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TOSS A COIN [ open ] - Printable Version

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TOSS A COIN [ open ] - COAL - 01-12-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 40%; text-align: justify;"]there were many things that a person could collect within an apocalyptic wasteland, some of coal's favorite things to collect being books, bottle caps, and.. shovels. yes, shovels, of all the things he could collect. however, shovels were shockingly hard to come by and incredibly heavy for a fairly small domestic cat such as himself, so he found books and bottle caps much easier to come by. he'd already had a stash of special bottle caps, little orange bottle caps with blue stars on the inside that he protected with his life. he'd gone scowering around, just as he had with the books, searching for more caps like those only to find other caps to add to his collection.

he'd come across a few that reeked of alcohol, some that tasted horribly sweet when you licked the inside, some tasted of juice and others tasted like nothing. some were rusted, which wasn't an issue considering he could remove that easily, some were dented, which also wasn't an issue because that was also an easy fix.. in all he'd found 13 new caps, and two that he already had, but no more star caps. he trotted along towards his little hut that he'd claimed, not quite fancying himself a larger home because he thrived in cave like spaces, and dumped his bag of bottle caps on the floor in front of his book case, carefully beginning to organize them from what he thought was prettiest to ugliest.

of course, his star bottle caps were no where near this little display area- they were safely tucked away where only he could find them. "sad that i didn't find a star this time.. usually i find at least one! do you think that maybe there might be another collector here.. oh, that could mean danger! could kill them for the caps, but that would be counter productive, wouldn't it? yeah, it would be.. but i could! but you shouldn't."
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Re: TOSS A COIN [ open ] - Keona. - 01-12-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
It's still bemusing, but the tiny wildcat knew exactly who's voice it was, whenever she heard him talking to himself.  Ears twitching, the dealer held back a sigh and followed the sound, tapping a paw gently on the wood to announce her presence.

"You really shouldn'," she murmured, offering her agreement to... Coal... Great seas.  Her tail twitched behind her, curious.  Caps?  Well.  That made a little more sense than books... Since he couldn't read.

She hummed softly in thought, taking a nearby seat and tucking her paws beneath her chest.  Caps.  Well.  "I collected seashells when I was little," she mused absently. 

She hadn't gathered any in sometime, focusing on work instead.  A single shell carved into the shape of a flower did rest on her chest however, hanging off a simple cord.  A gift.  One she cherished more than most of the shells she did still have... Since it made her smile more.

She understood the appeal in gathering something you liked though.  Even if a collection sounded tedious to keep track of... "Were you lookin' for a particular cap?"  Sounded like he was.

Re: TOSS A COIN [ open ] - michael t. - 01-13-2021

Coal. Michael had met the other a couple of times in the past, and each time had only further confirmed that the other was pretty damn odd. This time was no exception, although it was less because of the feline's actions, and more because of his muttering to himself. His talk of killing another collector within The Typhoon certainly wasn't uplifting, and Keona had already mentioned that it wasn't the best idea. The other dealer added on as he stepped inside, shaking his head from side to side, "Yeah, I really wouldn't recommend murdering one of your crewmates. That's pretty much immediate exile – or being killed yourself, if you're not lucky. Although, if you wanna kill somebody and take their stuff, you could always head for one of our enemies. Like the Coalition, or the Iron Forged. Assholes already stole from us..." The bobcat's voice lowered to a bit of a grumble at the end as he mentioned the Iron Forged, still feeling particularly bitter about that whole encounter. It was a coward's move, attacking a medic's domain while a group was trying to hold off another attack. Michael was honestly just lucky he had made it out with his life, considering he had been one of the only ones around to defend the place.

Shaking those bad memories off for now, the short feline's gaze moved to Coal's collection, scanning over the various bottlecaps that were spread out in front of the other. He could certainly understand collecting things – had done plenty of it, himself – but he didn't really get the point of collection bottlecaps. They weren't really worth anything, as far as he knew, and it wasn't as if they were as pretty as jewelry, or shells. Upon hearing Keona offer up her own past collection, Michael muttered casually, tail twitching behind him, "I collect jewelry, if you couldn't tell just by looking at me. I like the pretty stuff... not sure I could imagine collecting bottlecaps." As usual, his gold necklace hung around his neck, joined by various face piercings and gold bracelets. Although, truthfully, Michael liked collecting whatever he could steal. He tended to be a bit of a pack rat when it came to things he had stolen, much to the chagrin of his husband. The dealer really didn't think Trevor could say anything, though, considering how disorganized he was.

Re: TOSS A COIN [ open ] - Grimm - 01-15-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]The appeal behind amassing a collection had not been an overly contributing factor of her life. Possible reasoning for such her dwindling vision, present from her earliest days she proved incapable of perceiving treasured items as another may, lost the abstract beauty that may draw one towards such habit. Alone would she leave those who deemed the pursuit worthy of their time, a waste as she had deemed it, but to each their own pleasure. With such the quiet words offered little within way of interest, about swivelling an ear as conversation was staged. Singular the participant, yet vernacular spoke of another presence, confusion alighting across pale countenance in a frown.

Brief her solitude, a moment to weigh the options, when another spoke. Piqued her intrigue, though still a meagre source the caps Coal worked with, more the presence of the dealer enough to draw her forth, if uncertain and with hesitation to each step. In broke another, tacked upon comment his own, excuses made for the outrageously tacky collection which adorned him. It seemed where one dealer was the other must follow, a matched pair, though rather lacking one.

"I'm sure they make you extremely pretty," feigned the gentle compliment, a biting sting beneath those supposedly kind words, similar the smile accompanying. No secret the opinion Eulia held for Michael, accepted by some of their family but the title of uncle curdled upon her tongue where he was concerned. Away attention turned, addressed Keona with a genuine sincerity. "Aloha, Keona." Back parroted her typical greeting, all she would offer as turned to the supposed resident of the home.

Well addressed the consequences that may arise if Coal grew bold enough to enact the hairbrained notion of claiming the collection of another via murder, instead choosing a different route. "Those are very nice, how many do you have?" Over those assembled her eyes roved, though it was more the portion of floor she deemed may be close enough to be mistaken as inspection of his gathered caps, lacking any input in terms of her own personal collection as both dealers had added prior.

Re: TOSS A COIN [ open ] - planecrash. - 01-15-2021

Even after being here for a while, Planecrash could count all the ribs that clung to his slightly less gaunt figure that had been thankfully been helped with food before he found himself catching a bit of prey with the guidance of one of his classmates so he wouldn't be completely useless to them after having been gone for such a long time. He had to relearn the layout of the camp and manage to find his old home, surprisingly not cleared out and taken by another member after all this time. Of course, it needed to be heavily cleaned and fixed up though.

Being a scientist had it’s perks though, as he had amassed several bits and pieces of things washed ashore and left behind by strangers passing the borders before leaving. Plane had even managed to make a small bit that he had help out with small chores and to make sure his adopted son wasn’t getting into trouble when he was busy. Anything to appeal his need for creation and to help out his clanmates in the best way he could given his inability to fight or be quite so social like some of these people.

The ginger tom padded forward as he caught eye of a small group formed around one of the small caves around the territory with the slight clatter of some sort of metal sounding in the middle of it. After giving a quick adjustment to his bag, the male found himself near Keona as he blinked through his thick goggles at the feline arranging bottle caps and speaking of ones with a star that seemed to appeal to her enough to think of murdering for it. Plane’s lips pressed into an awkward and thin line as he gave a quick nod as the others address the mention of such a troublesome act. “ I-I haven't managed to get out to search quite yet, but when I was here before, I had seen a few of those scattered deep in the sand!” He gave up this info to hopefully distract from the awkward vibes hovering around them.