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can you feel my heart / dinner time + accessories - Printable Version

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can you feel my heart / dinner time + accessories - ASVINI - 01-11-2021

[img width=550][/img]
// tw for slight gore!

Deldrach's sharp teeth were wrapped around the throat of the non-sentient boar. The Jaglioness's paws dragged on the jungle floor, her eyes narrowed and dangerous as she slowly walked forward. The boar was of good size- and provided a good fight. The jaglioness was marred with a gash down her left flank, and scratches on her front legs from where he had kicked. But it was nothing she couldn't deal with, nothing that didn't give her the satisfaction of making a large catch for a large dinner.

As she made it back to the camp, she glanced towards the hut she had tenatively chosen. She laid the boar just out front, before heading inside, gathering her supplies. She lifted up her old sheath, before slinging it onto her body. She stretched, moving to clean some of the blood from her chops, before heading back outside. She picked the boar up, heading towards the beach. No sword was present against her side, but the sheath was born with small pouches. Kindling, spices, a carving knife- all the ingredients she needed were either upon her, or the spot at the beach.

It wasn't long before she was building a fire, crafting it from a spark from two stones struck to a gentle blaze. While she waited for it to "simmer" and reduce to small coals- slow heat was best for the boar- she turned to carving and gutting the beast. She left the meat and the best of the beast upon the skeleton, and taking those of less tasteful and storing it in an icebox that she promptly put her supplies on. No need to open that until later.

She moved about, hoisting the boar onto the spit, coating it in a wet brine and starting to get it rolling, slowly. And, as the sun slowly started to dip down, she sat back and watched her creation inch towards being done.

/ i don't have a reference for her sheath harness, but it's a chest-to-hindquarters leather strap (with some around her torso and neck) that appears to be best used for a sword

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: can you feel my heart / dinner time + accessories - Keona. - 01-11-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The tiny dealer had known a few homes within the Typhoon.  A hut.  The Tempest.  The Sky Parlor.  Calling the Tavern home was strange to the quiet natured wildcat but she didn't mind being close to the news.  And she spent enough time away not to go mad from the often crowded building, as she was now.

The ocean kept her calm.  Gave her peace.  She had always belonged close to the water.  Pale hues the sea-green color of the waves.  Even the sand felt nice, grounding her to the beach as she padded along.  The heat of the sun was fading, the dealer knew it was getting late.

She was musing staying out a little longer when the smell of meat roasting over a fire caused her to pause.  With a blink, the fae trotted after the smell to find Deldrach by the source.  This must be around her hut then, she mused.

Curious, Keona's tail twitched behind her.  "Aloha Deldrach."  She inhaled softly, brows creasing in thought.  The smell was familiar but... She couldn't quite figure it out.  "What're you roasting?"

Re: can you feel my heart / dinner time + accessories - salem - 01-12-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Vine-wrapped paws padded over the sand in near-silence.  The quiet wildcat had been lingering in his headspace when the crackling of a fire and the smell of meat cooking hit his nose.  He didn't watch others prepare meals very often, drawn in by curiosity.

He settles besides Keona; more comfortable in her presence, a similar inquiry unspoken in his dark eyes.  He felt as though he knew however, the answer resting on his tongue.  Far too small to take down such a large creature, Salem had rarely seen a boar.

"Hello." His voice feels more quiet than Keona's, lined with shier uncertainty -- he did not want to be a bother to someone focused on their task.  His paws shift uneasily against the sand as he watched the fire.  "Do you roast often? You look good at it."

Deldrach seemed very practiced in fact and it felt obvious, but Salem knew of nothing else to say -- opting to polite inquiries on impulse.

Re: can you feel my heart / dinner time + accessories - michael t. - 01-13-2021

Michael hadn't learned much about Deldrach thus far, aside from the fact that she had known Goldie. That alone was enough to instill some trust in the dealer, since he knew quite well that Goldie didn't make friends with just anyone, especially if they seemed untrustworthy. Despite not knowing much about Del up to this point, it hadn't been hard for the bobcat to assume that she was capable. She had that sort of air to her, where she seemed ready and prepared to do whatever she needed to in order to survive. Michael certainly admired that, considering he had lived in that sort of state for most of his life. Although, he hadn't been able to be quite so tough, about it, like Deldrach was. He hadn't had her size, nor her obvious prowess for hunting and fighting. Instead, he had to simply rely on his wits and sneaking ability – both had gotten him pretty damn far, of course, but he didn't consider himself to be on the same level as the lioness. Maybe, someday, if he worked up the guts at some point, he could ask her how to get stronger, in spite of his small size.

