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you claim to be 》pet - Printable Version

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you claim to be 》pet - riftweaver - 01-18-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Riftweaver had been having a rough few weeks. He'd made a fool of himself multiple times over, doing nearly irreparable damage to his reputation. This likely wouldn't be so upsetting if it hadn't been his grandmother whom he'd embarrassed and disappointed. Perhaps he really was the lesser half, and maybe he should have taken less time fighting it and focused more on accepting that Brandyskies had kept the best parts of them. An upsetting fact, but not one that Rift could afford to ignore any longer.

The male had decided that the first step to improving was to simply become okay with himself. He had taken to walks to clear his head, and it helped quite a bit if he was honest. It allowed him time to think in peace, without the constant humming that seemed to fill his head whenever he got too close to his twin. Whether that was a side effect of their shared soul, or rather just the blood pounding in his ears in a physical response to the tensions between the two, it made focusing hard either way. The quiet of his walks allowed him to consider his mistakes, to look over his actions and words and see where he'd messed up.

Hey! Self improvement is a process, alright? It takes a bit. Unfortunately, it was indeed taking a while for the leaf-maned Roux. But, that didn't mean it wasn't a steady stream of micro improvements. He was trying, despite what his drunken scene the other day had convinced others of. He disliked holding the role of village idiot, a title he would much rather eradicate entirely.

Another step in his improvements was companionship. He had a lot of emotional and mental problems as of late, and figured a system of emotional support would help a bit. It just so happened that, as he walked and thought, coming to the decision to take on a pet, a baby possum crossed his path. Screeching loudly, the baby marsupial dropped heavily onto Rift's head, causing the tiguar quite a shock. He cried out, jumping back.

The possum clung to his cranium, still screeching in panic as she was swung around on the head of the male. After a second, Rift stopped, pulling the creature off of his head. "You scared me, little bits." he murmured, pulling her against his chest. Knowing now that she was safe, the creature wrapped her tail up in his fur, clinging to his chest.

Re: you claim to be 》pet - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-19-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Perhaps if Vayne knew what Riftweaver was going through, she might be able to relate. With Aphra as her mother, it should be no surprise that Vayne was constantly expected to uphold some sort of reputation. And of course, that reputation being her mother's bitchiness. Vayne couldn't be a bitch to anyone, at least not right now; after all, everyone here were her friends. And that was the problem too: if Aphra learned that she was friends with the some of the Roux family, she would be pissed.

Vayne was a little too young to realize that her mother wasn't the best, nor was she old enough to realize what she could do to improve herself and not worry about upsetting Aphra all the time. Even though Aphra wasn't around, the long-furred kitten still was constantly worried about her mother finding out things and coming to come hurt her.

The sound of something screeching interrupted Vayne's worries and the Beta glanced around to try and find the source. And of course, that would be Riftweaver, who had a strange creature clinging on to his chest. "What is that?" She asked him. "Is it hurting you? Why is it screeching? Is it hurt?" Should she be getting Roan?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: you claim to be 》pet - SirDio - 01-19-2021

Lucy hadn't had to deal with harsh childhoods and the possibility (or fact, in Riftweaver's case) that she wasn't one whole person but rather half of a soul. She was just her, a whole Silver Mau. But she was an empath and wanted to help when others were hurting, even if she wasn't friends with them.

Her quiet walk from her hut was cut short when she heard the screeching, an alarmed gasp erupting from her as she trotted toward the source, a little possum that Riftweaver had encountered. Relief washed over her and she smiled toward Vayne. [color=#093044]"That's a little possum. It's not hurt, I think, It's probably just a little scared." She returned her gaze toward the small creature that was tucked into Rift's fur and she held back a chuckle.

Re: you claim to be 》pet - lovekit. - 01-19-2021

⑊ the coward in wolf's clothing. ⑊ the plea to match that which has come before. ⑊ the regret of that which has come to past, and that which will come later. ⑊ the truth that you will never be ready, no matter how hard you try.
Lovefool really didn't know much about Riftweaver, despite the two of them being half-siblings. He had only heard bits and pieces about the other, and everything he heard was either vaguely upsetting or disappointing, particularly when it came to Rift's behavior. Not only that, but his whole situation with Brandy was hard to wrap one's head around, so Lo just... didn't try. He hadn't been all that close to his half-siblings anyways – and that relationship had only been further fragmented by his temporary disappearance – so he didn't see much of a point in trying to understand. Instead, he'd just take both Rift and Brandy as they were whenever he encountered them, which didn't seem to be too often, mainly since Love avoided going out as much as possible these days. Roxie was still mad at him, and considering Foampaw was now around to pester and spend time with, the hybrid found he had far better things to do than just be worrying about what everyone else was doing.

There were, unfortunately, certain situations where he was forced to go out, such as when he needed to get some food. He could catch things for himself, but it was a huge hassle to go all the way into the jungle in order to do so, and he often just decided to head for the tavern, instead. He had been on his way for a quick bite to eat when he stumbled upon Riftweaver, Vayne, and Lucy, as well as the screeching beast that was currently tucked into Rift's fur. Lo's ears pinned back at the sound, muttering as he shook his head from side to side, "Oh, that's just awful. Why is it so loud, is it some kind of baby?" The screeching thankfully seemed to die down as the possum curled against Rift's chest, although the frown on Lovefool's muzzle didn't shift at all. Instead, the hybrid just tilted his head to one side, questioning as he pointed at it with a paw, "Don't those things have diseases? Or bugs? I don't really think you should be coddling it like that..." Lo didn't really see the point of pets, especially considering the blurry line of where something was sentient and where it wasn't. Why not just go out and make an actual friend? Unless Rift just simply wasn't able to do so. In which case... well, he probably had bigger problems than just snuggling up to feral animals that were screeching in his face just a moment earlier.

Re: you claim to be 》pet - riftweaver - 01-24-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Riftweaver didn't have the chance to answer Vayne or Lucy; his attention was immediately snatched by Lovefool's choice of words. "It's a baby." he snapped, clutching her closer. "And her name is Odette."

Re: you claim to be 》pet - SirDio - 01-24-2021

Lucy gritted her teeth behind a smile at Lovefools questions. Letting Rift snap at the boy, she deeply sighed and looked at Love. [color=#093044]"And the body temperature of possums is too low for most sicknesses."

Turning her gaze to Rift again, she gently stepped up and extended a paw. [color=#093044]"She's really cute! Could I pet her?"

Re: you claim to be 》pet - riftweaver - 01-24-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"

Rift offered Lucy a thankful smile, glad that somebody was helping him defend his newfound companion. He felt a fierce protectiveness over the possum that was clinging to his chest. At her question, he offered a nod and swept the child up from his chest. Once her tail was tightly wrapped around his paw, she dropped down and hung upside down, eliciting a chuckle from the leaf-maned Roux who had saved her. He held his paw and the possum towards Lucy, offering her the opportunity to interact with the youngling.

Re: you claim to be 》pet - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-24-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
A possom. Vayne echoed the words mentally, her eyes sparkling at the strange little animal that Riftreaver had taken it upon himself to adopt. When Lovefool approached and started to criticize the baby, however, Vayne flattened her ears (mostly out of worry than anger) and watched the scene unfold in front of her. "It doesn't look like it's dangerous..." She squeaked out in a quiet voice, mostly to Lovefool, before looking back at Riftweaver. "She's very cute. I like her name."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]