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innocence and laughter - open; wandering child - Printable Version

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innocence and laughter - open; wandering child - rhosmari - 01-10-2021

Gently and caring she carried her small basket of items. Just a blanket and some small trinkets she had woken up with. How they had gotten here they didn't know but there didn't seem to be any type of distress within them. Instead she was softly cooing as they made their way along the costal line. Quite taken by the plethora of strange objects called seashells that she was finding. Sharp claws grasped at these things and with care she would take them and nip them as if checking if they were real before placing them into their basket. She was a large creature in stature, enormous to some but her size did not mean she was a volatile beast. Instead the hybrid was fluffy, soft of color and quiet save for a purring that resonated from deep in her chest. Dragon like were her features but there were also the features a sheep. Mostly with the fluffed up and almost sparkling curls that made up a mane like structure on her head and neck. With thick fluff at the end of her tail that swayed back and forth.

As she continued her walk a soft yawn parted their jaws and she looked tired.  Sleepy as her odd colored orbs became hooded. Slowly she curled up the sheep dragon lightly tapping her tail against the ground as her hooved feet tucked in. It was time for a nap, she had been wandering for some time and her gaze was almost closed till the wind blew and a scent traveled. It invaded her nostrils and caught her attention quite quickly. With little notion of if this was a good thing or a bad thing the young hybrid dragon moved off to find it. It led her to what appeared to be a home of some sort and she began to squeeze her way inside. Image the residence's surprise at a large fluffy thing crawling into their window. Well the resounding scream that followed was loud followed by running yet the child merely continued on their search for the smell good thing.

Taloned paws pushed things over and turned things upside down before the draconic sheep finally found what they were looking for. Cookies. Grabbing a pawful she shoved them into her maw, chewing vigorously.  Her face was scrunched up happiness, tinted a soft pink as she wiggled and continued to eat the cookies in the middle of the stranger's home.

Re: innocence and laughter - open; wandering child - Keona. - 01-12-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
A scream.  It was enough to freeze the tiny dealer in place, pale sea-green hues widening in brief surprise and confusion.  Concern.  An attack?  The petite wildcat decided to immediately investigate the hut, stepping in quietly and finding herself doing her best to avoid surprise obstacles.

No enemy scent.  Just that of an unfamiliar stranger munching on cookies.  ... Oh.  Uh.  Keona flicked her tail.  Cookies.  Great seas.

"Excuse me." Her tone is quiet, but firm.  The dealer tilted her head.  Bemused, but determined to settle matters... However... Odd.  "Excuse me, but this isn' your house.  Nor your cookies to take.  Who're you?"

Re: innocence and laughter - open; wandering child - michael t. - 01-13-2021

It wasn't long before Michael was also on the scene, similarly drawn over by the surprised shriek that had echoed out into the air. His immediate thought was that they were under an attack of some kind once again, but he ruled that out when no battle cries or sound of fighting accompanied the shriek. Instead, he simply arrived at the hut shortly after Keona, slipping in after his fellow dealer and pausing when a pleasant smell reached his nose. He had to resist the urge to drool, the thief having always had quite the sweet tooth for the majority of his life. Unfortunately, said sweets did not seem as though they were up for grabs, if the new creature currently coiled on the floor had anything to say about it. Her appearance was certainly... unique, and Michael had to wonder where she had come from. Was she like Roxie, an animal simply lightly touched by draconic features? That sort of seemed to be the case, considering Adelaide looked so much more like a sheep, rather than a dragon. Maybe he'd ask her about it later, if she was even interested in talking.

