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GET OUT THERE||character tags - Printable Version

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GET OUT THERE||character tags - -~Autumnleaf~- - 05-16-2018

Please don’t post, thanks!

Re: GET OUT THERE||character tags - valemon - 05-16-2018

Valemon Amidala-Skywalker | Val | Male
Name is pronounced Val-a-mon, Val as in Valentine and -mon as in Pokémon
14 moons physically | 12 moons mentally | June 28
Member of the Ascendants

Anakin Skywalker x Padmè Amidala | Gen 2 | No mentor or apprentice

— Has mild hyperactivity disorder/ADHD
— Obsession with birds, flowers, and the beach
— Is slower at learning things and has trouble with speech
— Is very sensitive to emotions, especially those of his family members

Masai Lion/Barbary Lion [birth/main] | health: 100%
— Val's size is more in line with that of a Masai lion, being 3.5 ft tall and 8.5 feet long when he is fully grown. His fur is a light brown and is thicker than usual. His mane is is in the process of growing, darker, shaggy fur lengthening around his neck. It will extend down to his stomach when fully grown. His eyes are brown.
accessories: thick brown cape with white inside, artificial flower crown
major injuries: none
minor injuries: none (faint scars above left eye and on bridge of nose, slight limp to keep weight off of left hind leg)

— Val is as curious as can be, and loves to explore. Even later on in life, the outgoing, playful, and somewhat childish lion would never pass up a chance to play. It takes a lot to get him interested in serious matters; his attention always seems to be somewhere else and he is distracted easily. On the flip side, as long as he's interested, he can spend hours doing something as simple as playing with leaves. He's not the brightest, and it takes him longer than others to pick up new ideas. Val loves his family with all his heart and would do anything to keep them safe, although frightens easily.

current/discovered - mental bond
current/undiscovered - telekinesis
future/need to purchase - enhanced senses, mental communication, conjuration

Easy Physically | Easy Mentally
Attack in bold underline
Can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions

Re: GET OUT THERE||character tags - jendi - 10-29-2018

Jendi Atreides | Jen | Male
5 moons | Oct 25
Member of Tanglewood

NPC x NPC | Siblings: Enceladus, Grave | No mentor or apprentice

— Endless appetite, will eat if food is presented
— Speaks loudly, especially when he wants attention or is being ignored
— Finds stationery activities like crafts and reading boring, isn’t afraid to say as much

Jaguar [birth/main] | health: 100%
— Jen is large for his age and species, both in height and weight. He’s always been a bit pudgy, a lot of his weight noticeably centered in his belly and cheeks. His pelt is typical for his species as far as length and pattern, but it’s not often you see him without dried mud or leaves littered within his fur. His eyes are dark blue, almost grey in color.
accessories: none
major injuries: none
minor injuries: few small scratches throughout his pelt, evidence of his rough play and adventures

— Overall, Jendi is a fun-loving individual. He’s always down for any game and spends a lot of his free-time exploring and playing. This doesn’t translate well into more solemn and serious situations, where he feels out of place.

He may be unintentionally rude, coming down to the fact he is stubborn about what he wants and has difficultly discerning when he’s taken things ‘too far’. For example, he has trouble spotting when something is a sensitive subject for another. Jendi is quite the opposite of sensitive.

It isn’t hard to see that he is also a bit dull. Easily deceived, Jen also struggles to identify those who might be tricking him and is very easy to lie to. He is confused by certain topics, such as death.  Anyone attempting to explain something to him best have plenty of patience.

But, when it comes to those he is close to, Jendi will literally put his life on the line. He will quickly become aggressive if it looks to him that someone he cares about has been hurt or offended. Always one to take risks - both for enjoyment and to protect loved ones - it’s a wonder he has never been injured more seriously than a few scratches and bruises here and there.

current/discovered - n/a
current/undiscovered - n/a
future/need to purchase - conjuration, enhanced senses, mental communication/manipulation, telekinesis

Easy Physically | Easy Mentally
Attack by mentioning [member=2715]jendi[/member] or [member=717]-~Autumnleaf~-[/member]
Can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions

Re: GET OUT THERE||character tags - mot - 11-01-2018

Mot O’Rourke | Male
10 moons physically
Member of Sunhaven

NPC x NPC | According to him, entire family is deceased; doesn’t like to discuss his history | No mentor or apprentice

— Has disorder caused by gene mutation that prevents perception of pain
— Reduced sense of smell
— Owns small cat skull called “Maria” and rough-looking teddy bear called “Sam”; frequently talks to both

Cornish Rex Domestic Feline [birth/main] | health: 100%
— Mot’s fur is dark gray with even darker patches under his eyes and on his tail tip. Typical of his breed, he has curled fur - soft if not for the patches of dried blood. He is extremely skinny with overly large ears, yellow eyes, and a thin tail. It would be safe to say he doesn’t smell very pleasant.
accessories: burlap satchel stained with blood and dirt containing all belongings
major injuries: none
minor injuries: everpresent scratches and bruises mainly on his face, flanks, and forelegs

— Overall, Mot is neutral with most individuals he interacts with. He tends to leave others alone, provided they do the same to him. Although, with little respect for authority, a blunt way of speaking, and a childish attitude he may sometimes ruffle a few feathers. He isn’t afraid of hurting the feelings of those around him and will form quick and lasting first impressions.

Mot is very accepting of death as a fact of life. In fact, he is almost completely desensitized to blood and gore. He has a fascination with what lies beneath the skin, as well as topics such as reincarnation. He also likes the puzzle of finding one’s cause of death - the more interesting the better. It may come as a surprise that he finds no enjoyment in torture, nor any interest in herbs and healing. And, it isn’t uncommon to hear Mot speaking to dead things, inanimate objects, or just to himself. He does so often and doesn’t seem to care who else is listening.

The feline uses humor in situations he is otherwise uncomfortable in, but his jokes may be insensitive or inappropriate. He is out of depth in large social gatherings but likes the company of few. While he is somewhat against friendships, he may occasionally help others, masking it as a chore or just doing so for his own sake.

Due to a disorder caused by a genetic mutation, Mot does not experience physical pain. He is far from invincible, though, as shown by frequent injuries and no shortage of small cuts on his body. He has the common sense to avoid fights or any activity that risks even the most insignificant injuries. Because Mot has no awareness of getting hurt, it may take others to point it out to him before he realizes himself. Mot is aware that due to this disorder, he isn’t likely to live a full life. He has accepted this but is still against taking unnecessary risks. Why throw away what limited time he has?

On a lighter note and perhaps because of this, it would seem that Mot is in no hurry to grow up. He is childish, not above mocking those he disagrees with, and prone to tantrums and simply ignoring others just to spite them. He cares little for cleanliness or organization and seldom shows manners. But, it is rare that he ever act out in aggression. Any attempt at arguing with him will likely prove unsuccessful and he tends to take insults as compliments more than anything.

current/discovered - n/a
current/undiscovered - n/a
future/need to purchase - health transfer, intangibility

Easy Physically | Easy Mentally
Attack by mentioning [member=2687]mot[/member] or [member=717]-~Autumnleaf~-[/member]
Can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions