Beasts of Beyond
down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - Printable Version

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down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - FARAH - 01-30-2021

Amongst the stillness of the air, there were a few sudden chimes. Like shards of jewelry clattering into a pile, or perhaps it could be compared to a wind-chime. But either way, her presence was apparent.

The panther maneuvered not quite unlike a flexibly-bodied weasel through the foliage, the tip of the tail tapping against the heels. She was here now, at last. An outcast. How she had managed to reach the destination in spite of the difficulties,  Farah Aldaine had not a clue. She had stumbled upon tens of countless thousands of predators on her way here -- snakes, a badger
... Mayyybe a bear or two. Slight possibility.
Lest it didn't matter. She was here.

"Anyone here? I wish to join the Tanglewood group." Quietly, the muscles straining with the effort even of such a mere movement, Farah sat back on her haunches.

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Re: down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - Atticus Roux - 01-30-2021

Words traveled across the border and into Atticus' ears, causing him to shift his path. Yellow eyes narrowed on the white panther in the distance. He merely took a moment to observe the noisy jewelry she donned as he walked forward, noting the golden hues that complimented her bright pelt. The canine's paws slowed to halt soon enough though. While he couldn't give her an answer, he could at least acknowledge her presence for the time being. "And your name is?" Atticus piped up. "It would be nice to know a bit about you before you enter Tanglewood's lands, after all." The Pittian's stay was temporary, but this was his childhood home. He would protect it as needed. Even if it meant dealing with the losers at the border while he recovered.

The canine lowered to the floor, sitting relaxed yet alert. "I can't accept or deny your membership anyways, but I can at least keep you company and beat the rest to the punch on gathering the necessary info," he continued on. His gaze momentarily moved to look behind him, only to readjust it's positions moments later. No one but him yet. "My name is Atticus Roux." Hopefully she'd follow up and introduce herself too. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Re: down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - FARAH - 01-30-2021

She flicked an ear upon spotting the canine.

"Hello there," she salutated, the tip of her tail hovering like a rattlesnake's as this Atticus came to sit. Gauging his question, a slight grin graced her muzzle. "I am Farah. Farah Aldaine, if you wish." The crooked smile rightened itself in that moment, seemingly. To his polite words she added, "Yours as well..." The feline's voice was glazed over in sweet, coaxing tones, a trait characteristic of the contradictorily wonky catamount.

"Now, I suppose a tad bit of reasoning couldn't hurt, hmm?" She swept her tongue around an ankleted paw. "I look to join because from what I've heard, you all are the accepting bunch of the lot, something I've quite truthfully found myself needing as of late. Not too many individuals find me particularly... ordinary. Twas the easiest way of interpreting her usually whacky demeanor -- something she had wasted a good portion of life being shamed for... Maybe this guy would be a bit more accepting.

[member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member]

Re: down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - rhosmari - 01-30-2021

These last few days to her Tanglewood had become a snake's nest and those within and living in this swamp the snakes. She had become withdrawn again and she didn't want to hear the false sympathetic words from the selfish and greedy. What would it do for her? They had caused this trauma and she had no reason to believe they meant any good with what they said. False pretty words while they laughed behind her back. The pale lioness was haunting in appearance this day, hellish flames almost cracking and roaring against her neck. Her eyes were narrowed, blue ice cold orbs watching the cougar as she came up. The tribal woman would lift her head, twitching her bone pierced ear as the beads that still clung to her wild flaming hair clattered together. A stranger, misinformed about this place just as she had been. Welcoming they clearly were not.

"Atticus." She greeted the wolf cooly though never looked at him as she gave a soft sigh. Her jaws parted and she crunched up peach toned muzzle. But the woman forced herself to relax just a little. After all they had a name. They had information. And this cougar was not the ordinary type. But then again who was? At one point she had thought herself to be ordinary, normal. But coming here and to these lands it had changed her and maybe for the worse. "She doesn't see a reason why she can not make a home here. Welcome Farah. This one calls herself Elsweyr and she is the second in command here. She will help if Farah needs any assistance. Does she wish to be escorted to camp?"

Re: down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - FARAH - 01-30-2021

With the next one approaching, Farah bent to lick at her forequarters, before tilting back up her cranium. "Greetings!" she rumbled. "Tis' a pleasure to meet you indeed. Yes." A brisk dip of the head, one of both respect but mostly of gratefulness. "Yes, yes. If you would be so kind as to!" She rose to her paws, flexing out the hardworked tendons in her shoulders. All was going well so far, it seemed, for which Farah was beyond thankful.
[member=16541]ELSWEYR[/member] [member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member] -- tiny reply my apologies!

Re: down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - trojan g. - 02-01-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It seemed as though Moth was going to be late to the small border gathering that tend to happen when someone was looking to join the swamp group. Of course, the mutated jaguar liked to be as early as possible, but as of late she had been preoccupied with other things. Now that her son and his friend were out walking around the territory of Tanglewood, she had to make sure her herb store was up. They were both still healing, Atticus more than Sweeney, and it caused her worry. They were both adults, but she still couldn't help but see Atticus as the scared little kid that he used to be before he moved away.

Coming up to the trio, the female would offer a smile, coming over to Atticus for a quick moment, eyes flicking over him to make sure nothing had happened - a mother's worry - before focusing on the newcomer. "Hello," She would offer, staying behind as they would walk back towards the camp. "My name is Moth, I'm the reaper of medicine here, so if you get hurt at all I'm here to help the best I can." Normally she'd like to think she could handle anything that got thrown her way, but it was still the cold months when a lot of their herbs didn't grow, and with Rosemary coming from the Typhoon only days prior to take some herbs back to her own group due to their own shortage, it had made Tanglewood's off more.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - wormwood. - 02-03-2021

Re: down, down the yellow-brick road | joining - FARAH - 02-03-2021

A trill was building up from within the cougar's pharynx, the yellowy eyes glittering with excitement. "Mmmm, thank you very much, Aurum, I'll be sure to consider your open-armed advice." Her cranium tilted in the direction of who was apparently the Tanglewood medic just then.

"That's very sweet of you, thank you." A flick of the tail, followed by a spinning yet ever so graceful movement. Farah picked a paw up from its place in the soil. "I suppose we should get going, then?" she prompted lightly. "I'm pleased to now be able to consider myself one of your group."