Beasts of Beyond
LET YOUR PAST LIVES THROUGH / joining - Printable Version

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LET YOUR PAST LIVES THROUGH / joining - ROY - 01-12-2021

What was to happen, when everything you'd once known to be true has been crushed, stripped from you, left you barren with no truth to any of it but your own living, breathing body? What was a God to do when the title held no such worth, when his family, his followers, were all gone somewhere so far away he could not begin to picture where to start looking? There was no real answer, not to the fox's knowledge. Not even his own sister's infinite wisdom could help him now, her once distantly familiar presence nowhere to be found. And it'd been months of simply existing in this world, in this body he still did not feel was his own, of trying to be simply...mortal. The Blackguard had disbanded long enough ago that he'd been solitary for likely nearly a year now. And still, he was nowhere closer to the answers he desired than before. Perhaps it was time he'd stop being a recluse and find something else to do, in the meantime.

He was plenty aware of the always expanding groups popping up all over the continent they found themselves on, and he knew the fact that there were always new ones that he had options, when it came to deciding where he may find himself. He'd enough time to be in this body to take the time to properly learn how to communicate to others. Most did not know sign language, unfortunately, but it was better than trying to constantly write in the ground, so he could only hope that at least one individual may know the basics. Otherwise, it would be back to writing for him. Which, truthfully wouldn't be as hard as before, seeing as he'd found himself settling on a group by the beach.

The male would approach the forested area splitting the Palm Glades from the rest of the island, keeping his head low, ears alert as he moved through. The large trees provided a nice shade, although it wasn't too terribly warm. They reminded him of a former life, when he may roam between the towns and cities with Olaine, enjoy a campfire with the two-headed dog. That was all he needed then, and all he wished for now. But it was out of reach, and so he moved alone, pawsteps silently taking him further and further in until one may find him.

Re: LET YOUR PAST LIVES THROUGH / joining - rhosmari - 01-12-2021

After being attacked in the forest by some strange monstrosity he was a bit nervous to find himself in the forest again. But he had awoken here in this new body, one that was softer and skinnier but taller. His flowing tails flowed as if through water behind him as he chased a rabbit that he was rather excited to be hunting. He hadn't eaten anything since he had come back to life and though he knew that was not a good idea to wait so long to eat, he just didn't feel too hungry. His small paws dashed through the snow, jaws salivating and snapping on the heels of the rabbit that made sharp turns and he followed as quickly as he could, testing the limits of the body and what it had to offer. Jerking is head suddenly he tried to snap his teeth across the back of the rabbit and lift it from the ground and suddenly he found himself thrown across a bush. A yelp left him as he thrashed in the bush, starry night colored fur twisting up in the branches. A struggle ensued for a long moment and he finally managed to untangle himself but by then the rabbit was gone and he sighed heatedly. ''Oh man. I was so close...'' Suddenly the kitsune esque creature's head snapped up in alert, golden blue eyes focused on the visage of a stranger.

His jaw clenched and he tried to hold back the fear he was feeling. The guy didn't look like a threat but he was trespassing. He shouldn't be here and so he had to go and confront him about it. Large ears pulled back as he started to make his way over, shifting snow grey paws across the cold ground before he called out. ''Hey, this is Palm Glades' lands. Can I help you with something?'' The young adult was stiff in his approach but he doubted that that would make much of a difference. Maybe he should give his name...[/
[Image: lnnqViN.gif]
How, how much to light up my star again and rewire all my thoughts? Oh baby, won't you remind me what I am? And break, break my little cold heart. I'm living someone else's life. Suppressing who I was inside. I don't know if I can be alone again. I don't know if I can sleep alone again.

%u2014 Sorbet Monroe Roux

Re: LET YOUR PAST LIVES THROUGH / joining - ROY - 01-12-2021

As he moved further in, he could feel himself getting a bit lost in thought. While he hadn't always seen forests, they did take up a majority of his travels as an adult. They were his favorite to be around, at the very least. They simply were just cozy, and every part of life within them seemed to quietly respect each others' role. Though his appreciation would be distracted soon enough. His ears would twist as he heard prey scatter nearby, gaze shifting towards the sound. He'd eaten in the morning, and his stomach hadn't felt empty yet, so he didn't feel much temptation to try and seek it out. Besides, the locals probably wouldn't be too pleased about him hunting before he even requested to join. However, the movement did indicate someone was likely nearby, so the fox paused, and looked around. Sure enough, a stranger caught sight of him not long after.

He waits for the other to speak up, taking in his words. The stranger seems a bit surprised by his presence, to which the other would feel a bit apologetic for had he known the male was nervous about it. He would nod slowly at the question, adjusting his stance to fully turn towards him and lift his paws, slowly. He began to sign "Hello, do you know sign language?" He would wait for a few moments afterwards, his paws tapping the ground a bit awkwardly. Just in case the other wouldn't know what the fox was trying to say, he'd reach for a nearby stick and write "I would like to join". Hopefully the other could, at least, read. If either skills were known, they could have some form of communication.

/mobile post, sorry for any mistakes!


[glow=black,1,400]I MOVE IN ALL DIRECTIONS, I DON'T NEED ANY PROTECTION !。+゚.[/glow]
Ironically enough, Caesar might relate more to Damianos's situation more than the other male would expect. Of course, the demon wouldn't admit it and he was at fault for everything being stripped away from him - after all, he was the one who ran the big calls during the raid on the castle and destroyed everything. He was to blame. Now, Caesar would tell everyone that he was proud of what he had done, but on the inside? That was a different story. There was no reason to admit that though, now was there?

Caesar came to stand next to Sorbet, his dark gaze watching Damianos closely. If he wanted to - and Damianos gave him permission to enter his mind in the first place - he could use telepathy in order to translate for him. But of course, he didn't want to. Fuck that.

"You better get used to writing things." Caesar commented bluntly. "Because I doubt anyone would be willing to translate for you, sign language or otherwise." He looked down to read what Damnianos wrote, huffing silently to himself. "You have a name, pal?" He asked.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: LET YOUR PAST LIVES THROUGH / joining - magnum - - 01-15-2021

Bound tightly with bandages and gauze around his sides, the injured wolf crept along the now familiar forest that he had found himself in not too long ago. It seemed that all sorts of people crept out of this forest with a hope of starting a new life with a plethora of outcasts from all walks of life. Magnum couldn't lie when he said the area was oddly soothing to his nerves that constantly stood on edge because of the people around him being complete strangers of which could be associated with any of the several people he had taken out since he was just a kid trying to survive. Maybe he could stay for a little while at the very least to cool down his trail in the somewhat safe borders of the Palm Glades and fight off anyone that wanted to disturb said break from his old life. Magnum let out a shaky sigh at this thought as he crept along the shadows of the branches above until a few of his classmates gathered around a stranger that hadn’t seemed to say anything just as of yet.

Of course, as he drew to the opposite side of Sherbert, the canid watched as the fox moved his paws to form words in sign language that he could somewhat make out do to his old friend having picked up many languages for his many disguises over the past year. Magnum’s grey gaze flicked from the newcomer’s paws to his face trying to get the jist of the words before giving a slight huff. “I can kinda understand it, but you might want to slow down a bit.” His voice seeped with a tired energy, unknown ing of the other male’s life and his lone travel since his own family kicked him down from his high and mighty status as a god and his old group had split up some time ago. And while he wouldn’t know his situation in the slightest, Damianos feelings of abandonment and confusion rang strong in Magnum’s life to the point where he had left him tossing and turning at night with just how this could’ve happened to him. Perhaps, they could find common ground is this if the wolf decided to let down his guard for anyone here.

Re: LET YOUR PAST LIVES THROUGH / joining - Grimm - 01-15-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]A secluded haven, beacon for those wayward souls, strays found when the greater earth deemed them permanently lost.

Numerous those drawn into their population, similar the stories shared as spoken of the origin long behind, differing details a trivial matter. Yet taken that safety, a harbour once found and grown forgein, a place which death clung to. Abandoned his place among them, alone his venture among twisted boughs wreathed in emerald, a quiet murmur produced by brine laden wind tracing along slim needles. Known the location, solitary the cabin once marred beneath blood, his first taste of such destruction rejected. Interrupted his progression, however, distance striping the words until they were left just a meaningless din.

About ears swivelled, drawn through the thinned undergrowth. Back pushed, unfamiliar all but a singular individual, lips shifting, bitter the curl adorning. The desire to continue upon his own path arose, abandoned as eyes found the fox, odd the manner he moved, an action that seemed replacement for vocalised communication. Closer Foam stepped, forgone himself as he allowed himself to move past the others assembled, before Damianos drawing to a halt, paws slightly overlapping his written words. "Why do you...Do this." Upwards his own paws arose, mimicked his prior movement, though unpractised and thus sloppy.

Re: LET YOUR PAST LIVES THROUGH / joining - RHINESTONE. - 01-16-2021

There had been a time, many months ago, when Rhinestone had thought that he had lost everything. He felt as though his world was collapsing, and he was going to lose everyone that he cared for. That had been when the hurricane had initially hit, and their territory had been ripped apart. Their camp had been scattered and their prey was in disarray, with the majority of their members dead, or missing. He had been forced to step up, then, even as his paws felt as though they were made of lead. He had felt similarly to Damianos, believing that things would never be the same way as they were before. In truth, he had been correct about that. Things weren't the same as they were before the hurricane, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The group had changed for the better, at least in Rhine's opinion, and that wouldn't have been able to happen if he hadn't taken over. While he would never have wished for the hurricane to strike them, at least there was a silver lining in almost anything – something that Damianos would hopefully come to see.

The gathering crowd that had come to greet Damianos attracted Rhinestone's attention, causing the serval to slip smoothly over the sands and over next to Foam, sitting down and watching the ongoing interactions. Upon seeing what Foam was doing, a soft chuckle left the legate, and he explained, "I believe that he's using sign language... it's a different way to communicate, where you use your paws instead of words. Unfortunately, I can't translate..." He glanced apologetically at Damianos, a soft sigh leaving him. He would've liked to learn sign language at some point, but it was quite the daunting task now that he was an adult, and learning languages was so much harder. Not only that, but his legate duties kept him fairly busy, meaning he didn't really have the time to learn it, either.

Thankfully, the fox seemed to understand that not everybody would know sign language, and had written his request in the sand. Rhine glanced down at it, a faint smile coming to his muzzle as he did so. Another joiner, and quite the curious one, at that. He certainly wasn't going to turn the other away. So, he returned his dark gaze to Damianos, cheerfully welcoming him, "You're more than welcome to join us! I am sorry I don't really have the sign language skills to keep up, but maybe I can learn a little something sometime soon. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the legate here. But you can just address me as Rhine, if you ever need to sign or write my name. If you need help finding your way around or getting adjusted, you can feel free to come to me." Even if the two of them couldn't communicate directly through sign language, at least Rhine was able to read the other's writings. It might make his conversations with Damianos a bit slower than his chats with others, but he could deal with that.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades