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WEIGHED DOWN BY MORNING;; PLANECRASH - trojan g. - 01-19-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Late. It wasn't often that Moth deemed herself late, at least not anymore. She'd found out about the monthly meetings that happened in the neutral territories long ago when she had joined back in Tanglewood, but had decided that she would rather not attend them. The mutated jaguar had other things she had to worry about at home - always did - whether it be gathering herbs and making sure they had plenty of stock for the colder seasons, or to make sure that those around her weren't hurting themselves. She had to make sure that everyone was fine and healthy. But this month had been different. Although Aurum was at the meetings a lot of the time, this had been his first time there as the leader of Tanglewood, and she wanted to see what they were about, wanted to be there to support her brother.

It was going to be a surprise, her being there for him, but she had slept in on accident that morning, and so had to leave by herself, unaware for sure of where the meeting place was, and too afraid to ask anyone for help. She was a higher position in the group she was supposed to know what she was doing, even if she had to fake it all the time to get by. A small sigh left her as she heard the distant chatter of a bunch of different animals, and the scent of various groups - all familiar to her at this point - mixed in her nostrils. She was about to quicken her pace when she found herself stumbling over some roots she hadn't seen, causing her to pause for a moment.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: WEIGHED DOWN BY MORNING;; PLANECRASH - planecrash. - 01-19-2021


Being early was a good thing, right? Plane was anxious about going to one of these monthly meetings he had remembered hearing about from Pincher years ago and now was seeing Miss Roxanne who had stepped up since his time imprisoned and forced into his old experiments of his youth. Old groups he had remembered hearing of we're nothing more than a vague memory and new ones, some much more cruel than anything he had heard of in those early days of the clans. Needless to say, he was thrown out of the loop the minute he stepped back into the clan life and was still learning as much as he could with the help of what few people were left that still knew him from back then.

Maybe that's why he was here now, wishing to understand just how things worked like nowadays. He was a scientist after all, so learning and discovering was the thing he loved to do the most. But, he held back as his clanmates moved ahead to the meeting instead. Plane didn't understand why he felt a bit uncomfortable going in to hear what was going on between the clans. His paws tapped nervously on the bed of the forest, humming as time crept onwards and the the clouds passed overhead to bathe him in shadow before the sound of a fumbling paws not all that far from him. The ginger tom blinked through his goggles and adjusted the paper bag on his head, creeping around the trees that crowded the forest before coming across a series of roots that stuck out of the ground and seemingly ensnare a lady he had never met before.

Ma’am! Are you alright? I can help you out if you need o-or I can just leave you alone, since....I’m just a stranger in a forest.”Plane couldn't help mentally cursing at his dumb remark as he crept closer to the larger feline and stretching his paw out towards her, though he realizes that perhaps he wouldn't actually be much help given his size. God, Slys! Try to not be an absolute fool for once in your life!.

Re: WEIGHED DOWN BY MORNING;; PLANECRASH - trojan g. - 01-25-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
When she had stumbled over her paws, Moth had hoped that there wouldn't have been anyone around to see it. She had hoped that her embarrassment would be hers alone, and no one else would be able to tell the tale of the clumsy jaguar by the meeting. Of course, there always had to be another animal around, whether it was someone she knew or didn't, there was always someone around.

Eyes would flick over the other for a moment before a sigh of relief left her. It was someone nice, it was a Typhooner, the thick scent of the sea clinging to his fur. She had always liked that smell. "I think I got it." She would comment in response, offering a small smile to the other as she got her bearings once more, choosing to sit down for a moment so that she wouldn't immediately trip and fall once more. "Stranger or not, it's nice to see a friendly face around here." She would comment, "My name's Moth, I'm the reaper of medicine in Tanglewood."

//a little rushed sorry
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder