Beasts of Beyond
I AM MADE OF PORCELAIN ! || joining - Printable Version

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I AM MADE OF PORCELAIN ! || joining - puffball ! - 01-30-2021

p u f f b a l l
It had all happened so fast. Loud roars from his father and mother, his two older sisters joining in to fight and push back the figures. What did they look like? WHAT DID THEY LOOK LIKE? Puffball, despite his family’s protests, had joined in to the best of his ability at such a young age and swatted at the figure with them. But, then his father was tossed to the side with deep claw marks across his body and his white coat getting soaked with blood. His sisters stopped and cried out to their father, begging him to come back and help them, falling on deaf ears as the lion heaved what little breath was left in him before the older man’s daughters were knocked aside. A sickening crack was heard by the cub who began to cower and cover his ears from the sounds around him. He was left to be swatted back and forth painfully before his mother was able to step in and protect her son. The pain was too much for the cub, who watched his own coat began to be stained from the attack and see his eyes roll back into his skull before losing consciousness.


What happened to Mama?

A brief pause hung in the air as a set of bright blue eyes stared down at a frog, big and puffy before it let out a loud croak to the lion cub in reply. His paw quickly set on the back of the frog and he asked yet again, only for it to squirm free and hope to a nearby pond. Puff all anxiously sat down and looked around him, unsure of the area and the fact his family was nowhere to be seen.  “Hullo? I am...” His paws tapped against the rock, thinking for a second before speaking once again. “I AM AN ADVENTURER!” He called out into the marsh, ignoring the knots and stains all over his fur. His body was covered in cuts that seemed relatively fresh, perhaps a day or two prior, but the cub chose to ignore them as if nothing was wrong. This was all just a journey while Mama and Papa took their own journey to join him soon.

Puffball hopped similarly to the frog to another flat stone and bobbed his head from side to side, looking about for anyone to keep him company. He was uncomfortable by being alone and he wanted to hide with someone nice! They could help him with his adventure and maybe even be some sort of wizard helper for him! He flicked his long tail curiously at the sound of others, but panic set heavily in his chest all the while. Puff looked to the cattails on the edge of the pond and scurried to hide behind them despite how his white fur made him stick out like a sore paw.

Re: I AM MADE OF PORCELAIN ! || joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 02-01-2021

you laugh and smile at me, but you don't see a thing !
Perhaps it wouldn't be a surprise given the fact that she was the littermate of an actual pyromaniac, but Atbash had lost her parents as well and watched them perish in their burning home, in a similar, less-gruesome fate as Puffball. The sharp tang of blood caught Atbash's nose and the she-cat found herself looking for the source, only to find a small child covered in scratches and bruises. The child called out, declaring himself as an adventurer, but Atbash couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly worried for him.

"Hey there, adventurer!" Atbash called out as she approached Puffball, deciding to play along with the kid's game, though stopped when she noticed that Puffball was scared. "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." She chirped, getting into a crouch to try and get to eye level with Puffball to show she wasn't a threat. "My name is Atbash, what's yours?" Truth be told, she didn't exactly know how to talk to a child, but this was what her instincts were telling her what to do.
bio | female | loner, no group
© madi

Re: I AM MADE OF PORCELAIN ! || joining - arrow - 02-02-2021

"blood is like wine, unconscious all the time"   ── Arrow had seen her fair share of different types crossing into the Tanglewood lands, wanderers to loners that were stumbling over the border after a fight. A child or two made their own little ways through the swamp on occasion, but to her knowledge, she didn't remember a situation where a young kid rolled in as busted up as Puffball. It made her wince while she was out of sight, feeling a sharp pang of sympathy and an uneasy sick feeling. She didn't like seeing a whole lot of blood, first of all, but on a kid? A child covered in blood? Double the bad.

She waited until Atbash was finished with her introduction, keeping slight distance from the little one just in case, she was still ever so slightly unsure of how outsiders would handle a ghost. Wouldn't want to scare the shit out of an already nervous child, yes? "You alright, little man? You look a little roughed up, we got someone who can fix that up for you."

Re: I AM MADE OF PORCELAIN ! || joining - S. PENDRAGON - 02-02-2021

Sophiea's parents both died but it was moreso from being ill, it had taken her father first and eventually her mother passed away from presumably heartbreak. She didn't dwell on it much given the fact that she had been mostly raised by her nan yet Averill only ever got a few months with their parents, he had been so young that he probably didn't remember them. The winged feline let a soft sigh escape her as she leap off of her porch that morning though she immediately winced at the smell of blood, her trademark frown on her maw as she decided to go check out what was the issue and who was bleeding. The Pendragon arrived at the scene noticing that the blood was coming from a small lion cub, she felt some form of dread as she stood there listening to both Atbash and Arrow speak yet they didn't even bother acting, the child could get infections from his injuries. "Excuse me," The British woman said as she slipped pass the two women with her firm gaze fixated onto the lion cub that was there. An adventurer, he had called himself. A snort left her as that alone reminded her of her younger brother, Averill.

