Beasts of Beyond
job well done - open; visitor/delivery - Printable Version

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job well done - open; visitor/delivery - rhosmari - 01-21-2021

She was only here at the behest of a child and one whom had paid her for this job. One meat cake as he had called it and when the little one had given it to her she had been rather surprised. To her she had not expected any kind gestures from the Four Legs that ran rampant among the island. Even if it was payment for her services she didn't think he would actually follow through. It was interesting but did not change her opinions of them. At least not by much. With wings that flew silently across the sky she watched the ground for any moements as she soared overhead. Much of what she knew was given to her, directions and what to look for when she actually got to his place called The Pitt. Already she didn't much care for the name, guess it was underneath the Typhoon in that regard. Her tail feathers shifted as she dipped lower down, scanning across desert sands. A meager amount of annoyance showed on her face at the territory itself. There was no suitable place to land in this place. Though she supposed that she should keep going, after all she was told there was a jungle. One with which housed these animals.

Guiding herself she twisted herself around in the air high above and once she managed to find the jungle she pulled her wings back and dove. Her body disappeared within the canopy of trees, taking note of the odd change in temperature. There was,  oddly enough, snow here which she found to be disturbing. Hot and cold did not mix but the barn owl merely decided not to dwell on it for too long and get this job over with. As she swept through the branches the pale white avian of soft grey and speckled brown finally laid her bronze red eyes upon what she guessed was their city, town, whatever they wished to call it. Metal lengthened talons struck forward to grasp onto a branch. Her winds flared before she pulled them against her body. Around her neck was a stone carved like that of a dragon around her neck and clutched on her talons with the leg not holding onto the branch was some paper. Her voice suddenly left her sharp beak, demanding and forthcoming. "Hello, Four Legs of the Pitt. I am here to speak with a Trygve Roux. He has items that need to be given to him."

Re: job well done - open; visitor/delivery - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
The snow was awful and half the time, Dante contemplated going to The Typhoon and joining them; at least they would have some sort of water source for him to jump into whenever he pleased. Sure, The Pitt had that in the jungle, but with the cold weather, it was frozen over. Infuriating. Not to mention, the cold wasn't something he adjusted to well, given his cold-blooded genes.

"[member=12555]Trygve[/member], huh?" The hybrid rumbled as he approached Requiem, his eyes narrowing at the owl. Her sharp, demanding voice was irritating to hear, but he didn't say anything about it (even if it was obvious he wasn't too keen on seeing their visitor). "He should be 'round somewhere. Hell if I know where. Probably off flirting with Aine or some shit." He snorted, puffing smoke from his cigarette that stayed lodged between his fangs.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: job well done - open; visitor/delivery - gael - 01-22-2021

Gael's primary concern with the jungle was the affects of the cold on the trees -- they were not built for this weather.  Ideally, they would see a thaw begin soon; perhaps with the coming of spring.  Cold fronts did not last forever.

In the meantime, the Ardent kept his eyes on the canopy -- wary of any snow that may have built up there overtime, waiting to drop when it grew too heavy.  He had no expectations of an owl gliding by, hazel optics blinking and narrowing quickly on the stranger as she found a perch and spoke.

He furrowed his brows -- most visitors knew to heed the border.  She was an avian however, leading him to begrudgingly suspect she had not wanted to land on open ground.  Gael tilted his head, inhaling quietly as Dante answered.  She carried the scent of sea salt on her, which suggested her intentions were true enough.

"I'd hope he's in the temple resting," the faerie remarked, voice low.  With a twitch of his ear, Gael directed his next words to their visitor, "may I ask who sent you?  I do not recognize you as one of his family."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: job well done - open; visitor/delivery - Kian. - 01-22-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman had not met all the newcomers to the Typhoon's shores -- sticking around the Pitt in the aftermath of the blizzard.  He missed the ocean, though he found he didn't mind the company of his family and their friends here.