Today, however, was not that day. Rather than being drawn over for advice or to ask any questions, Michael was drawn over by the smell of something good. It was enough to make his mouth water, which wasn't something that often happened outside of sweets and blood. Not only did it smell absolutely divine already, but the actual prey that was currently spinning slowly on the spit was enough to cause the bobcat to pause. The boar was massive, at least by his standards, and it was clear that it had put up at least a little bit of a fight. As he looked the roasting boar over, he couldn't help but let out a purr of approval, "Wow, Deldrach... congrats on the catch. Certainly an impressive thing to bring down all on your own..." His mismatched gaze then drifted over to the gash upon her side, as well as the scratches covering her front legs. With a small frown tugging at his muzzle, he questioned, "Speaking of... you want me to grab Roan or Rosemary? Those look like they hurt..." Although, Michael wasn't sure he'd be able to grab Roan at the moment. He hadn't seen the soothsayer in a few days, which was odd for the usual workaholic Roux.

Re: can you feel my heart / dinner time + accessories - bubblegum - 01-13-2021

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
    but the clouds are clearing up
        and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
                                              like a bastard on the burning sea.

Would it be better, to remember the weight of living - would she be happier, if she knew? Would the others? Surely, the answer would be yes, at least for the latter question. If she could recall, the others would not feel the doubt they did when they saw her, Roan would not feel so worried over her, they would not think of her with such pain. Whatever her life had been before, it was much too grand, much too abstract for her to attempt to grapple with. Perhaps that was true for her even when she was aware of it all. She could only imagine what she'd felt in the past, imagine what it may have been like, dream for something so close, but just out of reach, for the threads that'd been lost with the currents. There was not much that could be done for it anymore. She could be useful, she could grab herbs for the soothsayers, she could listen to her family's stories, and she could socialize, but in the end, there was a sense of detachment from it all. Was this Goldenluxury Roux?

There was one thing, she's certain, that her old self could relate to. It was an undeniable feeling, whenever she'd moved about her home. The sense that this is where she belongs, and that she could wake up every day for the rest of time, and find something new to love within the sands, the dirt, the waters, the trees. It could distract her injured, overwhelmed head, and keep it calm. This is Goldenluxury Roux, she knows it. And she, at least, could have this, as she moves about the archipelago. Roan wished for her to not go alone, but it was hard to ask someone to drop whatever they were doing just so they could walk alongside her. She didn't feel particularly compelled, either, to share her experience around the territory every time she went out of the temple. This was something for her. And she was able to find something new, once more. There was always some sort of distraction on these walks, and that's what she liked the most about them.

The tigress approaches the scene quietly, looking over those that had gathered curiously. The scent had drawn her, the noise closed her in. Her eyes travel onto the boar prepared by Deldrach, her mouth feeling an obligation to say something, rather than simply stand there silently. "That smells good," she'd settle on, nodding to the catch. It was not obvious unless it came up, but since waking up, Goldie has most certainly been more of a foodie than before. The various fruits, fishes, and meals that were brought to her always delighted her. The feeling of trying something familiar, but still new, was a sensation she enjoyed.

Re: can you feel my heart / dinner time + accessories - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 01-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
The Typhoon was, more or less, the only home that Vayne knew; sure, her mother took her away from The Typhoon for a bit, but they stayed by themselves in the loner lands. Vayne never felt at home there and she wasn't sure if Aphra did either (her mother was always irritable, but that was nothing unusual). But Vayne had ran away from her mother and returned back to The Typhoon, where she was welcomed with open arms. They were far more a family than Aphra ever was, which sparked some conflicting feelings within the young Beta.

The scent of something cooking drew the kitten over, her eyes wide at the sight of the boar. "What is that?" Vayne asked, her mouth almost watering at how good it smelled. "It looks really good...!"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]