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cinnamon and sugary like softly spoken lies. BAALAL - Printable Version

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cinnamon and sugary like softly spoken lies. BAALAL - private - 01-14-2021

// sorry that its not too terribly creative but for a first rp post in nearly a year I'm p proud ;u; [member=3043]teef.[/member] [member=16266]baalal[/member]

Well, what has your life come too Alexi? Their fathers' last words before passing quietly away in his sleep strangely awoke the big slumbering cat. For what reason did these words float into their half-awake consciousness. Maybe just a repeated trauma of watching a loved one wither away or the fact Alexi couldn't give less of a shit about their father's death. Either was a possibility, yet as quickly as the thought came it soon vanished. Slowly Alexi roused from their nap, smacking their jowls as they yawned. Bi-colored eyes blinked away blurred vision, and a large paw rubbed at their eye sleepies.

I hate an unsatisfying nap... Alexi thought while settling on all fours as the room steadily came into focus. Oh, snake guts, my back hurts! With a slight hiss of pain, the ebony Felidae bowed into a 'U' shape, joints popping at the bend. Relief flooded through their shoulders, and finally, the fogginess inside their brain had begun to subside. Before them, the room was messy, junk piles in every corner, even on top of their nest of old cloth. Awkward with realization at just how stuffy their room was, Alexi knew spring cleaning was due soon. Sheesh, I need to sell some of this garbage before I start swimming in it.

With a defeated sigh, they shoved past the catastrophe and through the living area. Finally, with some effort, Xi made it to their stone huts exit. Passing between the low hanging drapery Alexi was too late to notice the figure walking by. Directly smacking right into the foreign body before reeling back with a surprised hiss. "Hey!" The word blundered aloud from Al's black lips with an added snarled expression. Who on earth could be walking by on their rope and wood steps.

[align=center][size=8pt][color=#393939]Text #393939    Thoughts #393939    "Talking." #393939    ATTACKING #d27a46

Re: cinnamon and sugary like softly spoken lies. BAALAL - teef - 01-15-2021

not to worry! i love your writing style already aa //

mind buried in affairs far from the present, absent were the steps of the sage as they traversed the land, following scent trails without thought, eyes on the path beneath their paws. fleeting their memories, entangled in those before them, the situations of their group burdening their mind, thoughts entwined in the bodies of the dead and lost, their own loved ones among those who had lost their battle with the frost and cold. exhaling heavily, they would take a corner, narrowly avoiding a collision with a tree, causing them to shake their head and sit down. resting their head against the tree before them, the zheng would curl their tails close to themself with a quiet sound, closing their eyes and allowing their mind to be emptied of all the painful and distracting thoughts, yearning to feel the earth's heartbeat beneath them once again. it had been far too long since they had felt the earth as they once had, once having been able to speak to the earth and ask it to move to their guidance.

feeling much like a child lost without their parents, the beast would sigh heavily, ears laying flat to their skull as they forbade the feelings of loneliness to claw up their limbs and to their brain. they would be fine, they had been this far, and they would continue to do so, until they could regain their lost abilities. scars aching upon their form, the zheng would remain seated there, meditating for some time, chasing memories of the phantom feelings dancing through their toes and pads, sorely remembering the echo of earth racing along their nerves, feeling truly alive when so connected with their element. silence would pass around them, birds flitting above and squirrels bounding along the boughs of snow-laden trees and bushes. finding peace in their environment, they settled their uneasy heart, getting to their paws once more, shaking snow from their fur, stretching into a downward bow with a mighty yawn, toes outstretched with talon-like scimitars peeking from their sheaths.

picking a random path, the creature would depart, deciding upon the option to simply survey those around them, to check on those who were in the open, to hear the voices of the members who called this land their home. following the path, would they drift past huts of stone and wood, nodding and giving soft greetings, sharing words of comfort and peace with those who stopped them to talk. laughing softly with some, would they walk unknowingly, their path leading them to one of fate. instincts too late to prevent a collision, the massive beast would blink, feeling the hard push of a body against their own, head turning to their left to see the ebony felidae recoiling from their collision with a blustery snarl, words sharp on their tongue as they addressed the one that they had collided with. blinking away their own surprise, they gave a flick of their tails, conversation partner taking the chance to turn tail and run off. turning to better face the other, would they give a sheepish smile, head turned slightly to the side, "my apologies, i was caught in an engaging conversation. are you alright?", they themselves had been rather unaffected by the direct blow, weight greater than the speed at which the collision had happened. as tall as they were, they would hope they were heavy enough to withstand a blow like that, or they would be in dire need of feeding.

Re: cinnamon and sugary like softly spoken lies. BAALAL - private - 01-16-2021

my style? lordy yours has me rolling from its beauty I'm ;;;;;;u;;;;//

Once the initial sting of their nose hitting what felt like a brick wall subsided, the perpetrator came into focus. Xi nearly jumped from their skin at the low voice of Baalal, and embarrassment ruffled the chilled Jaguar's short coat. The beast of a Sage loomed overhead with a sheepish expression, and the irritation Alexi felt seemed to melt from their patched face. Quickly and shyly, the smaller feline maneuvered around the other.

Now properly standing in front of Baalal the Ashfoot batted their shyness away, clearing their throat. "Oh! No, no, I'm fine Baalal, thank you. Sorry for my hollering a second ago. You just surprised me, is all." The words shivered out with the chilly air but held sturdy enough to not appear spooked. Just my luck to run smack into Baalal like some kind of buffoon.

Shuffling off of their hindquarters and back into a standing position, they made an awkward glance to the left. Shit, what do I say now? I'm not good at this... Alexi wasn't fond of interacting with others on a personal level. Superficial was alright, but up close and alone was bizarre to them. Growing up, they had been incredibly secluded, if not almost entirely isolated. Learning to swindle others of their fine goods to make it out of the cavern they'd been raised in. It wasn't all that long ago in their mind, but in reality, that was nearly four years ago now. Hopefully, they'd learn to grow a pair and actually strike up a conversation but probably not today.

[align=center][size=8pt]Text #393939    Thoughts #393939    "Talking." #393939    ATTACKING #d27a46