Beasts of Beyond
EGGS AND BACON ♤ chicken soup - Printable Version

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EGGS AND BACON ♤ chicken soup - COSMIIX - 01-22-2021

Gremlin had been successful during his travels or that's what he believed anyways when he had taken a log to cross over to the islands that belonged to the Coalition, he had visited Jangleroot and the Palm Gays. It was fun until Whineystonerstar had decided to choke him like some psycho over some rocks and shells. He put on his throat remembering the way the other had basically strangled the air out of him "What a fucking weirdo... Getting his panties in a bunch over some shells and rocks," He rolled his single eye as he held onto the two bags full of goodies, oh, how generous of both groups to let him steal and partially vandalize their homes. He was sure that there would be something mentioned the next monthly luncheon, Gremlin thought about it for a moment. Maybe he wouldn't go... Maybe he would, he did love the attention after all. He snapped out of his thoughts when the log hit land, he huffed quietly slipping one of his fur skins on before grabbing both of his bags with a shake of his head.

He had a plan of what he was going to do, some homemade chicken soup, Mordred had gotten hurt and usually chicken soup helped make things better. Not to mention, the fact he wanted something earm for this unbearable weather. It wasn't long before he got to his humble home, he dropped everything already rummaging around for a large pot and when he found it. He began to boil the water thanks to his fire elementals, Grem would slowly take out the chickens with a soft snort and thought it would be best to pluck these bastards from their feathers. The small wildcat let out a huff deciding that he was going to remove the heads from the chickens first, he gnawed on the neck until the heads popped free and he spat them out to the side... For later. His forked tongue slipped out from his jaws before it swiped across his lips, he would snort quietly and closed his single eye. "Time to strip these motherfuckers,"

He had spent half an hour plucking the poultry and he was completely covered in stray feathers, Grem would spit out a few feathers as he hissed under his breath "God, this is worse than sleeping over at Kura's place..." He growled quietly as he pulled a feather off his tongue with a claw, Grem decided that he might as well throw in the two fully plucked and one partially plucked chicken into the boiling water. His spotted tail lashed to the sides as he watched the chicken fall into the bubbling water, he couldn't remember what else was normally added with the soup. Did he even have anything else with him currently? He glanced around his room for anything, he looked into the bags grabbing one of the rocks and licking it. Oh, it was salty! He threw it into the pot sitting there as he kept searching for more ingredients, he decided to throw in the decapitated chicken heads into the mix.

Alright so, maybe this was why Kuragori made most of their meals. A soft snort would leave the small feline as he looked over at his creation. Well, it wasn't that bad. The tip of his tail twitched as his snout wrinkled slightly "It could be worse," He decided to say finding a bowl and serving himself a bit, hm, maybe he should've chopped up the chickens instead of throwing them in whole. He shrugged deciding that he really didn't care, he immediately perked up at the taste of it "Wow, that rock really did add some flavor." Grem winced peeling a feather off of his tongue, regardless, he continued to eat some eventually getting a chicken leg for himself. He began to offer some chicken soup to some of the NPCs, most of them wincing at the sight of the soup... It looked more like a witches brew than soup especially those floating chicken heads.

"Anybody want some chicken soup?"