Beasts of Beyond
i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - Printable Version

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i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - ROSEMARY - 01-20-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Gliding on air currents, the ocelot drifted down towards the Tanglers’ camp winglessly. A cluster of baskets shivered in the air beside her, but she’d had the good luck not to lose too many fresh plants to the jostling in the sky. Still, it was colder in these woods than she’d expected, and the ocelot wished she’d brought more than a scarf and sweater. But she wished, above all, she didn’t even have to leave her cozy treehouse.

Roan’s unfortunate disappearance came at an awful time for the sage. Rosemary wanted to introvert quietly in her treehouse, but the idiot had to get captured by the same group which’d stolen the bulk of their medical supplies. And while she humored her hermit tendencies for a rainy evening and dreary morning, it was time to face her duties. After all, if a pirate suffered because she didn’t have the supplies to treat them properly, then that would be on her conscious.

So Rosemary had decided to come, unannounced, the the Tanglers’ town. After all, she’d plopped in unannounced a fair few times during Vigenere’s reign, and nobody’d made a stunk about that. She assumed the new luminary would be much the same.

Rosemary held a paw to her chest, cleared her throat, and motioned a few wandering Tanglers to come towards her. “Ah. Hello. I’m Rosemary, from the Typhoon.”

One or two crowded around the shivering ocelot—which absolutely wrecked her social anxiety, but was the goal, unfortunately… Still, she hoped to catch the eye of someone who knew something about plants or, at the very least, had the power to bargain with the group’s medical supplies.

“I’m looking for mint, lavender, feverfew, cardinal flowers, and foxglove. The Iron Forged raided our temple, and these plants don’t grow in our territory, but I believe at least a few grow in yours.”

The ocelot sighed, adjusted her white scarf, and motioned with her forked tail to the baskets gently lowering to the ground beside her. A woven basket, filled to the brim with a red fruit with eye-like markings, settled between her front paws. Despite its lack of life-saving properties, it was her favorite of the bunch; when she didn’t want herbal teas and needed a kick, she turned to guaraná.

“I’ve brought guaraná, which improves fatigue… despite it’s rather terrifying appearance.” She pointed to the eye-like fruits, and then pointed out the other baskets beside her. “These, cajueiro and milhomens, are anti-inflammatory… and curare here is a muscle relaxant.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - trojan g. - 01-20-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
It had been a while since Moth had talked anything medical with the members of other groups, and although she would often like to do such a thing, it seemed as though more and more piled onto her plate, so she was unable to go to any of their allies to talk to someone about medical items. It came as a surprise though when Rosemary landed in the middle of camp, speaking about different herbs that they needed and a frown came to her face. They had the herbs, of course, and she would be willing to spare all she could, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to give the Typhooner everything she needed.

Walking forward to the Typhooner, the reaper would offer a small smile before speaking, "I'm sorry to hear about the raid," She would begin, "As far as medicines and herbs go, we have a few things we can give, though sadly don't have everything at the moment due to the weather. I can show you to where we keep the herbs and could show you some of the garden areas we have as well if you'd want to look through those, see if there's anything you missed on the list?" She trusted Rosemary not to take everything and leave nothing behind for the Tanglewood members, so she had no issue with showing the other where she kept herbs for the time being.

Looking towards the baskets for a moment, she would continue speaking once more. "We can bring the baskets with us if you'd like, so that you can take the baskets back to the Typhoon with you, use them to carry any herbs, I can add a blanket or two to go on top of them to make sure the herbs don't fly out if you'd like?" Not to mention she was sure Rosemary would get warmer quicker if she carried one of the baskets back to the herb supply.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - S. PENDRAGON - 01-21-2021

Sophiea knew that the Typhoon and Tanglewood were close allies, they'd always have one another's backs, even if she was unaware of their past history when the two groups once hated each other. Regardless, the winged feline would make her way over when the scent of salt water and herbs brushed against her snout making the whiskers on her muzzle begin to twitch lightly. She found herself wishing that it had been Goldenluxury to come all the way out here but she knew that wouldn't be the case for a good while, a soft breath brushing past her slightly parted maw as she took some steps forward taking note that Moth was already there greeting their guest. A snort left the British woman listening the discussion about herbs, this was enough to make her tufted ears perk forward with interest. She figured that she might as well introduce herself to the pirate.

Clearing her throat before speaking, Sophiea would nod to both of the individuals that were there. She would've offered a smile if she had been anyone else but she was not, Sophiea preferred to keep things quick and to the point, things were a lot easier that way than trying to stumble around for what to say. "Salutations. I am Sophiea Pendragon. I don't believe that we've met before." She would give a polite dip of her cranium before continuing to speak "I hope that herb finding will be a lot easier for you or that we can provide during these times."

Re: i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - wormwood. - 01-21-2021

Re: i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - Grimm - 01-21-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Salt.

Distinct the difference that acted gulf between the mineral used in culinary endeavours and that which was present in the brine of the ocean, evident the existence that flourished beneath the waves in the latter. Once simple his daily pursuits, changed with the necessity of assisting in rearing the little ones that populated the home on occasion and infrequent training, thus relished a moment alone. Familiar now the chill that permeated the air, though it was lesser compared to other areas, though such he might not know, covering lacking as he lounged upon porch.

Once relaxed his posture, head heavy where it rested atop outstretched legs, yet sudden the lift, teeth coming together with a muted click. He knew the smell the ocean bore, alongside this held the knowledge few among them dared to enter the more turbulent waves of their own shore. This enough to ignite worry that coiled in his stomach, only partially snuffed out when voice rang forth. The call was one that sought assistance, the lack of desire for combat a relief, still weary the cub as abandoned his resting place.

Gathered others, family two and liked, if tentatively, the third, the final of their number a stranger. Wide eyes studied the oddity of her appearance, how brow was broken beneath an extra set of eyes and her tail split, each half independent and yet mobile. "Oh, uh hello." Unsure the stammered greeting Salvia offered with a slight curl to his lips, unnecessary deemed further comment. No healer was he, and he lacked a green thumb to assist in tending the gardens, anything he may say useless babble even as questions filled his head.

Re: i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - ROSEMARY - 01-21-2021

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The ocelot’s ears twitched as she looked at Moth, vaguely recognizing the other woman. Mostly, she recognized Moth’s herbal scent and her general description. “Understandable, it being winter and all.” She nodded, but a strong wind gust sent her teeth chattering, and she hunkered her muzzle in her scarf. “…If you could, a blanket or two would be, ah, really nice.”

Unfortunately, three others padded over; Rosemary’s jaw tightened and her smaller eyes went cross-eyed. By the time Aurum was halfway through his longwinded speech, she’d forgotten Sophiea’s name and was too disoriented to notice the stuttering cub following his father.

“Thank you for the welcome, but I really am in quite a hurry,” Rosemary grumbled. Her eyes glanced independently between the ‘three extras’—as she thought of them in her head—until they refocused on her basket of herbs. With a flick of her paw, she used her magic to control the wind around them, using the air itself to lift them off the ground and hover beside her for easier travel.

She held a paw to rub her temple as she added, “If you’ve no useful skills with herbs, please just leave. Moth and I can handle this. I have to get back as soon as possible. I do not have the time or the energy to chew the fat.” 

Rosemary’s heart thrummed in her chest, and she her breathing shallowed and quickened. Breathing deeply, she finished rubbing her temple and stepped towards Moth, in the direction towards their herb storage, a line of floating baskets behind her like a trail of ducklings. “Let’s check the herb storage first. Anything you don’t have, I can probably trade for in the Palm Glades or elsewhere—I’d rather not clean you all out of medical supplies, just because those bastards did the same to us.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - trojan g. - 01-24-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The jaguar couldn't help but let the small twinge of a smile come to her face as the gust of wind came through, watching Rosemary before her. She knew that the weather in the Typhoon was different than that in the swamp, but she hadn't thought that it was different enough for her to be chilled by wind. Maybe Moth would have to visit their ally by the ocean more often, see how nice the weather really was. "I'll even let you pick them out if you'd like when we see them." She would speak in turn to the mention of the blankets, watching quickly as the baskets were soon picked up by their own little bit of wind.

Turning to walk towards the windmill, Moth would begin their short trek to the herb store and their garden. Opening the door for Rosemary to walk through she would look towards the other for a moment before speaking. "We've got different herbs in different piles, but try to keep them as close to each function as possible. I know we've got plenty of mint, cardinal flowers, and lavender in here ready to go, and I believe we've got some foxglove, though I'm not so sure about foxglove. I don't really keep it around all too often." Too many things could happen if someone were to get into the herb store thinking it was something else, especially to those young.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: i'll take one of that and two of those, please // typhoon medic - rhosmari - 01-28-2021

She was just a passing glance, an afterthought. She didn't have a high opinion on the typhoon either since Stryker had taken them over. Being new to these lands she figured that their connections were tighter, stronger. Alas, she did not see these bonds like the rest of them seemed to. Her eyes were distant as she watched the two moving toward the windmill, fire shifting that made up her mane. There was truly nothing to say and she had made it clear before that the others including herself was uncessary to what she had come here for. Her eyes slowly narrowed, blue gaze watching the Typhooner for just a moment before she decided to leave. Her attention was perhaps needed elsewhere and she could also at least get a break in. Their herbal search and trade she was sure would go off without a hitch and she couldn't see anything wrong that could occur. Unless their visitors was planning an act of betrayal. But she doubted that so she left the scene almost as soon as she had entered it.

After all she had no herbal knowledge anyway. Save for small tidbits about broken bones and infected wounds. Much of which she had gained from Moth and some she had gained from her own tribe.
