Beasts of Beyond
ONE DAY WE'LL BE BACK ☆ invitation - Printable Version

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ONE DAY WE'LL BE BACK ☆ invitation - RHINESTONE. - 01-25-2021

The journey from the Glades to The Typhoon was a bit of a pain in the ass, but Rhine didn't mind making it, if it meant having a closer relationship with their new ally. The legate had certainly been surprised when Roxanne had shown up on what was essentially their doorstep, but what had followed afterwards was generally positive. That was, except for the whole nonsense with Caesar – but that had been taken care of, and Rhinestone genuinely hoped to not see the brightly colored savannah anytime soon. So, after a large meal and a quick nap, the serval had started his way towards the shores of The Typhoon, his strides long and a smile on his muzzle. Thankfully, he didn't meet any problems as he made his way there, not having to deal with any rogues or one of the smaller, nastier new groups.

Once he eventually reached the train tracks that led to The Typhoon's proper territory, Rhinestonestar felt a pleased grin coming to his muzzle. It was nice to be here without having to worry about any danger, or any sort of raid. The trip along the tracks was peaceful, water splashing beneath his paws until he eventually reached where the bell was. Standing on his hind legs, the dark blue serval shoved heavily at the bell, letting the toil of it ring out over the territory before he called out, "Hello? My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader of the Palm Glades. I came here with an invite for our newest ally – we're having an ice skating gathering. Not only will you have the chance to have some fun ice skating, but we'll also have plenty of food! So, if any of you want to come, anyone from The Typhoon is more than welcome. I should also mention... we're also inviting The Pitt, since they've been nothing but kind to the Glades. We would be inviting Tanglewood as well, but... unfortunately they're not exactly our biggest fan at the moment." He wished he could make things better on that front, but honestly... time was probably the only thing that Tanglewood needed, at the moment.

( Here is the link to the event! )
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: ONE DAY WE'LL BE BACK ☆ invitation - Keona. - 01-25-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The Palm Glades.  A bit of a mixed bag, given their past alliance with the Coalition.  But Roxanne decided they were worth becoming allies, and the tiny wildcat would give them a chance too.

The petite dealer heeded the bell's call quickly, slipping through the undergrowth with her ears perked in curiosity.  She had yet to speak to Rhinestonestar herself, but she recognized his name.  Offered him quiet attention as he spoke, pale sea-green hues dancing upwards, following the sound of his voice.

"Aloha, and mahalo," she answered politely, dipping her head.  "'m Keona.  A Dealer 'ere.  'm happy to accept the invite, and I'll spread the word around for any who don't hear it 'ere."

Re: ONE DAY WE'LL BE BACK ☆ invitation - bubblegum - 01-26-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

The tigress was only vaguely aware of their new ally, only hearing brief mentions of them as Roxie visited them with her plans of requesting an alliance. She figured that must be a good sign, that her ma trusted them enough to ask for that sort of arrangement. More numbers meant more strength, and it was always better to have more friends than enemies. She was already looking forward to when she could visit Tanglewood and see what they were all about, see where her...partner lived, and meet everyone there, so the idea of visiting the Palm Glades was almost just as interesting. Apparently their territories weren't too dissimilar, both mostly residing on beaches, though theirs was based nearby forested mountains while their own were tropical and filled with jungles. She was intrigued by what theirs would look like in comparison. Unfortunately, even with this invitation, the female would not be able to make an excuse to visit them, at least not for a little while. If she was hardly allowed to stroll around her own home, going outside of the territory was out of the question.

The female would still approach with a small, friendly smile towards Rhinestonestar, standing just behind Keona. Formerly, Goldie would be the one standing ahead of others, but now she held her head low, an almost cautious look in her curious gaze. They'd met once before, though she'd not known it. "Does it get very cold in your territory?" she'd ask with a small interest, tail tip twitching. "Oh, n' 'm Goldenluxury Roux, or, uh, Goldie. Nice t' meet you. I won' be able t' go, unfortunately, 'cause o' m' head, but I hope you all have fun." She'd little reason to assume they knew each other, so she was less hesitant about introducing herself. Unfortunately, if the male did not know of her condition, it would unintentionally come across a little rude for not remembering their former interaction.

Re: ONE DAY WE'LL BE BACK ☆ invitation - ROXANNE R. - 01-28-2021

The captain would make her way over with both of her ears perked forward, she was glad to see that Rhinestonestar was already inviting them to an event and it was a reminder that she had to go see how Tanglewood was holding up since they were one of their primary alliances. Roxanne twitched her whiskers lightly brushing up against her daughter and seeing that Keona was already there accepting the invitation, it was nice to see that Keo was handling her duties of a dealer. A soft snort leaving her maw as her mismatched gaze would lock onto the Palm Glades leader with a toothy grin on her maw "Good to see you already inviting us humble pirate folk, Rhine."

/quick track

Re: ONE DAY WE'LL BE BACK ☆ invitation - SirDio - 01-28-2021

Lucy knew of other, smaller groups. But not Palm Glades. From the very little she heard, they both fought against and with The Typhoon during the Coalition's empire. They didn't seem too bad, though some typhooners definitely had a sore spot.

[color=#093044]"Woah.." Was all the Mau said upon seeing Rhinestonestar. More importantly, she noticed his black eyes. A strange thing, but she'd probably see weirder sooner or later. [color=#093044]"Ice skating? That sounds fun! I'll go." She beamed, waving her kinked tail jovially. Pitt and Tanglewood - she already planned to visit Tanglewood for their junkyard, but why were they on bad terms with Palm Glades?