Beasts of Beyond
define me - open; asking to move in - Printable Version

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define me - open; asking to move in - rhosmari - 01-14-2021

Things had been very shaken up with her lately. From burning in her own home, to being told she was not who she was and that she had died by those she cared for. To the encounter with the Palm Glades woman and still feeling like she was in the right for how she had responded to her. Things had been all over the place and her emotional state was fragile. She remembered running away in tears from her own burned down home just to be alone for a little while. Making slight appearances like the one during the whole Palm Glades fiasco. She was trying but the idea that she was not seen as who she was was troubling. Still since these times she had been sleeping outside somewhere within the swamp and way from civilization. Yet she knew it was necessary for her to at least attempt to fine a new living place and well she had gotten an offer if she needed it. She felt she really needed it, just the company. Arrow had been more accepting of this change, more accepting of this odd body. So she was going to try. Stepping into the town for the first time since the funeral she sighed and breathed in slowly, pushing the air from her pierced nostrils. The flaming tip of her tail was withered and smoldering slightly as she treaded toward where she hoped the other would be. Her home.

Stepping closer she tried not to look at anyone as she passed them by, blue gaze trying to hold some confidence. Even as run down as she felt from everything she still had that. Walking up on the porch she lightly lifted a paw to press it against the door, swallowing down her nerves before she softly knocked on the door. ''Um...Arrow, is she in? This one has a question for her about what she said a bit ago. If she is okay with that?'' The lioness then slowly sat down, lifting a paw to push her flaming mane away from her eyes and behind her ear as she curled her tail around her paws.

Re: define me - open; asking to move in - arrow - 01-20-2021

The entirety of the last few days had left her nothing short of shaken up, which wasn't anything new to Arrow, not in the slightest, but she had come to the realization that she'd severely lacked some company throughout the shitshow route her life ( and death ) had taken. It had been long enough that she hadn't even given it much thought until Elsweyr had offered her comfort during the funeral service recently, and suddenly offering the woman shelter after watching her home burn to smoldering ash felt a little more...real. There was, of course, the possibility of having enough fire, but she both figured that Els had worked out the issue a little bit on her own, and Arrow didn't feel any loss at the idea of the place going up. She'd spent enough time staring at the inside feeling like an outsider and thinking about everything that had taken place in and out of the building. People who'd been in and out.

However, she was starting to accept the place a little more knowing it was going to have some use again.

"I am indeed in, but now, i'm out." Arrow responded, passing through the wall just beside the door Elsweyr had knocked on a few seconds or so earlier, with a big stupid grin on her face from her own equally stupid joke. She hoped it wasn't, y'know, some sort of rule that passing through solid walls wasn't a great first impression when letting someone stay in your house. Speaking of, did that technically mean Eslweyr was going to be living in a haunted house? "That was a dumb joke, actually. I'll answer whatever question ya got, Elsie. Shoot."

Re: define me - open; asking to move in - rhosmari - 01-21-2021

It still stunned her a bit that the dead could still wander this earth. That they moved and talked and she could actually see them. Perplexing as she had never encountered the dead like this when she had lived with her tribe. Her tail swayed back and forth in nervousness, a look of slight alarm as the woman came out of the wall. She was still getting used to it but the joke easily made her maw lift up. Arrow treated her the same and she appreciated that immensely. Slowly the woman allowed her peach toned muzzle to part but no words came out. She was having a hard time expressing what she wanted to say and so she looked down at her paws for a short moment. Come on. It shouldn't be this hard but her stomach was doing flips and she closed her eyes before flicking her bright blues up to the oriental. "She was wondering....what she said before. Can this one still move in with her?" Her tone was almost shy as she tried to still the rapid swaying of her own tail, the swaying flaming tip smoking a bit.

"She promises she won't get in the way or...potentially set things on fire. She will stay in a corner and be silent." If that was what it took then yes, she would become a shadow. She didn't want to hinder Arrow's um, afterlife with her troubles and she glanced away. At least she would or could have somewhere to stay and that was really all that mattered. Forcing herself back into society once again, her mind at least somewhat stable.