Beasts of Beyond
DON'T FEAR THE REAPER / incident - Printable Version

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DON'T FEAR THE REAPER / incident - bubblegum - 01-31-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

*continuation of this thread, tldr at end

The day had been going relatively normal. Better than the past few, in comparison, due to the fact she was able to spend it with a feline in which she'd become quite fond of. They'd decided to pass time on the beach, building sandcastles together, when the feline had to leave for a moment. And then they were, oh so rudely, interrupted.

Why, when she could not even remember how, why it occurred, did she feel the pain? How did she make it go away? How can she learn to be strong once more? How could she have ever handled it before? Had it always been this bad?

Now, the scent of Coalition had filled the air, trail leading away from the territory, and the fallen captain lays in the sand, shaking and useless against such a threat she'd once thought was bound to be a weekly occurrence given her position, her family, her history. The idea of it all ending, of death, it hadn't quite hit the female until just now. Of how close she'd been to it, of how close she could be to it, in a split second. To the one who'd once believed such a thing would simply be an inconvenience, she now lay unable to move by the mere thought of it. Her breaths struggled, a panicked expression clear on her features.

And suddenly it was as if the sand around her had turned to something much hotter, something much more foreign, the sound of a snake calling out to her but the words could not be truly heard. And she'd been through all of this before. But it was different now. They were unreachable, incapable of ever being returned to their true form in her mind, at least how it seemed. Now she was stuck, hollow, hot, and hurt, never to be the Goldie they'd wanted her to be. Never to be the one that'd maybe understand why this was happening, to figure out how she could be useful, to be the mother, to be the daughter, the cousin, friend, leader, they'd all known. Instead she uses their supplies, uses their time, wastes their energy, causes their worry, and even when she's not doing anything wrong, something seeks her out when she's incapable of defending herself. And all she can do is lay here, in the sand, useless, and struggle.

She was lucky Sophiea had arrived when she had - so quickly, after the initial attack by Ninazu. Her scratches and cuts were not serious, nothing deep, but it would have been so easy, too easy to kill the pirate princess in that moment, cut the string once and for all. And she could have left before anyone would have noticed, hardly wasting any energy in the event. And that would have been it. She had no attempts to save herself, to even quite realize what was happening. It was all too little, too late, from her mind, and now it was settling in that she would have died, and there was no if's, and's, or but's about it - she would have died.

And she can feel tears begin to spill over, her vision blurring in and out, body trembling in a newfound realization, in a fear. The sparks from her head spill out, shocked the area around her, causing the sand to shoot out around her. Her head swirls, pulsating from the emotion. A soft voice calls out for her, familiar, and safe, but she cannot make out the words. The feline approaches hurriedly, after having chased off Ninazu. And she lays there, shaking, hardly able to even realize it.

*tldr: [color=#deab3c][member=16079]S. PENDRAGON[/member] and goldie were enjoying some time on the beach together when sophiea had to leave for a few moments. while goldie waits alone, ninazu from coalition of the condemned takes the opportunity to lunge at goldie, with plans of killing her. fortunately, sophiea managed to make it back in time to chase off ninazu. goldie only has a few cuts, but is laying on the beach now panicking as sophiea runs back to her.

Re: DON'T FEAR THE REAPER / incident - S. PENDRAGON - 01-31-2021

Sophiea had never felt such a rage consume her before but the moment Ninazu had come to attack Goldenluxury, the small feline had launched herself forward with several arrows against a bloody raptor. She was surprised that she had actually managed to chase away the beast to begin with but Sophiea was grateful that it had worked, Sophiea murmuring inaudible words under her breath. She had been holding an arrow in her jaws but when she turned around to look at Goldie did she realize that the other was beginning to cry. Sophiea spat out the arrow to the ground hurriedly making her way to Goldenluxury and pressed close to the tigress before pressing her nose to the pirate princess's forehead feeling her own eyes beginning to sting as tears threatened to spill. It hit hard as Sophiea Pendragon realized that Goldie could've been taken away from her in that moment, she let out a soft breath as she began to comfort the tigress "I'm here... I'm here," Her tufted ears would lay flat against her skull as she shifted closer to Goldie in an attempt to soothe her, Sophiea rubbing her cheek against the larger womans cheek only to use a paw to wipe away the tears from Goldenluxury's eyes.

