Beasts of Beyond
EATING DOG FOOD ♤ stolen shit - Printable Version

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EATING DOG FOOD ♤ stolen shit - COSMIIX - 01-22-2021

Well, his trip to the Palm Gays had been rather eventful. As much as he liked playing the sneaky mouse and getting choked by the head honcho of the place, Grem had other places to be. His single eye set on Tanglewood, Gremlin already making his way to the group with a small sack clenched in his jaws as he darted across the tree roots to avoid sinking into the mud. That would be the least ideal given the fact he was going to steal some more shit, he had heard that Tanglewood had plenty to provide. Barn animals, scrap metal, garbage, and books! Sure, by all means, it wasn't like the gold he had stolen but he was certain that Kuragori would enjoy these gifts... Especially the books, Grem had no use for them seeing as he could not read at all. "Where to first... Hm... Maybe, the petting zoo first." A crooked grin found itself present on his maw as he began to scuttle across the town to get to that area, his eyes scanning over all the animals. "Too big... Too fat... Oh?" He stopped walking when the chicken coop came into sight making the fur on his spine rise with excitement.

His forked tongue swiped across his teeth, he crept closer climbing over the small fencing that made sure the chickens didn't get out or predators wouldn't get in. Too bad, it wasn't enough to keep Gremlin Faxx out. He jumped forward only to land on his paws with spotted tail raised in the air, he cleared his throat for a moment before speaking aloud to the poultry that pecked around at the ground "If there are any sentient chickens, please speak up." A crooked grin still present on his maw waiting for a minute only to speak once more shrugging his shoulders "Oh, who gives a shit? Everyone meets the reaper one day, I just so happen to be yours." Spotted tail lashing to the sides in an eager manner, the small Asian leopard cat would spring forward chasing the chickens. He might as well have some fun while he was here, right? It was only fair while he was running these "errands" of his.

He managed to catch three chickens, he had scared the rest of them and most were huddled in a corner. Grem couldn't help but roll his single eye at them as he shoved the three limp corpses into his bag, he licked the blood off of his jaws saying with a shake of his head "Worry not my feathered darlings, I won't take all of you. I'm not greedy, I am simply taking a few souvenirs from this fun little visit." He pounced forward startling the chickens as they screeched and flapped away from him, he would burst into a fit of laughter. He grabbed his bag leaping out of the coop. Feathers scattered all over with small pools of blood, the small wildcat covered in a bit of plumage but that was something familiar to him. Sometimes, Kuragori smothered him with his feathers and Grem didn't mind it much. That shit was soft, it did tickle his nose often, but he could probably fall asleep in that warm embrace for ho- whoa. That was kinda gay.

Grem dragged the bag across the town not caring that the bloody bag was leaving a trail of crimson behind him, nobody said robbery had to be perfect after all or that's what he thought anyways. He blinked at the library a few times and would squint unable to make out the word but the sight of books confirmed what it was for him. The small wildcat pushed the door open without much of a struggle leaving his bag outside, forked tongue swiping over his jaws a few times. Eventually, he found a section of books that looked interesting or well... They all looked the same to him. He plucked a small picture book of horses for himself and five other books for Kuragori, Grem made sure to put them in a plastic bag before shoving his loot in with the dead chickens. He was exploring town square only to notice a small burial area, he glanced around a few times touching the bloody bag until a single paw was soaked with the metallic smelling liquid.


Okay, so, he couldn't spell but it left the general message. Gremlin threw the bag over his back to stop making a trail of blood and immediately ran out before any of the Tanglers would wake up. It had been fun and all but, he knew that he didn't want to risk anything and die just yet. He had a lot to live for. Grem, in his mind, hadn't done much damage to the place and sure, he was sure that Ninazu's attention would be brought to his actions but he didn't care much. Without a word, Grem slipped into the night without a trace.

/ fyi, he ain't there anymore

Re: EATING DOG FOOD ♤ stolen shit - wormwood. - 01-28-2021