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The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - Printable Version

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The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - Ember. - 01-20-2021

Ember. | 3 years
Cat | The Pitt

Ember unlike her daughter Flame loved cold wind. She was proud of Flame for completing her blooding. Ember sat near her house looking at the sky for a moment before looking at her house before getting up and walking around. Ember didn't get the chance to explore the camp yet or to meet anyone, but who welcomed her and Flame.

Ember smiled as she stopped and sat down and smiled. She loved being in the Pitt, especially with her daughter. She was wanting her son there too, but that didn't happen, Fire took him with him. Ember sat there thinking about her son and Fire, but most about her son. She missed Crimson, but she knew that Flame was happy.

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
It was strange how The Pitt became like a home with Dante. Sure, he had been here during the group's creation, but he hadn't expected it to stick that much with him. And yet here he was, returning back more than once. Not that anyone seemed to complain about it, that is - but it wasn't like he would care if others liked him or not. What mattered is that he was happy here, as odd as it was.

"I haven't seen you 'round here." Dante commented as he approached Ember, flicking an ear as he looked down at her. "Name's Dante Northwest."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - Ember. - 01-21-2021

Ember. | 3 years
Cat | The Pitt

Ember looked up hearing someone. She smiled seeing Dante. "I'm Ember." She said still smiling. She was happy to see another face. She was still thinking about her son. "I'll joined a while back with my daughter Flame." Ember added thinking about how excited Flame was to finally make to the Pitt.

Ember looked at Dante still. She was thinking, but she looked at the sky for a moment. "It's nice to meet you." She said turning her attention back to Dante. She still had a smile on her face as she looked at him and talked to him.

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Truth be told, Dante couldn't recall ever meeting someone named Flame - but hey, clearly there were some people he hasn't met that have been apart of The Pitt for a while. "Nice t' meet you, too." Dante replied as he sat down, wrapping his shark-like tail around his paws. "You likin' it here so far?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - Ember. - 01-23-2021

Ember. | 3 years
Cat | The Pitt

Ember nodded and understood that probably not all of the Pitt had known Flame. "Well, I hope you get the chance to meet her." Ember said happily. She liked that her and Flame had a place to live. But she wished her son could have come with her. Ember looked at the sky as the thought of her son came into her mind. "I just wish my son could be here with Flame and I" She added, wanting Crimson there so badly.

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-24-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Dante shrugged in response to Ember's comment about meeting Flame; he couldn't care whether he did or didn't, if he was honest. People came and went within The Pitt, that was just how life was, he was used to it. Though being a bit of a nosy motherfucker that he was, he was a bit curious as to who Flame was. Eh, maybe they would meet one day. "Maybe one day." He voiced his thoughts out loud, before he reached in his satchel to grab a cigarette and a lighter. "You want one?" He asked, lighting his cig and placed it in between his fangs, holding out a spare one to Ember - whether she accepted or not, he wouldn't mind. Not everyone enjoyed this shit.

Fuck. Dante inwardly cringed at Ember mentioned her son. I ain't good at this emotional shit. "Er.. Is he, uh. Just not around, or..? He asked, not entirely sure how to react. He didn't have any kids, or siblings, so he couldn't really relate to wanting a family around. It wasn't like he ever knew his mother, either, and he didn't particularly care for the she-cat that nursed him. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - Ember. - 01-25-2021

Ember. | 3 years
Cat | The Pitt

Ember smiled slightly at Dante. She hoped that Flame and Dante got to meet one day. "My son, Crimson, is with his father." She said smiling sadly. She wish that Crimson was with her and Flame. "Fire, took Crimson with him, but I don't know where they went and no thank, I don't smoke." Ember added thinking about it. If she had both of her kids she would be very happy, but Fire wanted Crimson.

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - SAINTKIT. - 01-25-2021

Saintkit didn't know Flame or Ember, but he was always a fan of meeting new people – provided they were Pittians, of course. He wasn't such a big fan of people outside of The Pitt, since they all seemed like they were pretty mean. However, after seeing Dante interact in a somewhat friendly way with Ember, Saint decided that it was safe to head over, a grin on his muzzle.

His tail was held high behind him, and the cleaned tegu skull that he had taken to using as a helmet shifted slightly as he bounced over. His tone was pleased as he purred, waving a paw in a little extra greeting, "Hello there! Did I hear your name was Ember? My name's Saintkit! But most people here call me Saint... how long have you and your daughter been here? I've been here for a month or so, I think..." He wasn't exactly sure, since he wasn't really great with time yet, but that seemed to line up with what Aine had told him. Vaguely, he wondered if he should've celebrated passing a month within The Pitt. Probably not, though. He was sure that if there was some kind of celebration to be held, Aine would've suggested it already.

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - Ember. - 01-25-2021

Ember. | 3 years
Cat | The Pitt

Ember smiled still but then looked at Saintkit. She was glad to meet others. "Yes, my name is Ember." She said happily as she still looked at Saintkit. Ember knew that Flame had completed her Blooding a bit back. "I think we've been here about two months, and Flame completed her Blooding not too long ago." Ember added looking at both Dante and Saintkit. Ember than looked at the sky and smiled still. But all of her thoughts went to Crimson once more.

Re: The Brightest Emebr |Settling In| - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-27-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
When Ember declined his offer, Dante gave a small shrug and put his lighter and the spare cigarette back in the pouch. "Well, wherever they are, I hope you can see them again soon." He replied, still not entirely sure how to respond properly. Emotions were hard, man. Fortunately though, Saintkit joined them and seemingly distracted Ember enough to start a new conversation.

"You plannin' on doing the Blooding soon?" Dante asked. Although the tradition was nice and all, with him being a drug addict, staying out in the desert for a week had been awful. Though since Ember didn't appear to do any drugs, perhaps she would do just fine. Maybe. It was harsh surviving out there by yourself, after all.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]