Beasts of Beyond
BEEN HELPFUL AND FRIENDLY ☆ blooding - Printable Version

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BEEN HELPFUL AND FRIENDLY ☆ blooding - SAINTKIT. - 01-20-2021

When Saintkit had initially heard of the blooding ritual, he had been intimidated by the mere scope of it. A bunch of time alone, all to catch something and bring back bones to signify yourself as worthwhile? It seemed intimidating, but that didn't make the boy outright write it off. After all, there was no way for him to bring back his old family, but that didn't mean he couldn't make his new family proud of him by completing the ritual. Of course, he knew he was a bit young to be doing it right now, but he didn't think it was that big of a deal. He had become accustomed to The Pitt's territory, both in warm weather and in not so warm weather. Not only that, but nothing said he had to bring back something huge. He would just find a creature that he could handle, and then he would bring back some bones, and that would be that! And if he later decided that the bones were too small for his armor and all the rest of that, he could always try and do it again once he was a little bigger, and stronger. That was why he saw no problem with at least making an attempt at his blooding now, even if he didn't necessarily turn out successful.

After making sure he had a decent meal to start off with, the boy had set off from the main camp of The Pitt's territory, cold sand shifting beneath his paws as he ventured out all on his own. He couldn't deny that there was a sense of anxiety in his chest, but there was also a sense of excitement, as well. He wondered what he would come across as he wandered, very grateful for his thick orange pelt as the air grew cold around him. He wasn't sure how much time passed from when he had originally set off on his journey, but he knew that it was getting late. Not only that, but there was the scent of something on the air. Something that he wanted to find. For now, though, he just went to find a smaller piece of prey, catching it in his growing claws and devouring his meal before settling in for the night.

The next few days went similarly, with Saintkit exploring to the best of his abilities while keeping himself afloat with prey, and sleep. He has resolved to head back home if he got too hungry or somehow got injured, but things had actually been going fairly well, and he felt a sense of pride in his chest. He was sure that Gael and Aine would be similarly proud, although it was likely that Aine was feeling some anxiety over his absence. He only hoped that he could make it up to her with what he brought back – what he had been tracking over the various nights. He still wasn't sure what the scent was, but it was so foreign and interesting... it drew him in. He wanted to find it, so he continued along on his journey.

When he finally came upon what he had been tracking... he was stunned. It was a lizard, long with broad shoulders and a flicking tongue, moving slowly through the shifting sands, searching for prey of its own. Saint may not have known it, but the lizard was known as a tegu. Finally finding it delighted the boy, and he made the mistake of rushing up to it, a joyful little cry leaving him. However, the lizard shrank back in fear and anger as he approached, jaws opening and tongue flicking as it moved towards him. On instinct, his paw flicked out, claws dragging over scales as he tumbled back and shouted, "Hey! Knock it off!" Unfortunately, it seemed as though the tegu was already angered, as it began to move forward towards him, rather menacing to the young kit. His heart leaped in his throat as he took several more steps back, his fur spiked up and – unbeknownst to him – a dormant power awakening inside of him. All of a sudden, the sand beneath the tegu started to shift, dragging it downwards and seeming to grip onto it with force. Even as it thrashed from side to side, it didn't seem able to escape the pit that had been formed specially for it.

That was enough of a chance for Saintkit. The boy was quick to rush forward, claws once again clashing against scales. This time, however, they dug in. Into the creatures neck, reaching deeper as it continued to thrash to and fro. He was quick to follow his claws up with his jaws, still growing fangs sinking into flesh until finally, the tegu ceased its movement. Shocked that his attack had actually worked, Saint stumbled back briefly, staring down at the corpse of the lizard before he began to relax. A joyful cry then left him, followed by him pulling it up from the sand in order to collect bones. The process was honestly a bit unpleasant, but he didn't intend to come home empty-handed.

It was another day or so before Saintkit returned to The Pitt's main grounds, but when he finally did, he couldn't help the grin that lingered on his muzzle. Along with him he brought a bundle of the tegu's ribs, as well as the tegu's skull, mostly cleaned in a small oasis that he had managed to find. Still, if he wanted to use it as a helmet – as he intended to do eventually – it would have to be cleaned more thoroughly. For now, though, his attention was not on his prizes. Rather, it was on his group mates. He was excited to tell them what he had done, as well as glad to just be home, and able to relax. He couldn't wait to tell Aine tales of his travels, either – and Trygve too, he supposed.