"You're safe now, my love." Came her quiet words, Sophiea closing her eyes in that moment not having thought about what to do... Aside from attacking Ninazu, she and Goldie could have died. That devil woman. Her angry thoughts would hiss at her yet she did her best to calm down knowing that the fallen captain was safe because of her. "No one will hurt you, I'll make sure of it." The British woman continued to soothe wrapping her wing and arms around Goldenluxury, her eyes opening in that moment. Her heart racing within her chest knowing full well that she had feared for the life of this woman than her own, how willing she had been to throw her own life away just for her. Sophiea Pendragon had been ready to throw it all away just for the woman she had fallen in love with. Goldenluxury Roux. Love made you a bloody idiot, came a quiet thought though she brushed to away nuzzling into Goldie's cheek trying to find her words until it slipped out smoothly from her lips "I love you." Sophiea held her breath letting those words sink in before she would say it in a louder, more clear voice.

"I love you, Goldenluxury Roux, and by bloody hell... I'm not going to let anyone hurt you as long as I'm here." How much she wished to continue laying there with her beloved but she needed to treat those cuts, Sophiea used her telekinesis to bring her satchel closer not daring to leave Goldie. She'd rather die than leave her in that moment. Sophiea would pull out some marigold already crushing it into a poultice which she began to gently apply to the tigress' scratches, her eyes half closed as she would glanced over her work. She was grateful that there wasn't any major injuries. "I'll protect you." Sophiea said with a shake of her head as a rare smile found itself on her maw keeping close "I promise... That devil woman will die if she even so much as looks at you."

And she meant it.

Re: DON'T FEAR THE REAPER / incident - roan ; - 01-31-2021

[table][tr][td][table][tr][td][div style="background-color:#383a37; color:#d3d2b5;max-width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 8pt; line-height: 1.4;padding-bottom:10px;padding-top:5px"]½ ROANBRUSH -
[tr][td][img height=95 width=95][/img][/td][/tr][/table][/td]

For a while, things had been peaceful. Safe. Nice, even. The Coalition had been beaten back, with the head of their now dead leader hanging disrespectful off of The Typhoon's front gate. While Roan had never been a big fan of such gruesome trophies, he couldn't deny that it was appropriate, considering Stryker's actions. The idea that the other deserved to rot in the deepest flaming pits of hell only solidified itself further when Goldie had woken up, without a single shred of what had molded her into what she was. While the soothsayer would never allow himself to look disappointed or disheartened in front of his cousin – since she didn't deserve that in her current state – he couldn't deny that it had hurt. Knowing that she would never remember any of the good times that they had shared, nor any of the things that she had taught him. Even without all her memories, though, Goldie was still... well, Goldie. She was still his cousin, and he cared deeply for her, as demonstrated by the way he made sure to take care of her in her weakened state, for as long as it would take.

However, it was impossible for the medic to be around every moment of the day. Moreover, he didn't want to be around every moment of the day. Goldie deserved to have some time to herself, where she could explore and rediscover everything she had once loved about The Typhoon. Or, in this particular case, she deserved a chance to get away and spend time with someone she clearly cared about. Roan would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly unsure about Sophiea – he truthfully wasn't sure she was good enough for Goldie – but he said nothing of it. She deserved to have something like that relationship in her life, and the younger feline knew it. Unfortunately, it seemed as though not even the good times could just be simple. He had thought that everything would be fine. He had thought that Goldie and Sophiea wouldn't have any issues, and he certainly wouldn't have thought of Ninazu trying to pull off such a brazen attack.

Of course, this was all what he had thought before. Before he caught the scents of blood and the Coalition intermingling in the air.

