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roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Printable Version

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roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - april . - 05-16-2018

sorry for being a copycat i just want to be COOL like everyone else ;w;
anywayyy welcome! for those that dont know me, i'm april, your friendly neighborhood admin & bob jesus <3
i'm a huge dweebus who's graduating from high school in like a week from now?? (so weird to say that but ITS TRUE save me) but don't let my adult-ness scare you- i'm hip and cool (at least i think so) and super friendly so don't be shy!

i'm also in WAY too many fandoms and it's honestly easier to ask me if i like something rather than me listing them all out (trust me- it'd take forever), but i have a huge interest in most video games, music (indie, alternative, pop, metal, you name it- i tend to jump around genres really lol (red vox is one of my top faves tho hint hint)), and tv shows (mostly cartoons and anime bc i'm a huge weeb but i do like shows with real actors too like stranger things for example aa) AND if you know me personally, you probably already know i'm absolutely obsessed with the vinesauce team of youtubers (especially vinny but i love all of them <333 bc they're beautiful human beans), but i like other youtubers as well (like normal boots and game grumps for example <3 bless all these boyos) so yeah don't be afraid to ask me!!

anyways, with that out of the way-
h-hewwo?!?? owo

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - dreamiplier - 05-17-2018

me, casually sliding into your chat thread reading your lil biography
me, sees pop in music
me: did she say she likes kpop
me, looks again and just sees pop: i need to stop

ofo what's this?
hewwo april, my daughter, my child, how're you?

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Orion - 05-17-2018

drops in
i like the profile B)

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Una. - 05-17-2018


Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Orion - 05-17-2018

owo whats this
a wild una??

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Una. - 05-17-2018

i am the wild, fierce una
hear me roar

insert tiny kitten meow here

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - fabrie - 05-17-2018

hello, nERDS!

how're you all?
i'm dying inside because of finals right now.

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Una. - 05-17-2018

I'm also suffering from finals.
But afterward, I get to have vacation.
It will be noice

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - guts - 05-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]/drops in through the ceiling
i also want to be one of the cool kids uwu

Re: roblox? more like r o a d b l o c k s haHAA || april's chat (all nerds welcome) - Una. - 05-17-2018

welcome 2 the nerd chat thread guts owo