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Gaphers tape . snow forts - Printable Version

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Gaphers tape . snow forts - j a c k . - 01-15-2021

Re: Gaphers tape . snow forts - SAINTKIT. - 01-16-2021

Saintkit didn't have much experience with snow before this, truth be told. He was so young that all of his traveling done with his parents had been before the winter season, and they hadn't gone anywhere near the mountains, either. In fact, for the first few days after the snowstorm struck, the orange kitten refuse to emerge from the temple, far too frightened to even attempt going out into the snow. He didn't know what it was, or what to expect from it. All he knew was that he had nearly been buried in it, his entire body had felt as though it was freezing from the inside out. Unfortunately, the boy knew he couldn't stay within the temple forever. Not only did he feel bad making others get him food while he hid inside, but he couldn't help protect The Pitt if he just stayed cooped inside all day, either. So, reluctant as he was to try and brave the snow, Saint had eventually pushed himself up to his paws, slipping out the front door and down the steps of the temple. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though he would be alone.

He blinked his purple gaze in surprise when he caught sight of the structure that Jack had made, his muzzle hanging open for a moment in shock. Despite not going out for a while, he knew that hadn't been there the last time he had peeked outside. It was made of the very thing that had made Saintkit petrified for the last few days, but... he still found himself intrigued by it. After taking a deep breath to steel his nerves, the kit raced down the last few stairs of the temple's incline, ignoring the way a chill ran through him as he stepped out onto the proper ground. His fur was spiked up enough to show that he was somewhat perturbed, but he was determined to look strong in the face of this. He focused his attentions on Jack instead, raising his head to look up at the other as he called, "You... you're Jack, right? You helped Aine and I when the snowstorm hit... did you make this out of that stuff? How?" He really did sound amazed, half wanting to reach out and touch the structure, and half petrified of what would come of it. Would his paws end up frozen?

Re: Gaphers tape . snow forts - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Despite his age, Dante didn't have a whole lot of experience with the snow. Very little experience, in fact, but that's what being cooped up in a laboratory would do to you. This was his first time ever dealing with a blizzard however, and it certainly wasn't making good impressions. The cold air irritated his gills and made it hard to breathe; not that they were used for air-breathing anyway, but it was still frustrating when something had a faint burning pain and you couldn't do jack shit about it.

The ice on the temple had it hard to travel down, especially for someone who could hardly walk straight in the first place. Dante gritted his teeth as he made his way down the temple steps, muttering curses to himself as he tried to make sure he didn't fall. Unfortunately for him, he miscounted a couple of steps and went tumbling down the stairs - though he was far from ruining Jack's snow forts. "Motherfucker!" The hybrid snarled at himself, shaking the snow out of his pelt, completely unaware of the conversation Saintkit was trying to have with Jack.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Gaphers tape . snow forts - j a c k . - 01-20-2021

Re: Gaphers tape . snow forts - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 01-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
"Yea, thanks." Dante huffed irritably in response to Jack, swinging his head to glare at the higher-ranking Pittian. The hybrid grunted as he got to his paws, nearly falling back over, shaking his fur out to try and get as much snow out of it as possible. "You like this shit?" He asked, jumping into the conversation that Jack was making with Saintkit. "You're insane. This shit's nasty."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Gaphers tape . snow forts - gael - 01-22-2021

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," the vulpine declared rather simply, ear flicking as he carefully stepped within the confines of the Imperator's work.  'Pretty' seemed an adequate word for snow.

However, Gael felt that the word might be misleading in a departments.  It did not capture everything snow was -- enchanting, light, unique, dangerous.  Perhaps it was a concept better captured on a canvas than in simple words; many things were.

The vulpine did not mind snow, in it's gentler natures.  His home before the Pitt saw warm summers and cold winters; offered the seasons in their unique forms, unlike the monotony of the desert and jungle. 

His dark fur did not bode well with the intense heat of direct sunlight but he adjusted -- it seemed a stark contrast with the new blanket of white too, but he would adjust again, albeit with more care for lungs that did not approve of the cold.

He inclined his head.  "These are well-built, Jack."  So long as they saw no more blizzards, he felt confident the Pitt would recover fine -- the season would be changing in roughly two moons.  In the meantime, it seemed an adequate time for Jack to express his abilities without fear of the sun immediately melting his work away.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: Gaphers tape . snow forts - SAINTKIT. - 01-25-2021

As the other introduced himself, Saintkit found himself relaxing, his fur flattening and his heart slowing from its former rapid pace. It didn't seem as though his paws were going to freeze to the structure, so he pressed ahead with more determination, a grin on his muzzle. As the stiff snow shifted and poured over his paws, Saint purred cheerfully up at Jack, "It's, uh, it's nice to meet you properly, Jack! My name's Saintkit. Aine is... Aine is kinda like my mom, so we were both really glad when you helped us." He stumbled over his own words as he spoke, his attention solely on the structure of snow in front of him, and the way it shifted as he wiggled his paws. Briefly, he wondered if he could make such a thing one day – although, he obviously didn't have the powers that Jack had at his disposal. The boy's ears then perked up as he heard Jack's question, looking up at dragon sitting atop his tower of ivory. Honestly, he wasn't sure how to respond, considering how little experience he actually had with the season. After all, he had only lived through one winter thus far, and his opening experiences hadn't exactly been stellar.

He looked down briefly, purple gaze focused on the snowy ground below him before he stated firmly, "Well... I guess I think of the holidays first, since this was my first year ever celebrating them! But I also think of the snow, too. It didn't give me the best first impression, though... I'm sure I'd like it more if it had just been a little dusting, instead of a huge blizzard..." The blizzard had been a truly horrifying experience for the young feline, although he liked to think that he had bounced back somewhat strongly. After all, he'd only had one nightmare about the experience, and he didn't think he'd react the same way if it happened again – just freezing up, waiting for the snow to devour him. For now, Saintkit shook off those memories, refocusing his attention on Gael – since Dante was evidently being a negative Nancy. Offering Gael a crooked grin, Saint questioned the ardent curiously, "Hi, Gael! Uh... what do you think of, when you think of winter? Do you think of snow too?" Surely Gael would have more insight than he, considering the other had been living for far longer than Saintkit had.

Re: Gaphers tape . snow forts - j a c k . - 01-27-2021