Kian did not recognize the owl with the message -- if she had a message for Trygve then she likely came from the Typhoon.  The rusty-spotted cat frowned, wondering how many new crewmates he would be meeting next time he headed home.  "Hey there!" Kian wore his usual jovial grin, head tilted in curiosity.  "You came from the Typhoon right?  Are you new?  I'm from there myself, but I've been staying with family here."

"If you don't mind me asking, miss, how are things back there?

More importantly, he wondered how Keona was doing, tail twitching behind him -- with her birthday coming up he had plans to head back soon.  Just need to decide... If I'm gonna stick around... Both here and there.  Hopefully, Gael would not mind such an arrangement.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: job well done - open; visitor/delivery - rhosmari - 01-25-2021

Her cutting gaze slowly lowered down toward the individual that spoke to him. Her head not moving at all as she witness his words but she also decided to not give him the time of day. What the individual was doing at the current moment did not matter to her. All that mattered was that he was here and the individual speaking told her what she wanted to know. Other than that he was pointless to the message and items she was supposed to be giving. He was not the one she sought so she merely gave a huff of breath before turning her eyes away. When another came forward she shifted along the branches, looking down at him next. He seemed different thought not by much but he wanted to know who had sent her. She would not have come here if it had not been for a payment. Family or no, her work did not come free and she was not one to waste her time on frivolous things. There was no use in keeping information but she would be as short and as quick as necessary. Again he was not the one she was here for. ''A sibling.'' A young one to be exact but he had merely asked her who she was sent by. A family member should suffice.

Turning her head oddly more to the left than what a neck should be able to do the owl would look upon the smaller feline to come forwards. He was friendlier than she was used to considering some in the Typhoon had not been thrilled at her presence. She was still not sure how far from home she really was but with no direction where did she go. Across the ocean was a dangerous bid but she lifted a wing, her eyes narrowing slightly. ''New to this land yes, but I am not a part of that Four Leg cult. They whine about everything but I can say that they appear to be holding up. As much as ground walkers can.'' She shrugged her wings after dropping it back to her side, careful of the piece of paper she was still holding in one of her taloned feet.

Re: job well done - open; visitor/delivery - T. ROUX - 01-26-2021

Trygve Roux had been recovering from all his burns and injuries, he had taken the time to stitch at his wings watching as they slowly began to heal. One day, he'd be able to fly again but at the current moment... He was grounded, quite literally too. Everyone kept making sure that he stayed in the White Temple and the melanistic jaguar would do that yet it got tiresome pretty quick, he wanted to run around and fly again but... He could not. Trygve still couldn't recall what had happened to him, why everyone was so angry though he didn't dwell much on those thoughts seeing as he had an awesome girlfriend and Saintkit wasn't being such a tense child around him. He had been curled into a tight ball but his tufted ears would twitch hearing someone utter his name, he opened his eyes slowly only to breathe out into the cold as purple flames lapped at his jaws. Despite being unable to fly, his broken leg had gotten better and his fire elementals had returned to him. "They just can't get enough of me, huh?" He said rather sarcastically as the smell of the Typhoon brushed against his nose, the draconic jaguar rose to his paws with a lash of his mottled tail.

He would step out into the sunlight and squinted slightly as he tried to get adjusted to the light, a toothy smirk on his maw as he walked across the snow with both of his wings folded at his side. He wondered if it was Michael again trying to deliver news, the thought made him snort yet the draconid wildcat continued to walk until he was behind his clanmates. "Of course, I was resting in the temple, old man." Ry would draw out with a shrug only to glance over at Dante "Go to see you again, shitass." His heterochromic gaze turned to the owl that called them Four legs, it made him start to laugh but he supposed that he shouldn't be all that rude. "What are these items? And I'm Trygve, you needn't add the Roux." He sat down slowly curling his tail over his paws waiting for this avian to speak and give him whatever it was that she wanted to give him.