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FOREVER A LAKE EFFECT KID ; open, making mosaics - Printable Version

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FOREVER A LAKE EFFECT KID ; open, making mosaics - Suiteheart - 05-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
[this is a continuation of this thread! to participate in this thread, you didn't have to post in the first one, so no worries!! pop in like you were there or have suite share her findings with your character! <3]

After having gathered a ton of seaglass, rocks, seashells, and other oddities, preparations had been made by Suiteheart to make the mess into something remarkable. This 'something' was, of course, mosaics. And technically, this was a week late, but fourth wall break: Grassina accidentally forgot. Even so, it was here now, and late was better than never, wasn't it?

The polar bear had set up various sized pieces of multi-shaped cardboard (some circular, some rectangular, some rhombus-shaped) next to bottles of glue. One was to take a piece of their seaglass -- or whatever they had found --, dab a bit of glue on one side, and stick it to the cardboard. This process would be repeated multiple times in order to form a lovely piece of artwork she would then hang up around the Observatory.

"Hey, Ascendants," she called, making her voice loud enough to draw a good crowd. "We're starting work on our mosaics! Grab your bucket of seaglass and whatever the hell else you got, bring it here, and start working, if you'd please!" She offered those looking on a smile before taking a seat in front of a circular shaped piece of cardboard with her bucket of oddities. She would then pick up a piece of pale blue seaglass, dot it with glue, and place it near the bottom of her canvas.

Re: FOREVER A LAKE EFFECT KID ; open, making mosaics - Margaery - 05-17-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaery had not assisted in the collection of the sea glass and faintly wondered if she would still be able to participate regardless. She had never made a mosaic before and while art was far from something she excelled at, wanted to give it a little try. [color=#b14767]"Am I still alright to participate?" She inquired in a soft voice, eyes (darker than usual, she needed to leave for a hunting trip soon) sweeping the brightly colored shells and rocks and sea glass that her wife and clanmates had so diligently collected. [color=#b14767]"It's alright if not, darling, I understand completely."

Re: FOREVER A LAKE EFFECT KID ; open, making mosaics - Warringkingdoms - 05-17-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]A mosaic seemed simple enough to make, but she had yet to actually collect anything to make one with. Hopefully someone would be willing to share their materials. Approaching from the opposite side as Margaery, Rin fixed her eyes on the collected seaglass, briefly entranced by the bright colors. "Seconding that," she chimed in, ears twitching. "That is, assuming anyone wants to share."


Re: FOREVER A LAKE EFFECT KID ; open, making mosaics - ★ HAZEL - 05-17-2018

Hazel practically skipped over, excitement still bubbling even as she took the time to carefully drag her bucket over to a spare piece of cardboard. Bastille had chided her and said that she should have brought Arion to carry it for her, but there was no way in hell she trusted her clumsy (amazing) colt to safely return her treasure to the observatory. So she carried it herself, even if it had taken her most of the day and her jaw felt broken by the end of it.

"You can use some of mine, Rin." Hazel offered, carefully spilling the contents of the bucket along the floor next to her. She didn't really mind where it ended up on the mosaics; she knew it was her sea glass and that was all that mattered to her.

Hazel set to work almost immediately, gluing pieces and colors and shells. Eventually, she created a shell out of sea glass in the center, and used the actual sea shells and the remaining bits of glass Rin wasn't using to make the background. It was opposite day here, apparently.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: FOREVER A LAKE EFFECT KID ; open, making mosaics - Character Graveyard. - 05-17-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna hadn't been there when the others had been collecting the sea glass. A shame. Well, somewhat of a shame. The white-serval had approached her Clanmates, who had been carrying heavy-looking buckets. "I'll just watch." She said with a soft tone.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: FOREVER A LAKE EFFECT KID ; open, making mosaics - BASTILLEPAW - 05-17-2018

[Image: jgC0ptA.png]
Bastille didn't bother to mention that he'd let the air press lightly against the bottom of Hazel's bucket as they walked back, subtly lifting some of the weight for her. She'd just seemed so stubbornly determined to carry on and break her neck dragging the damned thing around, and besides -- was he going to admit to helping her? Nope. That was his business, thanks, and she would probably just be displeased that she hadn't done it all on her own. As it was, the bengal looked vaguely amused as he sauntered after her with his handful of pink, grey, and white hues of glass. Clearly, he'd barely collected enough, but he didn't seem bothered.

"You can always help me put mine together," he told Margy as he settled between her and Hazel, eyeing the cardboard dubiously. He wasn't exactly the most artistically inclined, and while this didn't seem to require much skill (it wasn't like he was going to be making a design or anything), he also didn't really care if he made his own or not.
[align=center][Image: 4ySBjji.png]
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="width:400px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 8px"]© MADI

Re: FOREVER A LAKE EFFECT KID ; open, making mosaics - Suiteheart - 05-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
Suite let a gentle smile rest on her lips as she peered down at Margaery. Suiteheart was thrilled to bits her wife had turned out for this. Margaery was often very creative in all that she did, and the polar bear was certain the chocolate point would excell in this activity. "Of course you can join in!"

She was about to offer her pieces of seaglass to the other when Rin arrived. Suiteheart had not truly gotten a chance to bond with Warringkingdoms, so she figured this would be a very good opportunity. The other seemed quite interesting, and the Starstruck Guardian was happy the feline wanted to participate. "You're welcome to join too, Rin," she said with a nod and a smile. Again, she was about to offer both females access to the trinkets she had collected when Hazel glided onto the scene.

The golden girl was so giddie that it caused the older female to giggle a bit. She was pleased Hazel was enjoying these task so well. It made Suite's heart very happy, that much was certain. "Thanks for sharing, Haze," the bear rumbled, still maintaining her grin. Sharing was caring, and she was glad the young girl both shared and cared a great deal. "Yours looks really nice already!" she added after Hazel began to work.

Suiteheart nodded to Luna's words before her attention was thrust upon Bastillepaw. The boy looked more smug than usual, and the snowy creature couldn't help but arch a nonexistent eyebrow at his looks. She wondered what he had been up to (and if she ever figured it out, her heart most likely would've grown three sizes - he was capable of kindness!). "Bast might need a little help," she teased, eyes shifted from the boy to her wife. "If you guys need extra pieces, I have some."

With that said, the large ursine went to work again. After a few moments had elapsed, a band of light blue seaglass covered the bottom portion of her cirlcular piece of cardboard. Once she had complete this and made sure it was dry, she began to search for azures that were a tad bit darker.