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RED WINE / o, joining - Printable Version

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RED WINE / o, joining - Lust, - 05-16-2018

Don't be cautious, don't be kind
You committed, I'm your crime
Her little visit to The Ascendants had been a tad bit fun, yet it had ended when that bastard, Roy Mustang, had shown up. She had gotten away without injury, luckily and Lust had decided to head to the border of a different group. The Typhoon. The smell of a salty breeze indicated that there was a large body of salt-water nearby, probably in the territory.

Narrowing her red-eyes, the black wildcat would sit at the border and she heaved a sigh, her gaze focused on her long-claws that had been stained with blood some time ago, but before she came to this place- the girl had cleaned it off.
© madi

Re: RED WINE / o, joining - Beatrice - 05-16-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]⋆⋆⋆
Beatrice was on the scene first. Her movements slowed as she neared the border and the dark wildcat just beyond the Typhoon territory's reach. She narrowed her dark eyes for a few seconds, trying to figure out what this woman wanted. Bea, the poor thing, had never really done one of these before. She had always been the second or third person to arrive, and she never caught the usual words spoken and asked of newcomers.

After a few more heartbeats, she grew impatient of waiting. [b]"What's your purpose for being here?" the canine queried, arching a metaphorical eyebrow as she spoke. She wondered if the other was here to join or if they were delivering something. "I'm Beatrice, by the way. You are..?" she trailed off, hoping the other would fill the void of silence she left.

Re: RED WINE / o, joining - guts - 05-16-2018

Greed trots onto the scene, trailing after his female clan-mate. Then he pauses at the sight. A look of surprise passes over his face for a split second before it's replaced by a mischievous grin, tilting his shades down and running his eyes over her. "Yo, what are you doing here?" he asks with curiosity in his tone. He knows she had ended up like him, but he was surprised that of all places, she had come here.

He comes over and leans up against the other feline, as if they were old friends reunited at last. Really, they were far from such. He knew that his 'siblings' probably weren't big fans of him. But did he care? Not at all.


Re: RED WINE / o, joining - Lust, - 05-16-2018

Don't be cautious, don't be kind
You committed, I'm your crime
Offering a somewhat sweet smile to Beatrice, the red-eyed female would purr softly and speak. "I'm here to join, unless any of your friends are objected to it. I don't mind leaving if I'm not welcome in your territory." Lust would than turn her attention to Greed, who had crossed the border to greet her.

"Like I just said- I'm here to join." Came the female's patient, seductive voice as she allowed her "sibling" to rub against her. "Have you seen any of the others? I came across our "pal", Roy Mustang. It turns out, he and his own friends are in different groups."
© madi

Re: RED WINE / o, joining - Ilijas - 05-16-2018

[color=gray]▴ ▴ ▴
Ilijas didn't see why that would be a problem. She struck him as a little odd but he, too, had probably struck those who met him on the border as odd when he joined. Flicking an ear idly as he joined the tiny group, he couldn't help but notice the strange dynamic between Lust and Greed. [b][color=gray]"You're welcome to join," He began in that soft, reserved voice of his, dismissing his thoughts to focus brown eyes solely upon the female, [color=gray]"My name is Ilijas. It's my pleasure to welcome you to the Typhoon."

Re: RED WINE / o, joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-16-2018

"You know this bitch?" Caesar spoke to Greed as he came over, an invisible eyebrow raised. He watched as Greed went over to her and leaned up against her, and he narrowed his eyes. It kinda reminded him of his siblings, whom betrayed him at the last possible minute. Fucking bastards is what they are.

The female stated that she wanted to join, and Caesar clearly wasn't pleased at that. But what could he do? Nothing. "Yeah, whatever, you can join. Or don't. I don't care." He grunted, as if he had some sort of power to do anything. "Name's Caesar Cipher."

//ninja'd twice oof

Re: RED WINE / o, joining - Beatrice - 05-16-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]⋆⋆⋆
A joiner? Good. The Typhoon could use as many helping hands as possible, huh? It was more than excellent to see all the new faces in this Clan. It made it feel as though this place was truly happening. The influx of joiners in the past two days was welcome, certainly. Beatrice hoped this trend continued and -

Wait, no... No, she didn't care. This was just a job. The girl shook her head gently, scattering these thoughts in her mind before focusing on Lust once more. Lust. Greed. Where were the other five deadly sins, she wanted to ask, though she bit her tongue. Now was not the moment. Instead, she nodded her head at Ilijas' words as well as Caesar's. [b]"Yes, welcome to the Typhoon, Lust. Would you like a tour around?"

She fell quiet momentarily as the other female spoke of this Roy Mustang. Bea hadn't a clue who that was, but she obviously took the words to mean he was an enemy. Hm. The red heeler would file that away for later.

Re: RED WINE / o, joining - guts - 05-17-2018

Greed's lips jutted out in a pout, feigning offense at Caesar's vulgar words. "Aw, c'mon. No need to call her that. She's a lady," he says with an almost mocking tone. Whether it was poking fun at him or Lust was left to be interpreted. When Beatrice speaks up, he turns his gaze to her, able to feel all the unanswered hanging off her tongue. Really, they all were probably curious about the pair. But would they explain themselves? Not likely, really. He didn't see any reason to, anyways.

No, not when everyone would know who he was eventually. One day, he'd be on top of the world, whether he was an animal or not. This was just a minor inconvenience. "Huh? Who's he again?" he asks as Lust brings up Roy Mustang, scratching at his head with his paw. Then it suddenly hits him. Damn, memories really were kind of fucked. "Oh, yeah. That annoying colonel asshole," he grumbles as he finally remembers. Yeah, that guy had been a serious pain in their asses.


Re: RED WINE / o, joining - Lust, - 05-17-2018

Don't be cautious, don't be kind
You committed, I'm your crime
Purring as she spoke in a seductive tone, the red-eyed female would allow a small, flirtatious smirk to make its way onto her lips as she caught eye contact with Ilijas. Lust had almost immediately shown interest in the male. This was probably no surprise as she was a creature that craved "fun". In the past, she had been the cause of many affairs- ones that she had enjoyed. "Well, Ilijas, t's a pleasure to meet you."

The black wildcat would merely roll her eyes at Caesar's snarky comment and she decided to ignore it. "Call me a lady or not, I honestly don't care." Lust said with mock happiness in her voice when she responded to Greed. Then she faced Beatrice and smiled. "Yes, a tour sounds nice. If you don't mind, could Greed some me around? We have some stuff to, discuss."
© madi

Re: RED WINE / o, joining - Ilijas - 05-17-2018

[color=gray]▴ ▴ ▴
An awkward laugh spilled from the lips of the young man as Lust seemingly expressed an interest in him, his chestnut colored eyes falling away from her form in some strange attempt to seem actively opposed to her. Ilijas didn't understand why he was mildly repulsed by the idea of being flirted with, just that he felt as if he was going against his morals themselves. There was still that girl who he didn't recognize in even the slightest but knew that he loved, possibly more than anything else, in his mind- so long as  the possibility stood that she was out there, he would hardly entertain the mere thought of reciprocating advances with another.

[b][color=gray]"If you ever find yourself in need of anything, myself and the others will always be at your disposal," He extended, albeit reluctantly. He was uncomfortable yes, but his innate urge to act gentlemanly despite the circumstance far outweighed his displeased feelings. He just hoped that she wouldn't take his words in the wrong way.