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ROUND 'N ROUND / open - Printable Version

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ROUND 'N ROUND / open - Character Graveyard. - 05-16-2018

[div style="width: 518px; margin-left: 30px; margin-right: auto; margin-top: -10px; margin-bottom: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 10px; font-size: 12px; color: #b1bed3; line-height: 110%"]Natasha had finally finished renewing her cabin. A new layer of paint was on every inch of the place and the roof had been repaired. Inside- the rooms were no longer dirty and there was new furniture. A welcome mat was placed at the front door and the front door was slightly open by a crack.

Despite the door being open, the wolf was on her bed, curled up in a ball as she slept. Though it appeared she was having a peaceful dream by the way she lie, the female was currently experiencing a nightmare, which could tell her Clanmates that because of the whimpers she let out.
© madi

Re: ROUND 'N ROUND / open - jacob w.c. - 05-17-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — To be honest, Jacob wouldn't mind having somewhere a little more cozy to stay than the tunnels. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the extra warmth and covering of them but he was used to buildings and heat and real walls with insulation and decorations. He'd tried to make his own cave, the medic cavern, and the chief's cavern as cozy as possible, both for himself and any visitors, but it just wasn't the same. No amount of blankets or pillows could hide the rock walls. He'd grown used to it since being in Snowbound for so long but sometimes he still found himself wishing for the comforts of home. He didn't even want anything lavish like the homes his Babbo liked to acquire but he sometimes desired for the softer things of his old life. All in all, a life in Snowbound was easier to maintain than one in the city on a larger scale. He wasn't constantly worried about someone trying to attack him or kill him or the people close to him. But would it really be too much to ask for a bed?

Jacob had been passing by Natasha's home, noticing that the woman had cleaned it all up. It looked rather nice now and he found himself wishing he knew how to do such things. There were a few abandoned cabins scattered about the territory and it'd be nice to move into one but he knew he couldn't do that even if he did know how to refurbish them. He had to stay close to camp in case there was ever some sort of emergency. If someone were to get hurt or they needed to evacuate, he needed to react as soon as he could. He was initially going to just pass by the wolf's property but then he heard quiet whimpers inside. He neared the door, immediate concern swelling in his chest. Before he opened the door, though, he hesitated. He didn't want to just barge into her house. But what if she couldn't respond or get up to open it? He supposed it'd be better to check first. He neared the door and raised his paw, knocking on it before calling, "Natasha? 'S everythin' alright? Ya' okay?" He then moved his ear closer to the door, listening for any movement or response. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: ROUND 'N ROUND / open - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-19-2018

Killua absolutely refused to sleep in the likes of Snowbound camp. Now that the place was starting to get popular, it meant that there were more bodies around. This definitely helped to keep the caves a little bit warmer than they were before, but he refused to be that close to someone. He had his own issues when it came to the likes of sleep anyway, and he didn't want anyone simply walking into the cave that he had designated his own in the camp and to go through his stuff that he didn't want them to. The wildcat had his own personal space and so he had decided that he was going to set up a place to sleep a good distance away from the Snowbound camp. Which was both a good and bad thing, one of the worse issues being that if he were to get injured inside of the small caved that he called his own, it would mean that he would be out of luck when it came to medical attention. He was lucky this time around that Jacob had been walking around and had arrived in the cave quick enough to help him because he would have bled out with the shock that he had been going through. Not to mention that he had nearly sliced through the entirety of his neck while he was asleep, something that he didn't exactly want to repeat. Despite this, Killua enjoyed the peace and quiet that he got, but unlike others the assassin had no issue laying on the cold rock that composed the cave and sleeping that way. Not like he really got any sort of sleep in the first place but one could probably consider that kind of position to be somewhat uncomfortable. Which would be true for anyone else, but Killua was used to sleeping in not so easy to sleep areas, having had to sleep for short periods of time while he was on jobs. Leaning up against a building in an alley half the time so that he wouldn't end up blowing his cover either. Killua had more nightmares and night terrors than he could really count, and half the time he ended up injuring himself while he wasn't paying attention. The dull feeling of pain not enough to wake him up in any shape or form. Killua wouldn't blame anyone that would want to try and stay away from the busy life of Snowbound camp, especially with those that had certain sleep schedules. Now that he was back in action and walking around like nothing had happened, the wildcat was getting used to the faces that were popping up. As far as he knew, he was all caught up those that he wasn't there to greet when they did join the clan.

Whether it was because they were walking around and he questioned what their name was, or if he heard their name being spoken out in a crowd. It didn't really matter all that much to the albino serval. Killua wasn't about to keep tabs on every member that he came across, although Natasha was on the list due to the factor that he wasn't sure how to feel about her. Having been an assassin for most of his life, he was usually able to pick out those that were killers and those that could potentially be dangerous. He had that feeling with the canine, but it wasn't as strong as he thought it would end up being. If anything she wasn't even comparable when it came to the bloodlust that practically leaked from Hisoka on a daily basis. At least when he was around the kitsune, someone who he hadn't seen in quite a while. The young male was just going to drop by the canines house to see if he could pick up anything suspicious on her. Out of everyone in Snowbound, Killua was probably the least trusting, thanks to the type of job environment that he grew up in, he had to not trust those he encountered as it was his own safety. Killua's pawsteps were completely silent as he stepped around the cabin, although the fresh scent of paint mixed into his nostrils, he also caught a familiar scent. Jacob. What was the chief doing here? Let alone inside of Natasha's cabin? Not really like it was any kind of business to him but still. The albino serval blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he silently weaved his way through the crack in the door, and listened to the sound that was coming from the other side of the cabin. It sounded, like somewhat was whining. A canine. What was going on? His eyes fell on Jacob who was outside of the door, one of his ears pointed toward the bedroom that Natasha was probably in. The Snowstriker began to make his way over, stopping a little bit of a distance away from both the door and Jacob. "What's happening?" Killua questioned, although he could probably guess what was happening behind the door. That was if she was actually sleeping through and not looking at some sort of photograph that some animals tended to do here and there. His large white ears were pointed toward the door, but his gaze landed on Jacob, wondering if the Chief knew what was happening. Although he doubted the other really did with the expression that was spread across his face.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: