Beasts of Beyond
You can't win this fight - Joining - Printable Version

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You can't win this fight - Joining - Byriath - 01-14-2021

Only thing they fear is YOU -

The god breathed in heavy breaths, feeling cold air fill his lungs with a sharp pain. In fact, cold penetrated his cloak as he opened his eyes with a start. From beyond his nose there was snow, and his mask lay beyond, gently getting covered in the gentle fall. Slowly, with a rumbling grunt, he heaved himself to his.. paws? He glanced down at his legs, his new paws, and flexed them. A heavy weight fell at his side and he looked. Under his fur cloak was his axe, and a smile graced his scarred lips.

Moving with a ruggedness of a statue, he grabbed his mask and donned it, feeling it slip and sit comfortably on his face. With a fresh breath, he looked around. This certainly wasn't his colosseum. No snow fell within the broken realm, so this was a new sight. He groaned as he lifted a paw, shaking his head.

With a brief huff, he looked around again. Surely someone would live here - if Cry could live in her caves and Aero'seus could live in whatever fuckin wine fountain he bathed in, surely someone could live here. A ragged, hollow sigh left his mouth.

[align=center]"Speech" 'Telepathy'

Re: You can't win this fight - Joining - rhosmari - 01-17-2021

She was never a fan of creatures just popping up unannounced in their new home. There was no real reason to be happy about it. It struck a nerve in her that others thought they could just waltz right in without any opposition. One had been a child, rather close to becoming a meal but at least she felt something enough that she had not tried to outright kill her. Now she was trailing another, eyes of pastel pink slowly deepening in color. The whites of her eyes began to churn and slowly turn black as she narrowed her gaze upon him. He looked like more of a threat than anything and she figured she would stop him in his tracks. After all an ambush from behind should be sufficient enough. The lioness crept forward, inching her way through the snow and ice. Her jaws slightly parted as she breathed in silently. As she did she suddenly charged forward, clearing the distance between her and him in a matter of moments. Her body launched through the air and she aimed to land upon his back, front claws attempting to smash his face into the ground below. If that worked she would have him pinned down, a low growl rumbling deep in her throat.

"And who do you think you are?" She began with a sneer, her eyes of black and deep hot pink narrowed slightly. To be honest here she could feast on his body for days but she was sure that maybe he would be useful to some kind of degree. After all maybe he was looking to join, she had asked her questions first this time around but she might not be so kind later on.

Re: You can't win this fight - Joining - Byriath - 01-17-2021

Only thing they fear is YOU -

The sudden force that slammed into his back forced a grunt from Byriath, forcing away a growl as his face hit the ground. Instead he just huffed a sigh, body relaxing as his thoughts wandered before he attempted to force himself up, with or without Sojourn on his back, and shook his body for a moment. Readjusting his mask, he looked at her before his telepathy attempted to speak to her mentally, 'My name is Byriath. Young lady, I mean no harm to anyone here, I've simply woken up here.'

'Are you a war goddess? If you don't wish to answer, I won't force it from you.' he rolled a shrug, very patient with his actions and thoughts, though obviously holding back a fiercer beast.

[align=center]"Speech" 'Telepathy'