He took off in the direction of the beach without a moment's hesitation, his satchel tucked around his body and beating against his side as he ran. By the time he arrived, his breath was coming out in uneven gasps, the soothsayer having to take a moment in order to keep himself upright. Thankfully, it seemed as though Sophiea knew what she was doing – and Goldie hadn't been hurt as seriously as he was dreading. Even with how sappy the moment in front of him was, Roan wouldn't stay silent. Not when Goldie was still shaking, and he didn't know what had happened. Moving closer, the siamese leaned down to pull some bandages from his satchel, muttering as he nudged them over, "Make sure to put bandages on, too. Don't want to risk any possible infection..." His deep blue gaze then darted between the two of them, anxiety dripping from his every word as he questioned, "What happened? I smell the Coalition, so... who did this to her?" Whoever they were, they would have hell to pay. Roan may not have been a combat oriented feline, but nobody hurt his cousin and got away with it.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: DON'T FEAR THE REAPER / incident - SirDio - 02-01-2021

Lucy wasn't a violent woman by nature - fighting was a last resort and she would much rather flee or disorient her opponents. She hadn't heard of the Coalition or of Stryker, but if she had to guess, it was his head on the gate. Spotting Roan hurrying to somewhere on the beach, with a scent of blood and something else in the air, she felt obligated to follow.

Thank God it wasn't as bad as she thought. [color=#093044]"Yeah.. yea bandages and the marigold. Anything else needed?' She spoke softly. With how Goldie appeared.. She almost would have thought a seizure had happened. The name 'Coalition' made Lucy look to Roan, then to Sophiea. [color=#093044]"Who..? Who is the Coalition and what do they want with Goldenluxury?"

Re: DON'T FEAR THE REAPER / incident - bubblegum - 02-08-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Conflicting emotions would swirl as Sophiea made her way back to the tigress, her terrified, distant gaze closing in and now growing thick with worry a quiet desperation to know that, for certain, the other was not harmed. This was her fault. She wasn't quite sure why or how, but she knows that this was her fault. She should have done something, should have retaliated in some way, shouldn't be just lying here, useless. But the more she thinks of it the more her head begins to hurt, and the more her head begins to hurt the worse everything else gets. Her shaking paw reaches out as the feline closes in on her, trying to gently grab hold of her, anywhere on her body she could. She wanted to know the other was okay.

As the other continued, the female's eyes would close in full, letting the words sink in. She tries her hardest to stabilize her breaths, bring herself back to the ground. Though still it spins, dizziness attempting to claim hold of her. Finally, after several harsh breaths, she's able to shift more, body moving, paws curling around the feline as she spoke. Still it shivers, struggles to calm, but there is a warmth in her senses, something safe and close up to her body. The tigress wishes to speak, to call out to her, ask her why, apologize for being so useless, but she is incapable of moving her tongue, getting the control to utter any of it. Perhaps if she allowed herself to float away, she could stop thinking of it, she could breathe, but she didn't dare let go. She has been on the ground the whole time, and this is what it offered her.

Another comes in and she feels her body tensing further until she hears the voice's holder to be Roan, shaky breaths letting out a sigh. She had killed the man who'd been causing all of the problems, just before she'd fallen unconscious, so why did she feel as if she'd done something wrong? This shouldn't have happened, should it have? She thought it was safe now. But, she'd known better than that. There'd been trouble ever since she woke up, whether it be someone hurting themselves by accident or a trespasser, it'd never been entirely secure. Had that all been her fault? Had she overlooked something, left unfinished business? Had she doomed her crew, before she'd fallen from her position? The thought terrifies her. What if they were all cleaning up after her mistakes? If she couldn't even recall what had happened, why does she have to feel the pain?

What did they want with Goldenluxury? That was the question that she just had answered for her, plain and simple. They wanted her dead. Who'd done this to her, it was the woman, their leader. She couldn't recall her name. Finally, she begins to muster up the strength to speak.

"Sh-...She wan-wanted t' kill..." she manages out, teeth gritting as she struggles to make the words form. "I'm ss-sorry." She whispers it, for Sophiea, for her sacrifice to the other, for her inability to help, for her pathetic reaction, for her lost memories, for not being Goldenluxury Roux.