Settling down once he was near the marketplace, Saintkit set out the skull and bones in front of him, raising his voice to call out, "E-Everybody, I did it! My blooding, I mean." He then smiled widely as he waited for others to approach, eager to show off. He hoped that nobody would think he cheated, due to his young age. After all, he had killed the tegu legitimately. Although, he did have to wonder about that whole sand thing. Why had the desert just started shifting beneath the tegu's feet, especially considering there was no quicksand there?

( tl;dr: Saintkit went out to do his blooding, explored around a bit and stumbled upon a tegu. He managed to kill it with the help of his earth elementals (which he didn't realize he was using) and then took several of its ribs, as well as its skull. He then returned to The Pitt the next day, showing off the bones and skull )

Re: BEEN HELPFUL AND FRIENDLY ☆ blooding - aine. - 01-20-2021

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Antsy.  The petite deer-fox had been antsy.  Restless.  Trying to wait patiently for friends and family to return from bloodings often failed with her.  Required distractions.  Busywork while she worried.  She hadn't truly managed with Trygve... Ran off after him... Part of her longed to dive into the desert after Saintkit too.

He'd recovered.  Built up strength.  He was doing well.  Extremely well.  A real daring spirit.  She was happy, unable to hide the sense of affection and pride she felt with him.  Doting, like a mother would.  The fleshweaver couldn't help it.  And the desert had gotten cold... Anything could go wrong.  What if it stormed again?  What if there wasn't enough food?

Aine chewed the inside of her cheek.  Her wings shuffled dejectedly at her sides.  She tended to her herbs in the white temple now.  Where they were safer from any freak weather.  Important work.  Important work, but it dissipated in her mind the second she heard his voice.  "Saintkit!"

The druid turned on her heels immediately, hazel hues bright with relief.  Scanning quickly and quietly for any sign of injury.  He looked okay.  "Y-you'll have to talk with the blacksmiths," she beamed.  "Get armor sized for you..."

Aine did not care for hunting.  An omnivore, but herbivore by choice.  Still.  She felt proud.  Happy.  He was safe and he'd proven himself a worthy match to the desert.  Still.  She furrowed her brows.  "D-did you eat okay?  Are you hungry?  Are you hurting anywhere?"

Re: BEEN HELPFUL AND FRIENDLY ☆ blooding - Kian. - 01-22-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
The Irishman had been curious about the Pitt's initiation rite -- the Typhoon had one too after all.  It came with a practical use, with the bones to armor portion, which the blacksmith in him found fascinating.  He wondered if he could help out in that aspect, since his whole purpose in coming to the Pitt was to offer a friendly and helpful paw.

Saintkit's a bit young though... The wildcat thought when he heard the little spitfire had gone off on his.  It did make him happy to see the boy return, full of pride and energy.  He wore his usual jovial grin as he trotted over.  "Hey, nice work kiddo!"

"I knew you were pretty tough, look at that.  You'll have some pretty cool armor soon enough."
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: BEEN HELPFUL AND FRIENDLY ☆ blooding - SAINTKIT. - 01-25-2021

In the back of his mind, Saint had honestly been expecting Aine to be worried about him. After all, she was like a mother to him, and it was natural that she'd be anxious about the whole ordeal. Despite her rambled out questions, though, Saintkit found a joyful cry leaving him as he rushed forward, throwing his arms around her neck and hugging her. When he pulled away, the young feline began to ramble cheerfully, "Hey, Aine! I'm okay! I got back all safe, with no scratches or anything on me. The first night was kinda hard, since I was having trouble with the hunting, but I managed to figure it out! And then the rest of it was pretty easy... the tegu didn't even hurt me. It stepped into quicksand and didn't have a chance to hit me, so I'm totally fine, see?" As if to demonstrate how alright he was, the kit turned around in a circle, stretching out his legs to show how he had no cuts or bruises. In spite of this, he certainly wouldn't mind something proper to eat now that he was back home, rather than just little lizards he could actually catch.

As Kian approached, the young male felt his excitement from earlier reignite, his chest filling with proud warmth. He nodded his head eagerly at the other's words, his words coming out in a purr as he spoke, "Thanks, Kian! And I know, right? The bones are so cool! And I'm sure once the bones are all clean and everything, they'll make great armor. It'll make me even more intimidating when anybody tries to mess with The Pitt." He took a bold step forward after that, baring his teeth in a menacing but also somewhat adorable hiss. He then sat back afterwards, a bit of a tired rush of air leaving him. Even if he had done well with his blooding, he couldn't deny that it had been tiring.