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REMIND US SO MUCH OF HER ☆ ceremonies - Printable Version

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REMIND US SO MUCH OF HER ☆ ceremonies - RHINESTONE. - 01-16-2021

It felt surreal, knowing that not only the time had come for Foamkit to become an apprentice, but for Onyx to become one as well. The both of them were children to Rhinestone, and he had almost hoped that this day would never come, because it meant that they were growing up. Unfortunately, he knew that eventually everything ended up changing, and he couldn't deny that he was proud of the both of them. He couldn't coddle them forever, and he knew that. So, even as his heart ached as he stepped out of his den that morning, he held a soft smile on his muzzle, his tail flicking behind him. He leaped smoothly on top of the meeting rock, his voice firm as he called out, "Everyone, gather around! We've got a couple of ceremonies that have arrived!" He had to force his voice to stay even, not wanting to admit that he was pretty emotional. He had been the same way when both Quasar and Tree had come to this step, as well as Drifting. He wondered if perhaps he just kept getting too attached to all the children within the group.

Either way, he intended to get through this. Both Onyx and Foam deserved that, at least. So, once a decent sized crowd had gathered, he began to speak, his black gaze search the crowd for the two of them, "[member=16650]Onyxkit[/member], [member=16080]foampaw.[/member] Would the two of you please step forward?" As he waited for them to step up, he continued on, his claws lightly scraping at the stone beneath him, "The both of you have reached the age of six months, and it is time for you both to become discens. From this day forth... until you have mastered both combat and all forms of prey hunting, and earned your positions as immunes, you will be known as discens, and work under your mentors. Are the two of you ready to take on that responsibility?" He looked down at the both of them expectantly, ignoring the way that he felt a lump growing and forming in his throat. He needed to save the tears until after the ceremony was over, when he could tearfully embrace the both of them and congratulate them on their progress.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: REMIND US SO MUCH OF HER ☆ ceremonies - Onyxdreams - 01-21-2021

~ ☼ The day was finally here, a day she had been waiting for ever since the traditions of the Glades had first been taught to her. Today was the day that she finally stopped being a Tirone, and began her training as a Discens, today was the day that began her journey towards being a full-fledged immune. She hadn't even known it would be today, having not kept track of her own date of birth well, but when someone who had had mentioned it to her the day prior, told her it was today of all days, it had come as a shock. Filled with all kinds of nervous energy, she waited next to the nursery, the place that had been her home since her hatching, a place she would be moving on from soon. She had been so excited she hadn't even slept the night before, had stayed up all night, waiting for the moment to come, running mostly on that same energy now

Onyx was all too eager to gather when the call was given, making sure she got a place right in the front of the crowd, giving her easy access to step forward when the time came, and it didn't take long for the request to be given. Six months, it was kind of hard to believe she was so old already, time had passed so fast between the games she played, and her attempts to learn the language. Stepping forward, she gazed up to her papa, eyes wide with wonder, readiness resonating throughout her whole being, this was what she had been waiting for. "Yes!" Her response was immediately given, no more than a moment after the question left the Legate's mouth. Who would be her mentor, she wondered, who would be Foam's? What would they be learning first, hopefully something fun, maybe something easy too, she was a little tired, but just a little, she was sure she could still handle whatever her mentor had in store for her!

Re: REMIND US SO MUCH OF HER ☆ ceremonies - METEOR - 01-28-2021

Quasar trotted over, a bit late, but nonetheless in attendance. After all, his apprenticeship ceremony meant a lot to him, especially at the time, and he cherished the memory. Especially when Tree backtalked for, perhaps, the first time in his softspoken brother’s life.

Given how much the two kittens ran underfoot, the vaporwave eyesore wondered if they’d be as much trouble as him. Though, to be fair, his antics usually came from power mishaps rather than true malicious intention; this only made him wonder if the other two thought similar rationalizations to avoid guilt.

His three tails flicked. The centurion took a seat and waited for the mentors to be announced. Thank fucking Starfuckers he was still an apprentice, because he had no idea how the fuck he’d manage to deal with himself and a ragamuffin like one of these tagging along.