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THERE IS NO DEER ☆ meeting 1/25 - Printable Version

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THERE IS NO DEER ☆ meeting 1/25 - RHINESTONE. - 01-25-2021

( recap at the bottom !! )

A soft hum left the serval as he woke up that morning, pitch black eyes blinking tiredness away slowly as he pushed himself up, and onto his feet. Today was meeting day, wasn't it? Yeah, it was. Luckily for the tired legate, this wouldn't be an incredibly long meeting, as most of them had been. So, once he was able to move without a certain amount of grogginess clinging to his every step, the serval made his way out into the main camp, jumping easily up onto the meeting rock. With his short tail flicking behind him, Rhine then turned and called out, smiling casually, "All those old enough to brave the waves, please gather around for a meeting! Don't worry, this will be a shorter one, so you won't have to worry about sitting still for too long." That particular line was directed at some of the apprentices and kits within the crowd, who he could already see shifting around restlessly. They wanted nothing more than to run off to their own tasks, or games. Still, he hopefully wouldn't be keeping them long.

Once a decent sized group had gathered, Rhine sat back on his haunches, his tail wrapping halfway around himself before he began, "As usual, we'll begin with welcomes. So, let's give a big Glades welcome to Damianos, Mezrith, Lilith, Winterhymns, and Gaia! We're glad to have all of you with us, and I encourage you all to go through our newcomer entrance ritual, the Warrior's Plight." He really did want to see more new faces doing it, since it gave them a chance to see the territory in a new light. Unfortunately, the next bit of news forced a sigh out of the legate's lungs, blue ears laying flat before he continued, "In terms of the opposite of welcomes, we're bidding goodbye to Caesar Cipher. He has been exiled, seeing as Captain Roxanne Roux of The Typhoon informed us of some of his past crimes – including attacking his own groupmates, which isn't to be tolerated here. So, if Caesar is ever spotted along our border again, I encourage you to drive him out, or kill him... if you must." He didn't like encouraging violence against others – even if the Glades was a warbound group – but Caesar certainly seemed to deserve it.

The next bit of news also wasn't a positive, but at least he could get all of the negative out of the way quickly. With a brief shake of his head, the legate's voice wavered slightly as he continued on, "Next... I'm afraid that Vaas is demoted from medicus legionis. He hasn't been around at all for the last two weeks, and hasn't given any notice about where he could be... of course, if he shows back up again and shows activity again, he can regain his rank. In addition to his, Quasar is unfortunately being given a warning. I'd like to see you around just a bit more." He really didn't want to demote Vaas, but everything he had said was true, and they needed to make sure that their medic was active. Briefly shaking his head from side to side, the serval then forced a smile back onto his muzzle, "In better news... I'd like to give activity shoutouts to Medusa, Sorbet, and Mezrith. It's good to see you all around so much – especially you, Mezrith, considering how recently you joined. I would also like to ask Magnum to step up as a gladiator, if you want. Much like Mezrith, you only joined pretty recently, but you've been active and friendly, and I think you deserve the rank." Magnum certainly was an interesting joiner, especially considering the state he had joined in, but he seemed like a good choice – at least to Rhine, anyways.

With demotions and promotions out of the way, it was time for something else positive. Something that brought a genuine smile to Rhinestonestar's face. The legate announced cheerfully, tail held high, "And in other good news, we are now allied with The Typhoon! Their new leader, Roxanne Roux, came recently and spoke with me, and I believe she will be a beneficial ally for us to have – certainly a better one than the Coalition, at least. I'd also like to warn everyone away from a new group that has popped up recently – the Iron Forged. Apparently they raided The Typhoon and stole herbs from them, while also causing trouble for others. We don't want any of them on our territory." He didn't quite know the scent of the Iron Forged yet, but he would figure it out when they inevitably tried to mess with the Glades somehow. He pushed that aside for now so that he could continue, feeling tiredness still pulling at him, "For a few things going on around the group lately... well, we had Rosemary of The Typhoon visit recently, looking for herbs. Medusa also showed off a few new tricks with her flame elementals, and Sherbet has been trying to organize some fun for all of us." It had been a pretty relaxed couple of weeks, but Rhine didn't mind that. In fact, he was kind of relieved for it.

