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I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - Printable Version

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I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - valemon - 05-17-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
Val was just beginning to become settled in Snowbound. Everyone he’d met so far had been kind enough and he was once again happy to have company. There were several individuals his life still lacked, though... ones he thought would probably never return.

Anakin was dead, he knew that. And, although he had seen strange things after his father’s death, it wasn’t the same. When he thought about all that had happened with Luke and Anakin... he couldn’t stop the few tears that slid down his cheeks. He hadn’t a clue where Padme was, and also assumed he’d never see her again... never feel the warmth of her fur against his or the roughness of her tongue over his ears.

But, perhaps he missed Sekai the most.

He’d never been incredibly close to his sister. He understood she liked to be alone or in the company of only books. But, she’d always talked to him when he wanted to, even if he was obnoxious. And, she’d tolerated his many questions, something a lot of people wouldn’t. She was so smart, Val admired her for that.

Maybe he just needed to get out of the cold for a bit, maybe his adventurous attitude was catching up to him... but he found himself here. Paws that were slightly too big for his body walked the strip of land leading to an island. As he did so, he looked around with widened brown eyes. This place was beautiful and stirred many memories of the beach he used to play on. He could spend hours searching for shells among the sand or chasing crabs on the shore. Just these thoughts brought a small smile to his face. He just wished he had someone to enjoy this feeling with.

© madi

Re: I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - tristitia - 05-17-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai has always found herself feeling close to her brother. After all, she had been hurt countless times, and then, finally, her brother would always come to the rescue. It wasn’t a damsel in distress, it wasn’t that he physically saved her. But mentally, he did. Sekai saw the light of a child in his eyes, a heart that lived for others. Valemon was so kind, and so gentle, not caring to the outside world. It was a gift she wished she could have.

And, she had never been close to Luke. Not as much as she had been to her littermate. After what Luke did, it was difficult to find forgiveness. One could not shake that image, the purple blade entering the body, making their father leave forever. It was something that caused anger to roar in her heart, though an aching need to not be alone.

She had always liked being alone, but not lonely. And here, that’s all she was. She stumbled across this land by mere chance, and stayed here, as it reminded her of her old home. A huff escaped the traveling mud-colored cub as she went across the island.

Upon reaching the strip of land, her sapphire gaze widened. She blinked, thinking this was another nightmare, something from that weird drink. But he was smiling. And he was here. She missed him so, so much. “Valemon!” Came Sekai’s call. Rushing forward, she would attempt to somewhat tackle him in order to hug him.

//Mobile + school
© madi

Re: I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - valemon - 05-18-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
It would seemed the fates were finally playing in his favor... that, or he was imagining things. He, too, was skeptical - something uncommon of the cub - when he heard a familiar voice shout his name. Not just any familiar voice, one he’d been hearing his whole life, one he associated with books, long talks, and the beautiful lioness that was his sister. Turning his head sharply to see the femme in question, he froze in surprise.

Next thing he knew, her paws were wrapped around him in an embrace. A simple gesture, but when in relation to all that had happened, Val felt as if his heart might explode. He was so overjoyed, he couldn’t speak for a minute. He simply returned her hug in silence, soaking in this wonderful moment.

“Sekai... Sekai’s alright!” He was still slightly tongue-tied, so this was all he managed to get out. He refused to let go of his sister, as if by doing so she would fade from his life once more. “So happy... t’ see Sekai!” He didn’t bother asking her why she was here. Right now, he could care less.
© madi

Re: I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - PINCHER - 05-18-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Family was something Pincher was able to use to connect to his crewmates. He could understand the importance of being able to have someone you could depend on and trust. So when he heard the commotion nearby, the dark former hitman was able to understand what was happening. He was biting softly on his cigarette, watching the long trails of ivory smoke swirl up in the air for a few seconds before they were snatched up by the currents of the wind. His half lidded dazed azure blue eyes fluttering away from observing the waves of the sea to land on two figures of tanned wildcats. He raised a fictional eyebrow as a perplexed expression began to etch itself onto his smooth facial features. He observed for a while, absorbing the care that he longed for. He missed his siblings especially the one that had been the reason to why he had joined his crew to the tribe that had inhabited the island to create the Typhoon. He missed Daphne, the kind sweet mannerisms of his twin brother reminding him of what his mother may have behaved. The nostalgic memories burned inside his skull as he swam in them, wallowing internally though he kept the same unfazed expression plastered to his face as Pincher rose to his fawn brown paws and stalked towards where the other two were.