She brought her satchel closer beginning to pull out some marigold and bandages for her use, Sophiea let out a soft sigh as she said with a light shake of her head "Alright little adventurer," She began in her usual monotone voice beginning to crush the marigold into a poultice "I'm going to need to apply this to your wounds and bandage your injuries... So, you don't get an infection." She would at least do this much until Moth arrived and dealt with the rest, a light shake of her head deciding that she would distract the cub from the stinging of the poultice as it was applied with conversation "I am Sophiea Pendragon." There was a pause as she continued for a moment only to wrap some of the wounds with bandages after she applied the poultice "You are?" She inquired lightly.

Re: I AM MADE OF PORCELAIN ! || joining - wormwood. - 02-03-2021

Re: I AM MADE OF PORCELAIN ! || joining - puffball ! - 02-03-2021

p u f f b a l l
“Hello there, adventurer!”

Puff’s fur stood on edge and his claws sank into the damp dirt below him, bright blue eyes staring up at the feline through the reeds and his tail flicking around wildly despite the fact she seemed like they were nice. They seemed nice too, didn't they? The cub was about to let out a low growl as the lady crouched down to meet his eye level, but he stopped himself as another form was starting to approach from behind. There was too many of them, to many voices and smells happening. Why did he smell blood again? “ATBASH!” The boy shouted out his legs pushing him up and out of the cat tails before walking out of them awkwardly with his eyes still wandering around to check how many people were around him. “Puffball! Like the mushroom, mama says! His words were jagged in it’s tone, but it was clear he was trying to hold back something and calm himself in that moment as another figure approached.

The lion couldn’t help staring at the.... “There’s nothing wrong with me! I’m perfectly fine without help! I’m an adventurer!” Puff repeated to the two women, distressed at the questions being asked and just why so many people coming to see him? Wouldn’t one wizard be fine? His fuzzy chest, with only a few stains that shifted to hyperventilating as soon as the next figure pushed past the others, his paws raising to swipe at the ginger and white feline who didn’t seem to be as friendly as the others. Not to mention her voice was oddly soothing. “I don’t have wounds and I don’t want crushed up flowers on my fur! Mama wants me to keep it nice and white.” He wasn’t exactly mad, but he did try to get away from her briefly before stopping to stare in confusion.

Whatsa wound, ma’am?

Puffball was completely unaware of what the flower lady was doing, as he was to enraptured by her voice. As she introduced herself to him, it took him a minute to process the name and give a small nod before he managed to utter his name. “Puffball! I don’t now if I have two names....I don’t think I do?” The young boy spoke softer this time, his breathing beginning to even out despite the crowd forming around him. Though, the next to come up looked like papa. Puff’s ears pinned back and his body ducked down slightly as his paws tapped against the ground nervously.  “I’m fine! I don’t have anything wrong with me! I’m fine! I’m fine!” The cub choked out, one paw now on top of the other with claws digging in while his breathing became unstable yet again.

Re: I AM MADE OF PORCELAIN ! || joining - trojan g. - 02-04-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The shouting of a child and the smell of blood caused Moth to worry. The fact that it was a child that she didn't know really didn't help much either. She saw the swarm of Tanglewood members surrounding the kid, and ears pinned back to her head for a moment, eyes flicking to each member for a moment before she finally spoke. "Everyone but Sophiea back up, give him some room." She would speak out quickly as she moved forward, paws shrinking as she turned into a form that hadn't been seen in a long while. The small island fox would let her bag fall to the ground as she offered a small smile to the child, remembering when she had been young and confused, scared about her surroundings. "Hello Puffball, I like your name, mine's Moth." She would offer to the other, eyes flicking over the child's body to see the damage, see what he wasn't allowing to be healed.

"Your mama has a good eye, your fur is really pretty," She would offer the other, "What if we put some white stuff in it, so when you see your mama it's still white? Or maybe something purple, so she can see the white even better when she see's it next, it would look so pretty, we could even put a little flower behind your ear to match if you want." Cobwebs to help the wounds that were open to close, comfrey to stop the bleeding and to help keep infection away. Moth would be fine with losing some comfrey to put behind Puffball's ear if they wanted, anything to help to keep the wounds from becoming infected.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder