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HYENAS DO IT BEST - storage - batter - 01-12-2021

do not post here
or do idc im just making a coding dump ;l

Re: HYENAS DO IT BEST - storage - batter - 01-12-2021

This is the family of Akaodon. Deldrach Akaodon, born from royalty in a pride far away, now lives on the Island with the rest of the groups. Their signature, purebred royalty mark are the golden and silver eyes- of which, however, are hard to come by. Akaodon's look out for each other. Infighting hardly exists, and they stand as the harbringers of justice. They are not warbound- but rather cold equity-bound, going to the lengths of being called 'Peacekeepers'. Whilst they are a small family, they do what they do to protect eachother, and above all, the hierachy in general.

But remember, blood is not thicker than water.
Deldrach's last name is Akaodon- but not until after she married Primus. She took on his last name, even as a princess of the pride, and married together two prides. Primus, however, was not who he said he was. Abuse and dark times riddled this marriage. It got to the point where the two had a fight, not long after Deldrach had given birth to two cubs. Primus ended up marring and supposedly killing one child, and Deldrach then killed him in cold blood.

There hadn't been a hesitation.

She had traveled far away from the Pride that night, after burying her one son and taking her other with her. She changed her name, her identity. She made her way onto the island, and not long after that occured, her son had disappeared. It had been painful, but Deldrach built herself up in the Typhoon, with other people she trusted and care for. Primus made his appearance once or twice again, but he hasn't succeeded in driving the Akaodon family line into the ground.
1. Queen's word is law.
2. Do not kill your family members. Fighting is allowed.
3. Those who kill and murder without reason will be exiled and hunted.
4. Rape is punished by death.
5. Traditions are mandatory.
6. Adopted family members will wear the charm signaling that they were adopted in.

1. Be nice to each other blz thanks
2. Try not to do incest thanks
3. Smaller litters! I want the family to be tight-knit and small. MAXIMUM THREE CUBS.theres already one big family cmon
4. Royal bloods are only descendants of Deldrach, and will be monitored by Otto/Auto.
5. Adopted family members are allowed! Don't be discouraged by the mark!
There's a hierarchy, much like a regular pride. The Immortala stands at the top, and down at the bottom are those who are most recent to the family as adoptees. ALL RANKS LOGGED IN A REGISTRY ON A SEPERATE POST.

1. IMMORTALA - The highest on the hierarchy. Their word is law, and they are the head of the family. They hold the utmost waver or allowance. White band.

2. ARCHINE - The second in command. They only answer to the Immortala, and are often of the royal blood. Gray band.

3. THE THREE DIVINE - A council of typically three. This position is also oft more royal blooded, but is far easier for marked to get in. They each advise and council the Archine and Immortala. They sit as the chairs of each division. Royal blue band.

4. HARBRINGER - A semi-high rank of six warriors, divided in twos. They either specialize in medicine, espionage, or war, and lead each division in missions or battles. Light blue band.

5. CRUSADERS - The general masses. Mothers, children, apprentices, and adults. Black band.
The first and foremost are the charmed gauntlets. They are found on the left paw, and are wrapped leather that go around the bottom of the paw, then up past the wrist and halfway up the leg. Different charms and bands can be woven into the gauntlet, and are used as a way to display rank in the family. (The bands are significant of rank, and charms of positions and accomplishments. Color bands for ranks can be noted inside the rank.)
Charm Meanings:
Crusaders who come of age are asked to hunt and kill a large non-sentient prey. They bring it back and are taught to spit, roast, and serve said prey- not only for the family and their invitees, but themselves as well. This gives the entire family a day to gather and share their news.

One of the three divine holds a choosing ceremony. They present an element each to those who come of age, and depending which element the crusader picks, they are then assigned to that division. They hunt, speak, and fight alongside their division thereafter most often.
None yet!
There will be no form yet. I'm going to be holding an adopt for two of Deldrach's children soon (those presented in the family history) to get this party rolling! Big Grin

Re: HYENAS DO IT BEST - storage - batter - 01-21-2021

story here
rules here
genetics here
form here

Re: HYENAS DO IT BEST - storage - batter - 03-08-2021

Welcome, to the Golden Eye. They call the rocky mountains home, the river cutting straight through their territory. Often regarded as the protectors of the mountains, they reinforce their borders with tricky zipline maneuvers and reappearing and disappearing in cavernways. Emerging out of the mists, many do not know where they come from, or who leads them, carrying a mysterious aura about them.
Arlo Maximus is the leader of the Golden Eye. He comes from offshore of the island, stepping onto a unclaimed patch in a swamp. In the beginning, he had little following. Arlo followed the river feeding this swamp up past a waterfall, and broke out into the rocky plains. He continued to head upland, and up in turn, soon came upon a gathering of rogues and loners banding together for some survivability. Arlo offered them a higher way of life, a way forward for themselves. They built up a stronghold within this rocky plain area, choosing to shore up in a cave sitting just off of where a creek joins in with the river. Soon, the rogues beheld Arlo as their leader, trust and reliability his qualifying features. 
The Golden Eye resides mostly in the ravine between two mountain ranges, rocky cliffs and plains alike covering their territory. They also call a part of the swamp their own, watery beach mixed in at the very tip of their territory.

