Beasts of Beyond
leave it - open; rabbit running - Printable Version

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leave it - open; rabbit running - rhosmari - 01-25-2021

Her nest was finished after she had gotten a few helping hands from this place. She was still not too sure about it but she figured that since they had helped her she might help them in kind. Though might was the key words here. After her first encounter with them she was not too fond of doing anything for then. Nor did she care to but she would think on it. Right now she was in the middle of speed training and using a rabbit she had found earlier for the target. The larger vermin was not too big, and one in which her metal talons could take out with ease. Her wings beat the air as she gave chase, silent and quick with each motion. The chase had begun when she had allowed for the rabbit to see her location. This would keep up her general speed when dispatching undesirables and force the rabbit to run from her. It knew a predator, a killer when it saw one.

Her body weaved and ducked through branches and leaves as she followed at high speeds. The wind whipping past her ears as she steepened her flight, tail feathers narrowing as she speed through the canopy. She almost looked like a blur as she followed doing quick turns and shifts as the rabbit tried to shake her but it was in vein as her talons moved forward. Her claws of metal sunk into the head of the rabbit and it screamed before life was cut off. The woman panted gently as she flapped her wings a bit as she landed upon the ground. The use of her air shifting was trying but she had caught her prize.

Re: leave it - open; rabbit running - bubblegum - 01-31-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

The tigress had been out for a walk on her own, taking the time to build up her strength more as her head recovered. The past few days had been fairly successful, nothing too major aside from minor headaches here and there, but she'd yet to experience a migraine for a few days now, and that was something she could appreciate. Overall, the healing process for her concussion was going fairly smooth, all things considered. There were ups and downs, and the seizure she'd experienced a couple weeks ago had been concerning, but it only hindered her for about a week, simply causing her to slow down in response to it, not wanting to go through something like it again. And, she was hoping, slowly but surely she could be of proper use to them all once more. For the time being, however, she wouldn't push it. She would simply go on a walk, just as she liked to do before. She did keep an eye out for fruits, and herbs, though it wasn't her main priority, simply seeing whatever she could find.

It seemed that "whatever" would be an owl landing on a successfully caught rabbit, just a few feet in front of her. The female pauses as she sees the movement, blinking a few times. She'd seen the female maybe once or twice before, and heard some of her crewmates make comments about the other, though she'd not sought her out herself before, not having much reason to. Still, she figures she may as well be friendly. Bluerequiem didn't seem much of a threat on them, after all, just another thing surviving among them. Though she wouldn't claim to know the technicalities of everything, so maybe she was wrong. She'd just have to figure that out herself. "Nice catch," Goldie decides to comment with a small nod towards the other, walking a little bit closer. "I haven' done much huntin' m'self since wakin' up from m' concussion. Is it challenging?"

Re: leave it - open; rabbit running - ROXANNE R. - 02-03-2021

Roxanne had heard comments of an owl though she didn't do anything about it, after all, they were all creatures trying to live and a small owl catching a few pieces of prey here and there didn't necessarily bother her to say the least even if it did seem to irk Michael as well as a few others. Roxanne didn't see the point in caring unless this owl attempted to do any harm to her crewmates would she skewer the avian but it didn't seem like it would get to that point fortunately, the captain had noticed Goldenluxury walking about deciding to make sure that her daughter was doing well. Roxanne was about to start a conversation until the shrill scream of a rabbit made her stop, her mismatched gaze turning over to Bluerequiem feeling her eyes beginning to light up with such an impressive feat. She hadn't even heard the flap of the owls wings. A silent killer. She parted her jaws to speak with a small smirk on her maw "So, you're the owl I have heard so much about?"

Her fluffy tail lashed to the sides for a moment as she adjusted her wings at her sides "A pleasure to finally meetcha and see ya. I'm Roxanne Roux, the captain round these parts." There was a pause, the captain taking a seat with a tilt of her head nodding as she continued speaking "That was quite the impressive catch. I didn't even hear ya, that doubles the badass shit that I just witnessed." Sure, she hadn't seen all of it unfold but what she had was very impressive, Roxanne wanted to see more of that and began to wonder if she could fly silently like the owl at some point. A thoughtful hum left her as Goldie inquired if hunting was challenging.