For now, the task at hand was figuring out who this kid was. Keona had already asked some important questions, but Michael had more, with the feline's head tilting to one side before he spoke, "Do you even know where you are? You seem... a bit scattered." He couldn't deny that she seemed quite delighted with her find, but Adelaide also seemed as though she was rather drowsy, if her half delighted and half sleepy expression was anything to go by. Maybe she had parents somewhere, looking for her? He glanced over at Keona for a moment, as if silently questioning what she thought of this whole thing, before he continued, "Are you alone? If you've got some kinda family around, I'm sure they're worried about you. And probably won't be glad to hear that you broke into someone's house..." Even as he asked, the thief had his doubts about Adelaide having any family nearby. It seemed as though the running theme of children that ended up in The Typhoon was that their parents were either dead, or seemingly never existed. It honestly worried him, knowing how many little ones there were out there without any sign of family – it reminded him far too much of his own past.

Re: innocence and laughter - open; wandering child - rhosmari - 01-13-2021

The crunching of the cookies was loud in her ear and her mind was on the sweet taste that was coating her soft purple colored tongue. There was no notion in her mind that she was breaking into someone's home and stealing the cookies that she was currently eating. That was until she was made aware of that. They lowered their head as someone entered the house and she looked at them. A soft purr resonated from her throat as she lowered her head to the ground and stared at the much smaller creature. This structure she was on was someone's home and she didn't belong in it. Ears pulled back against her fluffy curled mane and a look of distress spread over the hybrids face. "Didn't know!"" She began hastily and she quickly put the cookies down as she pressed her belly against the ground in apology. Another creature showed up and she tried to make herself look smaller. If she looked smaller then they were less likely to see her as more trouble she was sure. Her long tail curled against her form, particularly drooping it over her rail.

One asked a question and she tiredly blinked toward him, worry creasing her brow. "No. But pretty place." After a moment she paused when she was asked about being alone and she remembered waking up on the beach, walking around and suddenly she gasped. Her basket. She had forgotten her basket and her blanket and the hard things. "Woke up here but my basket. It has my things., I'm Addie- Adel- Adelaide."

Re: innocence and laughter - open; wandering child - Keona. - 01-14-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The voice was young.  And Michael's own words quickly further cued her in.  This was a child.  A child who didn't know better.  Which meant family might be... Unlikely.  Or they hadn't done good in instruction.  The smaller dealer blinked.

She breathed out softly, thinking. "Well that's okay, but later you should find out who lives 'ere and say sorry to them, not us," she'd offer gently.

"Your basket?"  So she had something.  Not nothing.  She hummed quietly and dipped her head.  "Okay. Well my name's Keona, Adelaide.  Me 'an Michael are Dealers 'ere; we help run this place, called the Typhoon.  Would you like to take us to your basket?"  It sounded like she cared about it, and it would take them out of the unfortunate house.

Re: innocence and laughter - open; wandering child - michael t. - 01-14-2021

She didn't realize where she was, and she seemingly didn't have any family... great. Things weren't off to a spectacular start. In spite of this, Michael allowed only a brief sigh to leave him before he smiled, muttering, "It's nice to meet you, Adelaide. I like your fluff. Very... colorful." Thankfully, it didn't seem as though they would just be exchanging pleasantries and fumbling over what to do with this kid. Keona was quick to suggest them going to find the other's basket, and the bobcat found that he liked the idea. After all, even if the strange little sheep dragon couldn't remember her family, there could maybe be some information about them in the basket. It was a long shot, but it was a shot, at least. He nodded towards Keona, muttering to Adelaide as he gestured out of the house, "That sounds good to me, too. I don't think anybody will take your basket around here, but it's never a good idea to leave your things unattended for too long. You remember where it is, right?" He, unfortunately, wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. It really didn't seem as though she was trying too hard to keep track of her surroundings, so it could've been difficult to retrace her steps.

As he waited for an answer to his and Keona's questions, he couldn't help the brief feeling of anxiety that bubbled up within him. If there wasn't any information about possible family in Adelaide's basket, they'd need to take her in, right? She was still a kid, and it wasn't as if they could just let her go wandering off back into the uncharted territories all on her own. She could starve, or get hurt by one of the more cruel animals living out there just trying to inflict pain upon others. It would be irresponsible to just let her go off on her own, especially if this whole "stealing food from strangers" thing turned out to be a habit.