- At the northern tip of their territory resides two mountain ranges, and split down the middle of it is a river. This river rages hard at the point of the thaw, and is temperate in the summer. It can be a danger to young or unexperienced adventurers, or invaders. Many of these rocky cliffs are closer to the northern tip of the territory, and are home to a number of caves and ziplines left behind by humans alike.

- The general territory of the Golden Eyes is rocky plainlands and sheer cliff. It can be extremely windy and intense to transverse. There are very little trees, but a good amount of low bushes and brush.

- On a plateau-life cliff on the western side of the mountains, there is a circle of rocks. Interestingly enough, there's a platform of stone beneath the risen rocks, making it seem like an almost ritualistic spot. This is where a number of the Golden Eye residents come to either meditate or train, and this area is a host to one of the namely traditions of the Golden Eye.

- This is the tallest peak of the two mountain ranges. It resides on the eastern side of the river, high about river elevation. It's clear this river has cut through the range for quite a long time.

- After the two creeks join up with the main river, there's a good sized drop in elevation, a cliff like face giving way for a waterfall. It comes down and drains into the swamp-beach mixed area, right on the coast of the island. There is a small, narrow rock set of stairs down this cliff into the swamp lands. There is no other easy way up to the rocklands.

- The camp sits directly where the first creek meets with the river. There's a high point besides the joining of the creek and the river, home to many of the rogues. Some prefer to sleep by the river, while the rest reside inside of the cavern just to the north-east of this meeting. Inside, there's a nursery, an elder's den, numerous moss nests lining some of the ledges within the cavern, and a den close to the door for the herbs. The fleshmender is not required to sleep inside. Opposite of the herb den, on the other side of the mouth of the cavern, is the Vanguard's Point, a tall, flat stalagmite in which the Golden Eye calls meetings. The Vanguard is expected to sleep in a nest or den built where they choose.
This is the hierarchy of the Golden Eye's ranks.

- The leader of the group. Their word is law, but it comes with the precipice of protecting the ravine. This rank falls to the Novaculite in the event that something happens to the Vanguard.

- The second in command, the deputy. They have the same power of the Vanguard, and are expected to be a close advisor to the Vanguard. Their word, however, does not go as law, but carries the same weight as the Vanguard.

- The healer of the group. They are expected to also participate in war, and defense, but are still protected as they are the healers. There can be up to three.

- The highest level of guard within the Golden Eye. They are highly trusted and regarded, even by the Vanguard and Novaculite.

- The step after Talonguard, especially those who have shown initiative and are proficient in battle.

- A stepping stone to a higher position. They are awarded to those who show promise.

- The general members of the Golden Eye.
The Golden Eye doesn't behold many strange traditions, but they do keep some for themselves.

- This is the test to graduate from apprentice-hood to adulthood. This test is conducted in the Circle of Eyes. It's either a physical duel, or mental battle between the apprentice and a SHP or HP. A stoneguard cannot test an apprentice. Their mentor cannot test their own apprentice. Any kind of test goes- but it must be decided upon between the mentor and the person who will be physically going against the apprentice.

- A small celebration is thrown monthly for the new life brought into the Golden Eyes. Allies will be invited to celebrate the children coming into the world. However, if there are multiple litters brought in during the same month, there will only be one celebration. On the flip side, if no life was brought in, there will be no celebration.

- There is a race twice a year to the top of the Horn of the Mountain. Whoever wins receives a charm or precious gem to put onto any of their possessions. It is a multiple terrain race.

- This is less of a tradition, and more-so something special to the territory. Metal cord ziplines are installed in various areas in the mountains, left behind by humans. Any stoneguard and higher can use it, however, apprentices, children, and those pregnant or caring for children are forbidden from using it.
None to speak of. The Golden Eye stands as an aggressive neutral group.

Re: HYENAS DO IT BEST - storage - batter - 03-08-2021

[b]INTRO —
This is the registry. If your character is a member of the group, please use the form below and you will be added to the list!
Please use the form below to add up to the ranks!

Roleplayer's Acct:
- Arlo Maximus ; RPed by [member=79]auto[/member]

- None ; RPed by none

- None ; RPed by none

- None ; RPed by none

- None ; RPed by none

- None ; RPed by none

- None ; RPed by none