It seemed Sekai had ties to family that he had not known about. He never really had the opportunity to get to know her well enough for that but the betta held enough potential to have Pincher keep a mental note to observe her activity in the Typhoon. He had heard she had decided to have a dual alliance in Snowbound to be able to be with her sibling; Valemon. The sable colored canine reached the two wildcats, electric blue eyes locked onto Valemon. He spoke quite differently than he was used to but then again he wasn't one to jump to prejudice about how someone spoke or acted, as long as they knew not to fuck with the Typhoon, he saw them as equals. ”Well it seems to be a little reunion of sorts. Ya mind if I ask how you two know each other? Friends? Siblings?” He tipped his head ever do slightly to the side as he flashed a quick grin, shark like teeth flinging even though Pincher didn't want to seem intimidating at the moment.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - MADI - 05-18-2018

Re: I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - Ilijas - 05-18-2018

[color=gray]▴ ▴ ▴
Ilijas did not know enough about his clanmates to understand the significance of Valemon's visit- just that the male appeared to be related to a female he wasn't quite familiar with. Seeing the pair caused him to ponder his own familial situation though, and the young man couldn't help but exhale a sigh as nothing turned up within his memory save that thick, thick fog. He supposed he shouldn't have been too surprised, not after coming to terms with his amnesia and all, but he was frustrated nonetheless. Most knew who their parents were or had something that resembled a family to turn to... Ilijas... Ilijas had nothing. No parents. No siblings. No children. He was completely alone in this world, struggling to uncover an identity seemingly hellbent on evading him. It was exhausting, not knowing who you were or where you came from, he decided as he joined the group.

An apathetic expression touched his gray features as he gazed idly at Sekai, Roman, Pincher, and finally, Valemon, eyes lingering on the latter for a brief moment. Would anyone ever show up on their border looking for him? Happy to be reunited? Or was he cursed to live this painstaking blank life forever? He was forced to stifle another sigh at that thought, resigning instead to feel some detached happiness towards the pair before him. [b][color=gray]"Hello," He greeted placidly, [color=gray]"Welcome."

Re: I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - tristitia - 05-19-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
A small, happy chuckle escaped Sekai as Valemon called out that she was alright, and that he was so, so glad to see her. Though, in truth, she didn’t know if he was happier, or if she was herself. It was so dull, yet so worrying about never seeing her siblings. She’d remembered being with Luke. However, he made her a bit uneasy. After all, he had gone and shanked their father with his own lightsaber before they were transported off to this new land. And he’d roared, claiming he was the Lord of the Sith. Not fun times.  Though, she had shook off these thoughts and smiled, replying to his gleeful remark. “I’m so glad to see you too! Are you okay?” For a split second, her response had some concern and worry to it, and she even tilted her head.

It was great seeing her brother yet again. But a voice called her out of her pure joy. Oh, right. It was Pincher, the Doberman Pinscher. Anyway, he had been the leader of the group. Sure, she hadn’t him see too much, but they likely talked on the ship a few times. She turned her attention towards him as the question was asked. How’d they know each other? That did not take long at all, well, to get an answer from the joyful lioness. “We’re siblings! Valemon is my brother!” Her reply was full of happiness, and she even grinned a bit. Too bad that Val might be intimidated by him.

Well, she and Roman could connect with one thing: the fact that they had adoptive siblings. It was such a shame that Roman didn’t have blood siblings that he knew about. At his arrival, the metallic gleam making him look great, and his overall friendliness, she offered a sentence. “Thank you for saying hello, you’ve been very friendly to him.”

Oh, and here was everyone’s favorite stereotype: the apathetic person too drowning in their self-sorrows to give a fuck. Sekai’s eyes narrowed, and her tail lashed in some form of annoyance. Man, couldn’t people just be happy for her? Valemon wouldn't take it too well, if someone didn’t care that he was there/ SHe was sure of it. Instead of offering anything verbal, the child just glared at Ilijas.

//IC opinions and sorry about lateness!
© madi

Re: I STILL REMEMBER||o, visitor - valemon - 05-20-2018

male — 9 months — snowbound — member — tags — rped by Autumnleaf
“‘m good,” came Val’s simple reply. But, those two words were hardly enough to describe how he’d been feeling. The loneliness after leaving his friends and family behind, the desperation to find a new home... and now this. He didn’t know how exactly to communicate that, though, so he’d settle with just ‘good’. He wasn’t hurt anymore than usual, if that was anything.

The appearance of others was to be expected. He was in another Clan’s territory after all. Quite in contrast to Sekai, they all seemed friendly in Val’s eyes. Pincher’s sharp-toothed grin was just that. Roman had offered a nice greeting. And, Ilijas’ less than excited expression didn’t bother him. Still, he only offered each of them a glance before his attention went back to his sister. She was who he was here for, after all. “This Sekai’s home? ‘S very pretty.” It was almost tempting for Val to forget about the cold home he’d already made for himself, but then all of the nice individuals he’d met and had help from would seem like a waste.
© madi