.

Although she had seen how he looked, how he seemed to have enjoyed that small taste. Was it something he was trying to hide? A wild laugh left her jaw then as she looked at the child. "You're a little monster just trying to hide. Does mommy know? Why not let it show? You could eat all you want to if you did. No starving and no hiding." It's sad, she almost wanted to say but this was an enemy and their child was going to be at her mercy just like any other Typhooner.

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - Alexandre - 02-08-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
Canines connected with flesh and Alexandre successfully pulled back on her flesh, causing her crimson innards to stain his teeth. With a baring hiss, he was jerked forward. Teeth unhinged from her paw mid-way and he clattered to the floor with a sly smirk appearing across his maw, only to raise his head moments later. His orange gaze locked with her darkened, ghoulish glare. Panic struck. That was a mistake. Jagged claws flashed in his peripheral vision as they swiftly swept downwards into his back. He tensed as pain rushed through his body. Through gritted teeth, the boy savagely hissed and recoiled backwards.

As blood began to pool at his side, Sojourn's words echoed in his pointed ears. She grew close. She leaned in with her breath running down his neck. He stood still, unwillingly listening to her words. A compliment came first, one Alexandre wanted to taunt her with, but as Byriath lingered and the lion's proximity remained close, he remained unmoving. The only movement he made was a shiver that ran down his spine, hair standing on end and fear caressing his thoughts.

His tense nature broke as her wicked laughter rang in her ears, causing his head to whip around and attempt to lock eyes. Orange hues narrowed. Claws shot through the floor. A rumbling growl mustered in his throat as Sojourn taunt's connected with the truth, hitting a sensitive cord within. "You're wrong," he snapped. "You're all WRONG." The boy stepped away, looking between the two that surrounded him with a snarl.

Alexandre's gentle stature leaned forward cautiously to build momentum, only to step forward, wearily beginning to pace the small cavern in doubt. His mind skimmed through their words. Every phrase repetitively picked at his thoughts, clearly putting together the fate he disregarded for so long. She spoke of not hiding. Letting 'it' show. Being himself. Yet he pushed his instincts down, denying their worth, when all he wanted to be was normal. To be... him. For as much as Alexandre wanted to give in, to be truly be himself, he knew that it would be his undoing.

In a turn of events, he spontaneously whipped back around and sat down onto his haunches. Blood seeped down his side and flesh collided with a squish as he landed, muddling his silky white fur. For a moment, his fiery gaze looked down at his paws. His eyes traced the blood's edge as it moved outwards, only to look back up at Sojourn and Byriath with a disgruntled expression and a stern stare. "I'm fine," came his unwavering tone. "I'm not hungry and I'd rather starve."

But all he could think about was giving in.

Re: be too sweet and you'll be a goner }} sojourn's capture - Byriath - 02-08-2021

Only thing they fear is YOU -

So the boy was trying to put on a noble show of sorts. Boring. Byriath snorted. The snort became a chuckle and he stepped closer. The boy could try all he wanted, "But instinct always finds a way. You can't stop it, only hold it back." And make the repercussions worse.

It was a gentle notion, the beast shrugging as he tapped his mask. "He's certainly something. I don't know what, but definitely something."

[align=center]"Speech" 'Thought'