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But I will Fight and I Will Stand | Lillith's Settling | - Printable Version

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But I will Fight and I Will Stand | Lillith's Settling | - Lillith - 01-27-2021

Lillith | 3 months and 12 days
Vampire Llama/Squirrel Hybrid

Lillith had just recently joined and was trying to use to her surroundings. She headed back towards the beach smiling. She loved where she was and wouldn't change anything. Once she got to the beach, she sat down and looked at the water. Her tail laid down next to her as she watched the water. She felt relaxed watching the water.

Lillith ended up laying down, but she still watched the water. She smiled while watching the waves. She liked the water especially on a calm day where she could relax and just watch the waves.

Re: But I will Fight and I Will Stand | Lillith's Settling | - METEOR - 01-28-2021

“Looks like someone’s gonna give me some competition for fluffiest tail title.” Quasar chuckled as he trotted over to Lillith. The centurion had never met her before, so he assumed she was a newcomer and probably joined around the time he got wayyyyy too deep in Vaas’s medicine stash.

He flashed a toothy grin. “Nah, we don’t got that kinda title, it’s dumb as fuck. But it’d be funny if we did, right?”

Re: But I will Fight and I Will Stand | Lillith's Settling | - Lillith - 01-28-2021

Lillith | 3 months and 12 days
Vampire Llama/Squirrel Hybrid

Lillith looked up hearing someone and smiled Quasar. Lillith sat up as her tail bushed up. "It would be funny." She agreed as she still looked at Quasar. Lillith was happy to meet someone new. She still looked at Quasar. She then looked at the water again.

After a minute she looked at Quasar again. She was happy that she was meeting others. "I'm Lillith." Lillith said happily.

Re: But I will Fight and I Will Stand | Lillith's Settling | - WINTERHYMNS P. - 01-28-2021

Winterhymns had been getting more acquainted with the Palm Glades territory and he was beginning to enjoy it a lot, the sun and the waves from the ocean. He was loving the smell of salt water, seeing the hermit crabs scuttling across the sands, and the feeling of the warm sand underneath his paws. His lavender kissed eyes turning in the direction of Quasar and Lilith, he hadn't met the duo before so he figured that he should go do that seeing as he was currently free. He didn't have any duties as of yet but he was pulling around his own weight as of right now, the Pendragon would walk over with her whiskers twitching lightly and parted his jaws as he greeted them "Hello there," Win tilted his head to the side deciding to introduce himself "I'm Winterhymns Pendragon. Although, feel free to call me Win or Winter. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting."

Re: But I will Fight and I Will Stand | Lillith's Settling | - Lillith - 01-28-2021

Lillith | 3 months and 12 days
Vampire Llama/Squirrel Hybrid

Lillith smiled more seeing Winterhymns. She was happy at the moment and nothing could change that for her. Lillith smiled still. Lillith liked that it was also peaceful here and not chaotic  "Nice to meet you, both of you." She said very happily. Lillith looked at both Winterhymns and Quasar.

Lillith looked at the ocean once more. She still had a smile on her face as she saw the waves. "Just watching the waves is peaceful." She said still very happy. She didn't want this to change at all.