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COOKIE MONSTER ♡ intro + breaking into houses - Printable Version

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COOKIE MONSTER ♡ intro + breaking into houses - COSMIIX - 01-17-2021

Small stark paws walked over the floor and rounded ears twitched lightly, her parents were sound asleep as well as her siblings. The normally quiet child was making her way over to the kitchen being careful not to make the floor squeak in the slightest, her father had strictly told her no sweets before bed but even so, that hadn't stopped her. Taiga Kingmaker-Volkov was determined when her heart was set on something and she wanted those chocolate chip cookies that her siblings and papa had made. She stopped for a moment glancing around only to take slower steps into the kitchen with her mismatched gaze already looking around for the jar, her fur immediately fluffing up in delight when she spotted it. It was somewhere that she couldn't reach but Taiga knew that she could make it work, she wanted those cookies badly. Thus began her clumsy trek to retrieve those cookies, a shy smile on her face as she began to try hopping up onto the counter.

She managed to get a grip and immediately used her back legs to push herself forward, the small tigress let out a quiet squeal of joy but she immediately put a paw over her maw. She had to be quiet. Taiga crept forward with both of her ears pressed flat against her skull, damn, she had to make another jump to reach the jar. She paused for a moment making sure that she hadn't woken up anyone from her family, the small cub lowered herself into a crouch only to spring forward clawing at the wood until she propped herself forward. Her large paws grabbing onto the cookie jar and immediately took off the jar, she had done it. It wasn't long until the small cub had scarfed down most of the cookies, she glanced around wondering how she would get down from the cabinet and to bed. She shifted slightly not realizing the jar was close to the edge, her leg moving and pushing the jar. She reached forward but it was much too late. Taiga flinched as the cookie jar scattered into several pieces, she looked over the edge not being careful of how she stood. Down she went but managed to land on her paws, her fur standing and sticking in every direction with widened eyes.

She sighed quietly only to squeak in pain realizing that one of the glass shards had sunk into one of her pawpads, a frown on her maw as her eyes began to well up with tears. Her parents and siblings would be mad at her, Taiga swallowed quietly making her way out quickly from her home deciding that she would go to her aunt's house. Just for the rest of the night. A hiss of pain left her as she leapt over the porch and glanced around the town. Where... Where did her aunt live again? She bit her lip and could already hear the voices in her house so she bolted for it, she was a mere white blur that passed the houses only to stop at one. Oh, this one was very lovely. She was absolutely certain that Moth lived here, she thought about knocking but the lights were out.

She noticed one of the windows were opened, Taiga slunk forward only to leap forward into the home without much of a sound. She knocked over one of the potted plants and winced only to ease herself down onto the ground. Her body crept into the kitchen and frowned when she saw a few teacups, she stood on her back legs to get a closer look and used a large paw to bring them near her face for a better view of these small teacups. Unfortunately, the cub was clumsy and ended up dropping these said teacups listening to each one shatter as it hit the floor. She winced looking at the mess and the blood trail she was making. Suddenly, there was a voice that was demanding to know who was there. That wasn't Moth.

Taiga made a run for the door and opened it, she would run off again not wanting to be seen. All she could hear behind her was some odd sayings that flew over her head. She hadn't been looking where she was going only to run into a door, it was familiar. This was it, her aunt's home. Taiga thought thoroughly about knocking but what if that angry voice found her, the tiger cub glanced around for an opening and when she found it. The small Kingmaker child crept into it without a sound. She took a deep breath deciding to stay quiet for now even if her paw was bleeding a lot now. Her parents would be so mad at her.

Re: COOKIE MONSTER ♡ intro + breaking into houses - Grimm - 01-18-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]They had seemed all too small, quiet the worry rooted between ribs, there blooming as studied each in turn. Against it teeth held, a taunt clench that ached until the days permitted respite, yet so little time allotted. Rambunctious each in ways unique, into each respective demeanour growing with the passage of time, new the concern he harboured. No need for such, peace an assured promise all present sought to maintain, that visited upon their home prior a bad dream that may not tarnish their nights. It lay there all the same, ribs creaking beneath those ensnaring doubts, self inclined each, yet his hold never lessened.

What if none cared for him as he did they, harboured an affection he was tentative in giving, always fretful wrongfully perceived his actions. Or they knew not his love, though him callous and cold, distant for he knew not how to be around them. Too many plucked at fraying thoughts, swallowed him until the nightly activities staged in the abode occupied by luminary and his brood felt off. Best as possible entertained the children, best always New with them, however, and so left was he to the task of entertainment, dour his mood as watched proceedings.

Fatigue laden his mind when the hour came for the trio to settle for the night, back fought their exhaustion with petulant whines for more time even as yawns interrupted their words, behind following Salvia. A chance to rest his head for a moment all he wanted, such he would not receive. Jarring the sudden clamour, muffled by distance and securely closed door, darkness invading newly awoken senses. Unknown the hour, silver the little illumination capable of slipping past closed curtains, enough this to gauge it as late, such a time when the commotion below was uncommon. From his room stumbled the cub, barely perceived others, similarly woken though to gauge their states was beyond him just yet, traversal of the house enough to entirely occupy his mind.

Harsh the tang, how the copper lay against the back of his throat and lodged their, a crude, but effective, final wake up call. Wide the eyes that peered towards opened door, the haste of departure leaving it wide open. Miniscule the trail, begun as irregular pools of varying size, droplets here, others a smear as contact was made and subsequently broken. Easy to follow all the same, each moment he must do so twisted his gut into further knots, averted attention with the sudden break in the tense silence.

"Miss Sophiea!" Out rang his own voice, apart breaking as final syllable arose, hers a unique, and rather easily identifiable, vernacular. Closer Salvia tread, though he would not intrude upon her properly and so halt was conducted with some distance still between himself and her front door, hope in his voice as he once more spoke. "Did you see anyone come by." Exact reasoning for such query he would not divulge as of yet, still unknown that the identity of the trespasser was Taiga, simply locating the guilty individual enough for now.

Re: COOKIE MONSTER ♡ intro + breaking into houses - wormwood. - 01-19-2021

Re: COOKIE MONSTER ♡ intro + breaking into houses - trojan g. - 01-19-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Moth couldn't tell if it was early in the morning or late at night. All she knew is she had woken up to the small smell of blood and the sound of her brother's voice, speaking to someone, saying her name. Normally, Moth would have woken up to the sound of a mouse sneezing, but on this night she had been more than exhausted. The smell of fresh picked herbs hung in the air and different smaller ones still clung to the jaguar's fur, she had been too tired to manage to even try to pick them out.

Wiping dreary eyes, she would stand up, eyes adjusting to the darkness as she realized that she hadn't been dreaming when she had heard Aurum's voice, confusing contorting her face as she tried to take in the scene. "What happened?" She would speak, coming forward, attempting to carefully pick up Taiga to set her on a cushion that was higher up so Moth could look at her paw better. Ears would swivel in the direction of her brother as she looked over her niece, waiting for an answer from either of the two before she continued on. "It's a smaller wound, I want you to have part of this, it'll make the sting a little less okay?" She would pass her a small piece of a root, waiting for the other to at least chew on a little bit of it before continuing on to make sure to check for anything inside the cut and finish patching it up. "It'll keep hurting for a little bit, but after a day or two you'll be able to walk on it without worry of opening the scratch again, okay?"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: COOKIE MONSTER ♡ intro + breaking into houses - S. PENDRAGON - 01-20-2021

Sophiea had been sound asleep with the moonlight blanketing her and her screech owl had gone out to hunt, the British woman didn't need to worry about the Coalition anymore yet her paws twitched with slight discomfort remembering how claws had traced over her back only to dig into her belly with a quick swipe... Eventually, the stark paws reached out towards her wings and Sophiea could feel her body beginning to shake with soft mumbling under her breath "No... No.... No..." A nightmare that kept her trapped, she normally jolted up with tears leaving her but this time... Sophiea was unable to escape it, a soft whimper leaving her as the memory began to play within her mind. His dark chuckle causing shivers to run down her spine and once more, he would reach out with outstretched claws tracing them over her throat until- SMASH. The sound of glass had woke her up, she sat up in her bed letting out a few quiet pants with her heart racing in her chest, a few tears dripping down her cheeks as her winged shifted behind her.

She wiped away at the tears wondering if Archimedes had gone to the kitchen again and broke something by accident yet when she turned, she found that the avian was on his perch tilting his head at her. "If you're here... Whose down there?" Sophiea would mumble as she immediately slipped out of bed with the fur on her spine beginning to rise, her stumpy tail wiggling with some form of anxiety. She took a deep breath making her way out of her attic only to tell with a snarl leaving her "Who the bloody hell are you and what are you doing in my house?" Clearly, that had been enough to chase away the intruder as the sound of thumping began loud. Sophiea would head downstairs with a grown only to switch the lights on to the kitchen and her heart immediately dropped when she realized what had been broken.

It had been the only thing that her nan had given her, Sophiea could remember always asking if she could use the tea set until her nan eventually decided that she wished to give it to Soph. Now, it was shattered and broken. She bit the inside of her right cheek feeling her confusion turn into seething anger, her fur spiked in all directions. The British woman began to let out a string of loud curses as she picked up the shards feeling her paws shaking, her attention diverted when Salvia spoke to her inquiring if she had seen anyone. "No, I did not see who the absolute prick is! Goodnight!" With that, she had slammed the door shut not bothering to even look over at Aurum but she did hear that he knew who the culprit was, her immediate thought was one of his cubs.

Why the damn was a child in her home to begin with? Did her standoffish demeanor not ward them away enough? Regardless, the frustrated woman would begin to pick up the remnants of a gift that was given to her when she had been a mere child. Her eyes stung as tears formed, they began to fall as Sophiea threw away the shards still feeling that anger forming within her. It was far from repair but the thought of leaving the child infested swamp fizzled in her mind, Sophiea wouldn't lash out at any of her fellow clanmates but she was absolutely cross and would be for the next few days. A week at max. She tried to distract her rage though it was proving to be rather difficult, Sophiea took a deep breath digging through her mind for a solution. Goldenluxury.

The thought of the other woman was enough to briefly soothe the seething British woman, her thoughts lingered for a moment and could recall the merchants that Goldie mentioned in their letters. Maybe... She could go there and see if they have any tea sets... It would replace the one given to her by her nan, sure, but it wouldn't mean the same. She wiped away her tears with a growl already heading upstairs to her attic. Sophiea probably wouldn't even bother talking to Aurum about what had happened tonight, it would be brushed under the rug. Just as her feelings and that was fine, she supposed. With a sniffle, she curled up in her bed not uttering another word until she fell asleep.

/ and out

Re: COOKIE MONSTER ♡ intro + breaking into houses - Grimm - 01-21-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Move. Find her.

Beneath cream hued strands his muscles twitched, irregular the movement, a sudden taunt pull before relaxed once more. The thought continued to loop, an endless cycle he offered no attention. He knew the trail was there, stark beneath gentle sver light, fresh the new scent painted atop the old. But he could not make himself shift from his placement upon the porch. It was her, know this now as each deep breath seeped between the tight clench of his teeth, the concoction of milk, wood, and something uniquely her own filling his senses. It was Taiga.

About ears swivelled with the approach of another, part of mouth slow though words were not on his tongue. Behind had he lagged, though a father with the best intentions in mind was Aurum always, first and foremost others held before himself, yet present. The want to run to him rose, act as though it was not blood that adorned the frigid soil, may spilled jam or the like, withheld as he spoke. Sophiea did not see. Smart the drawn conclusion, no light present and only the open door speaking of the intrusive presence, still he had tried, acted on stupidity.

Slow the nod he offered as Aurum finished and indicated he knew the identity of the culprit, of course he would, though numerous known each of his children. Brief his turn back to offer apology for the further intrusion when the lady of the house made herself apparent. Evident, and rather expected, the rage she wore, yet not the tears. His words dying on his tongue, stepping forth as though comfort may be extended, no matter the foolishness of even believing in such may be welcome, taken aback at her brusque words and the sudden closure of the door. "I'm really sorry, Miss Sophiea." Shakey words bypassed trembling lips, all he spoke before he began to move after his father, the only thing left for him to do and his courage was at least bolstered by the familiar presence.

Late his arrival at the house Moth occupied, located the one reasonable for all this and begun her care. Behind Salvia lingered, unsure now as set about treatment he knew nothing about, again ignited his worry as gaze landed upon the cut. "It's my fault." The lie rushed out without thought, disproving it rather easy though the thought was far from his mind, simply minimising the harm that came from the cookie raid all he thought about. Of course, now with elaboration necessary, he grew tongue tied and silent, hoped tending to Taiga enough distraction to allow him time to think.