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( heart made of stone, mind of grass — rift ) - Printable Version

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( heart made of stone, mind of grass — rift ) - Grimm - 01-13-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Riftweaver.

Leaden weight pressed into the soft contours of her tongue, there held as though the taste may sweeten, her own petulant opinion scoured until the bitterness may be washed from her throat. Undeserved it all, known how poor the exchange, yet it may not be alleviated. Bore the face of another, a child once known, beneath taunt skin the chambers of his heart engulfed in rage. No fault lay at his feet, the damage may not be nullified with the change of supposed identity.

One and the same. Intricate the puzzle that was their perplexing situation, supposedly split and one half rejected, other, a stranger who held only a basic idea of who he once was, left behind. Reduced within her mind to mistaken identity, or possibly it was something akin to that her own siblings harboured, a tether that permitted exchange of thought and emotion. Easier to swallow such simplified reasoning, to make light of the condition plaguing Brandyskies and Riftweaver, yet he held that face.

Once smooth in their passage tracing the edge of wicker basket it took only a moment, muscle tensing beneath pale skin, jumping into activity once more, the hook of paw about handle enough to upset balance. Murmured curses adorned her lips, downward curling as the spill rolled about her abode, annoyance settling within the uneasy pit of her stomach. Difficult to surmise her opinion of either, the exact cause that left her tending the spilling selection lost, purpose singular as once more were each packed away into relative order. He was not like Brandy, neither the child he once was nor the man he had grown to become, yet her heart ached when proximity grew close, relived the agony permanently worn against her shoulder in pale scar tissue.

A sigh parted her lips as Eulia gently ran her paws along the items once more, count remade. Bottles of fresh water, a few baked goods that were just beginning to grow too stale for her taste, a package of cut fruits. Meagre the offering, though similar her knowledge of that which may assist with hangovers proceeding the great quantity of alcohol Rift had consumed the day prior, enough for the moment. A peace offering, almost, the first stone in a bridge she need not assist in making had she not lay a torch to it before she may properly meet the other, all simply so she may not harbour the blame alone.

With basket hanging from her jaws begun the tedious journey about the archipelago, sought a residence she did not know the location of. Still was Goldie housed in the temple, well enough known her brother to assert unwelcome the presence of one not needing his expertise, easy the rejection of such. Finally stooped to the level of asking another for directions, though still was it arduous, once more ignited her irritation when, supposedly before the correct door, Eulia drew to a halt. Brief her inspection of the door before, pondered over the outcome should her choice have been wrong, caution discarded as paw rose.

"Riftweaver?" Accompanying her words were a few short knocks, muffled her call about the handle slotted between her teeth, left now only to wait for a response.

Re: ( heart made of stone, mind of grass — rift ) - riftweaver - 01-27-2021


[div style="background-color:#242924;width:90%;max-height:200px;overflow: auto;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: white;"] "speech"
//super lateee

Riftweaver understood the confusion surrounding his peculiar circumstances, the looks of distrust he garnered from those who believed him a thief of an identity that never belonged to him. He too held confusion for the situation, confusion for how it happened, and for why. As for the difference in his personality as apposed to the twin he was not born with, but born from, could be attributed to the selective memories he carried and the experiences he'd had that Brandyskies had not. Each person was shaped by a unique mixture of their experiences and circumstances, both within and out of reach of any semblance of control. Riftweaver being no different in this sense.

He had come to the conclusion that he was the parts of Brandyskies that had been buried down, squashed beneath their outwardly strong behavior. Rift did not hold the ability to hide his feelings as well as his counterpart, his face a stage on which his emotions performed. Similarly, he seemed to hold more absence of thought, a more hot-headed way of approaching situations. Current theory being that these traits had always existed within Brandyskies, but had simply been left behind when they split. Perhaps the other was not even aware of these traits, or did not notice that they no longer lingered beneath the surface. Regardless, the leaf-maned male was slowly learning that he was not weaker than Brandyskies, but rather just different.

A knock at his door pulled his attention, his two-toned gaze lingering as he registered the voice that spoke up. Rift hadn't been expecting any company, and had really only planned to nurse his hangover in the quiet of his hut, but he opened the door anyway. "Eulia. Come on in." He tried to hide the surprise in his voice, knowing that the female was not his biggest fan. Yet, he stepped aside and motioned for her to come in.