Scrubbing at one of his pitch black eyes, Rhine then saw fit to wrap things up – he needed a bit more rest, after all. A soft hum left him before he spoke, "Lastly... we'll be having a small gathering soon, with some ice skating and some food. It won't be anything massive, but we will be inviting both The Typhoon and The Pitt to come and join us. I'll be going on my own to invite The Typhoon, but I'd like to ask Quasar to go and bring an invite to The Pitt, since he offered at the last meeting." The other seemed eager to show off his new flight abilities, and Rhinestone wasn't about to stop him. Rolling his shoulders casually, the legate then said, chuckling, "Now then... unless there are any questions, this meeting is dismissed. I think I need a little bit more sleep..." He then just shook his head from side to side, laughing lightly as he leaped down from the meeting rock and made himself comfortable, ready to answer any questions others had.

meeting recap:
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: THERE IS NO DEER ☆ meeting 1/25 - magnum - - 01-26-2021

Upon the call from Rhinestone for people to gather up and listen to another meeting, it had stunned the wolf quite a bit due to how it had seemed like the last one had just happened the other day. Magnum chuckled at the idea of him being here this long so far, his bandages now reduced to a small patch on his side as he crept out and on towards the middle of camp to stand before the rocks yet again.

Of course, a greeting towards the newbies was held out, two of which he had been able to attend to see. The small child, Gaia....left alone on the beach for him and some of the others to find and console. Then there was Winterhymnal Pendragon. Yes, that whole name was stuck in the wolf’s head along with those bright purple eyes to the point where he had trouble sleeping the night he arrived for some reason. While he hadn’t meet the others, he was hoping he’d be able to pass by any one of them and give them a greeting to make them feel welcome.

Magnum couldn't suppress a shit eating grin at the announcement of Caesar being kicked out from whatever the hell he had done outside of the clan, a few thumps from his tail made it all to obvious of these feelings on top of it. Some names he had heard of before, but had no face to attach them to we're mentioned along with warnings and a demotion. The wolf began to give an encouraging nod to the people who were given shout outs, but was caught off guard by the offer of.....a promotion. He even had to tip his hat up and look to the leader to see if this was a joke or not before clearing his throat. “ Yeah, I’ll take the position. Thanks, Rhinestone.” The assassin felt warm, denying the fact that this may have been him blushing at how soft he had gotten for these folk in such a small amount of time,

As he took in the rest of the meeting with silence, his body sat tensly amongst his clanmates as denial crept into his mind about just what being promoted meant for him. How much it seemed like he was ready to commit to these folks. Well, he wasn't and that was that. This was temporary and it would only be a few more weeks until he would just creep out in the night without them even noticing. No, nobody would even notice at all. He was just Magnum after all.

Just Magnum Daisuke, the Gladiator of The Palm Glades.

Re: THERE IS NO DEER ☆ meeting 1/25 - WINTERHYMNS P. - 01-26-2021

Winterhymns Pendragon would approach with a flick of his fluffy tail, he noticed how a bunch of his new clanmates would head in a single direction deciding that he wouldn't fight it and join them. He was unaware of what they were going to do but the last thing he wanted to do was get trampled over when he had just joined, an amused chuckle left him as he made his way through the crowd only to get shoved into a familiar face. His fur immediately puffed up realizing that it had been the same lupine from the border, he could feel his entire face beginning to grow hot as he stared in silence with widened pupils though he relaxed eventually as he apologized making sure his gaze was turned away "Ah, apologies... I should be a lot more careful." Winnie would take a few steps back until he had given the other space, he glanced around realizing that he probably wouldn't be able to sit anywhere else and would be stuck in the company of the wolf... Which, he didn't mind in the slightest. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here after bumping into you." The feline would muse with a shy chuckle though he fell silent when Rhinestonestar began to speak.

