Beasts of Beyond
all the happy people - open; moving + lounging - Printable Version

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all the happy people - open; moving + lounging - rhosmari - 01-29-2021

Things had been slightly stressful but not as bad as prior weeks. She was worried though for her daughter and how she was being treated. After all she was still just a kit and her mood had increasingly soured with the news from the meeting. Instead of helping her she was looking into the eye of exile. Adults looking at her as if she was nothing more than a ticking time bomb. All of this bothered her greatly because a child was impressionable and if she could not trust her own home to help her through this then who could she trust? Especially with how she had already been left her by her previous family. She wanted to talk to Ares but only when she was ready for it. When she wanted to talk? Forcing it could make matters worse. Raising her eyes up she looked out at the world from the remains of her own home. One that she had burned down into rubble and ash. Some things had survived the hellish blaze and she didn't know if she had any influence in that. What meager remains she had she had rounded up. Pelts, bones, her painting books, her crocodile skull she hadn't worn in so long. The horns from her water buffalo kill.

All of these things she was moving to Arrow's home. It took her a small time to actually get the items there and she made sure that it didn't take up much room. She was going to do some decorating next. Maybe with feathers but for now she had decided to take a breather. Here she sat down on the front porch and played with a small rat skull. She had some ideas about things she wanted to do but for now she would try to relax, maybe move some more of her things if there was anything left that was salvageable.

Re: all the happy people - open; moving + lounging - S. PENDRAGON - 02-02-2021

Sophiea would've disagreed with the thoughts of Elsweyr, sure, Ares was a child but said "child" had thrown a fit over a sword that she was not allowed to have because of how small she had been. This same child went on a rampage as a dinosaur and destroyed her own home only to become some form of danger to her own group mates, Sophiea had not realized that the scaled beast had been Ares and did what came to mind first. She had attacked in an attempt to defend Aurum from the large beast, she had felt somewhat guilty after realizing that it had been no one other than Ares yet it made her realize that the child had little to no discipline. Elsweyr had done nothing and continued to do such. Exile was a harsh punishment for a child that was going to become an apprentice soon yet the small girl didn't even act like much of a kid except when she threw her tantrums but that was about it. Her tufted ears twitched as she found herself walking outside of her home only to notice that Elsweyr was moving her things to Arrow's place, her whiskers twitched for a moment recalling how Goldenluxury would always come to her home and often would sleep over.

Silencing the flutter of her heart, Sophiea's whiskers would twitch lightly as she approached the larger femme deciding that she might as well try and start conversation with the lioness "Hello there, Elsweyr."

Re: all the happy people - open; moving + lounging - wormwood. - 02-03-2021

Re: all the happy people - open; moving + lounging - rhosmari - 02-03-2021

On the contrary she had offered her own daughter help. She had told her to come to her when she was ready to talk about the issue and to work through them. But it wouldn't happen because she was in pain about how others were treating her. She had given her the necessary time to try and recuperate from her wounds but her mental state was deteriorating and it was something that she could tell. Ares was not comfortable with the rest of Tanglewood which worried her because of the pain she was going through. She disagreed with a lot of things that were happening and her eyes closed as she took in a deep breath but slowly her bright blue gaze opened, sight fixating on an individual she was not too keen on. Her rounded bone pierced ear twitched as she heard the woman's voice and she looked away and down to her paw, flexing her amber colored claws before frowning lightly. What was the point in pretending to act friendly, to her it wouldn't fix anything but smear over the issue. But she could act nice as well. ''Hello.'' Was all that came from the lioness' maw as she lifted her eyes back up to her. It was the only real thing that she had to say to her currently.

As Aurum came forward she felt her posture stiffen a bit more, eyes widening just slightly. Her tail curled against her form but for the most part she just watched him. He came forth with idle conversation as well on her moving things from her ruined and now gone home and shifting her items over to Arrow's home. Looking over her shoulder at the door that was open for the moment she found little in the need for asking for help. ''She did not see any reason too. Not many things survived the fire, so it was not that much of a hassle for this one. She was fine.'' The pale creature spoke with a neutral tone as she dipped her head.

Re: all the happy people - open; moving + lounging - arrow - 02-03-2021

"blood is like wine, unconscious all the time"   ── Where there was tension, there would be Arrow. Not that she searched it out like she wanted to collect some juicy gosspi or hidden drama, no. Contrary to her interest in a good scuffle or her need to constantly say "fuck", the last thing she had any interest in seeing was some uneasy relations among the Tanglers. It was certainly a unique situation that everyone was in, and among everyone here, Elsweyr was the last person who needed to be left to fester in the prickling air of negativity. Warranted, perhaps, she had no right to speak on the issues between the stress and Ares's unusual unpredictable behavior as of late. She would have invited the kid over just as quickly as she'd offered her home to the lioness, but somehow never managed to find a good time, during the few occasions she'd crossed paths with her at all. It left a little bit of guilt rolling around in the pit of her stomach, but she was just no good with most kids even when they weren't in serious need of emotional support. Just wasn't her game, usually too nervous or she just didn't want to teach any of the little ones words that would get her exorcised by Aurum.

"Hope the place is comfy enough, big girl. Your taste in decor is really gonna liven up the place, you could even say it's been a little...dead?" Emerging from the inside of the home, Arrow snickered at her own pun like a dumbass, wheezing out a quiet "Get it?" before making an attempt to compose herself. "Aurum, Sophiea. What's everyone up to this fine day, eh?"