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haggard - open; tangler - Printable Version

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haggard - open; tangler - rhosmari - 02-01-2021

She had been to the Typhoon once before but she had not been on their side. She had been with him. Even now she didn't particularly know whose side she was on given the circumstances. Maybe just for herself. Either way she made her way to their island home from the base memories that she still retained from the incident. Her tail swayed back and forth as she cross along the tracks, watching the rolling waves. Still marveling at how large the ocean was here. For a moment she paused and the flaming lioness looked up to the sky. She was scared and worried and she hoped and prayed to Cipactil that she was here. That she didn't have to scramble to another group. She didn't look her best but that was besides the point. Forcing herself to move forward toward the gate the Shadow Regent couldn't stop her face as it screwed up into one of revulsion and pain.

Seeing anything that was him had an impact on her. After all he had played in her head and had used her to fight a battle she had no real want to take part in. He had unlocked an evil thing inside of her and now looking upon his head she was almost offended that anything had been left. That it was above ground and not six feet under with the worms and beetles where it belonged. And it smelled awful. Her muzzle curled and she forced her gaze to tear away from it and she struggled to maintain a uncaring air. She was here for one thing and one thing only, to find her daughter. With a paw she moved to ring the bell, her mane of flames rippling and shifting against the nape of her neck.

Re: haggard - open; tangler - Keona. - 02-01-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The tiny dealer answers the bell quickly.  Petite paws trotting over the familiar path with ease.  She inhaled softly, head titling lightly as she halted before Elsweyr.  Tanglewood visitors were always welcome.

"Aloha," Keona offered softly.  "Can I help you?  'm Keona, a dealer here.  Is Tanglewood okay?"

Pale hues flicker around, idly attempting to 'look' towards the lioness.  Curious.  While always welcome, lone visitors were not the most common occurrence.  Often meant it was personal business, not political.  Hopefully, it was something the wildcat could help with then, since she did not really know Elsweyr.

Re: haggard - open; tangler - roan ; - 02-01-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

A Tangler. Roan had never been a fan of Tanglewood in general, despite the other group being The Typhoon's closest ally. Ever since he had met Vigenere, the soothsayer had rather disliked Tanglewood, seeing the group as a gang of easily taken over cowards. However, he wouldn't voice that at the moment, considering the air of concern that surrounded Elsweyr. He might've been a bit of a prick at times, but the medic wasn't a bastard. Well, not in that sense, anyways. So, as the draconic feline made his way over, he had a neutral look on his face, his satchel bouncing lightly against his side. Looking Elsweyr over, he hesitated only a moment before he questioned, "Is Tanglewood in need of any medical help? If that's the case, then I can assist." The thought of going all the way to Tanglewood territory just to help them out was hardly appealing, but Roan would still do it. It was a part of his job as a medic to help those in need, including allies. Enemies, though? He'd let them bleed out right in front of him.

Of course, if Roan had known why Elsweyr was here, he probably would've been slightly more sympathetic to her plight. Not because he actually cared about the shadow regent herself, or her child, but because of his own ongoing pregnancy. Hormones and the realization that he would actually be caring for kits soon had but him with a double whammy, as of late. And although he still wasn't sure of what kind of parent he would be, he was almost... excited. Mainly because he knew he would be raising said kids with Paintbrush, and he knew the other would always have his back. That was enough for him... at least, enough for him to get through his own situation without panicking. At least he wouldn't have to deal with what Elsweyr was currently dealing with, hopefully.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: haggard - open; tangler - ROXANNE R. - 02-03-2021

Roxanne could not recall Elsweyr within battle aside from possibly over in Tanglewood when the captain had gone over to send a rescue raid and even if Els had been in the Condemned raid, Rox had only been concentrated on Ninazu and Stryker around that time. The day she had killed Ninazu that had been a glorious one even if that made her serpent of a mate want to kill her in that moment, Rox had somehow lived. Regardless, the captain noticed how Keona and Roan eventually made their way over to the gate so the draconic feline was not far along as she glanced up at her trophy not minding that it smelled but it was preserved after what she had done to it. Sure, it was probably disrespectful or whatever but that wouldn't be enough to make her take it down. Roxanne wanted all of the Condemned to look upon the gate with the face of a snake that had finally been vanquished by her daughter even if said pirate princess did not remember the incident. Rox would keep it there to remind everyone else of the girl who had stopped slavery but the reign of terror that Stryker had attempted to do.

Roxanne knew that Elsweyr was trying to keep a uncaring demeanor but it was clear that she was struggling with the decapitated head being there, a toothy grin forming on her maw as the captain began to speak "What's the issue?" Her whiskers twitched momentarily as she sat down beside Roan with both of her mismatched eyes being fixated on the Shadow Regent of Tanglewood, her fluffy tail lashing to the sides momentarily before coming to rest in front of her forepaws. As a mother, Roxanne could definitely understand the feeling of when a child decided to runaway. The thought of it made her heart begin to ache but she did not know of Elsweyr's business of being here just yet so she'd wait.