The Pendragon cat would listen attentively to what was being said only to frown subtly at the sound of the Warrior's plight, that was rather interesting... He supposed maybe he should do that if he wished to fit in a lot better with his group mates. Rhinestone spoke of it so highly, Win began to devise some ideas within his cranium only to hear the demotion and warning. What a shame. The sound of promotions would disrupt his thoughts when a familiar name was spoken. Magnum. Winterhymns remained quiet as Rhinestonestar spoke to the lupine and Magnum had accepted the position, it made the man rather curious to all these ranks and their exotic names. "Congratulations on your promotion, old sport." His whiskers twitched lightly as the legate dismissed the meeting, Winnie didn't have any inquiries in mind at the moment. He would pull at the satchel at his side only to glance over to Magnum one last time and offered a smile before vanishing into the crowd of Immunes. Maybe within the next meeting, he would have questions to ask Rhinestonestar.

Re: THERE IS NO DEER ☆ meeting 1/25 - Lillith - 01-27-2021

Lillith | 3 months and 12 days
Vampire Llama/Squirrel Hybrid | Palm Glades

Lillith had heard something about a meeting and decided to see what was going on. She smiled hearing her name and sat down at the back of everyone. She listened to what Rhinestone had said, but then looked at the sky a bit distracted, but she was still listening to everything that was being said. She them heard Winterhymns and then looked at him, but turned her attention back to Rhinestone.

When Lillith heard about Caesar, she tilted her head. She knew he was one of the ones that greeted her when she came to Palm Glades, She remembered that he wasn't too nice, but she was surprised to hear about him this way. Lillith then let the confusion go away as she continued to listen.

Re: THERE IS NO DEER ☆ meeting 1/25 - METEOR - 01-27-2021

The sparkledoggo’s blue eyes glazed over. So many words. He had a hard time paying attention when so many things zipped in his ears and poured out the other. He barely noticed his own name, called out for a… something. Whatever. Seemed unimportant.

His three tails flicked, and he shook his head, clearing his head and glancing around. Was Sorbet here…? He couldn’t see the maned wolf through the crowd, so, maybe. His yellow ears twitched as he heard Rhinestone continue on, and he quickly looked back to the serval, though his blue eyes glazed over once more. That is, until Rhinestonestar called his name for the second time.

“Oh. Yeah. I can do that.” His tongue seemed to flail; it’d stuck to the roof of his mouth during all this listening, and the fuzzy sensation of need water was so terribly distracting. “Yeah. Visit the Pitt for an invite, totally up my alley, I guess.” Might as well show off he could fly (if he could control his power long enough for the trip, that is) and visit the dangerous weirdos so nobody else needed to risk their neck.

Re: THERE IS NO DEER ☆ meeting 1/25 - rhosmari - 01-28-2021

He hadn't been feeling well these past few weeks, not like he understood why but he was avoiding eating for the time being. He felt sluggish and worn and he was trying to stop himself from staring at people. He felt like he could hear things, a strange sound like sluggish water in his ear and it was making him crazy. As the meeting was called he was already late and much of what had been said had already been spoken. He barely managed to catch the things about the typhoon being invited along with the pitt to their ice skating thing. The maned wolf sighed as he stepped across the way and slipped along the crowd, almost silently. He just wanted to go lay down but he knew that if there was anything else that needed to be said he needed to be here for it. It was like gravity pulled him to the brightly colored canine and he moved to lightly bump against him in a soft greeting as he sat down. ''Hey...'' He finally muttered out tiredly before he gave a small smile. His tails wrapped around him before he turned his gaze back to Rhine, tilting his head just a little bit. He honestly just wanted to go and lay down.
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux