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so far away — p. sachairi - Printable Version

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so far away — p. sachairi - VINTRO H. - 05-16-2018

[div style="width: 500px; background: white; padding: 25px; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 15px; border: 3px double color;"][div style="width:420px;padding:20px 10px 20px 10px;"][div style="font-family:arial;line-height:11px;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;color:black;"]
[Image: jZR4pVU.jpg]

Deep in one of the forests located in the foreign land, was a young feline hiding behind the bushes. His round blue eyes were scanning the area in curiosity, mapping out every inch of the terrain like a scholar. He was completely immersed in his surroundings to notice what was going on around him. That meant if another creature was preparing to kill him from behind, he would have been distracted to notice. Admittedly, this was all extremely reckless of him but it was too important to pass up. He needed to do this for research, specifically for his job as a cryptozoologist. Believe it or not, the Bengal was no ordinary house cat as he was actually a scientist that specialized in proving the existence of mythical creatures. This included entities such as Bigfoot or aliens. Though of all the creatures that were yet to be discovered, the ones that interested him the most were fairies. Not only was this his main field of study but it was also the only mythical being that he was capable of seeing. What this meant was that as a child, the boy had been blessed with the ability to see fairies that were invisible to the human eye. No one else seemed to be able to look at them except him. And while his parents had assumed that it was just a phase that he was going through, similar to imaginary friends, they grew worried when he continued to see them as a young adult. The couple was desperate to help their son and that was why they decided to take him to a local institution. It was there where he met his mentor Mathieu. The Turkish Angora was one of the few felines that were able to see fairies like him and was the one that taught him that he was not the only "crazy" one in the world. They were pretty much the ones that had helped him discover his passion in the first place. It was just a shame that more people were not exposed to the things they saw. If people were able to see the world from their perspective, they would have been astounded by the beautiful sight. And even if he tried to explain it to his peers, they simply made fun of him and asked him what he was smoking and where they could get some. It had irked him in the beginning but he had begun to accept the fact that they would have never understood him. The only one that knew how precious life could have been was Mathieu. And speaking of the intuitive tomcat, the male was the reason why he was out here right now. Apparently, this was a great spot for looking for rare fairies that they had yet to discover and Vintro was determined to find them.

He narrowed his pale blue luminaries as he focused his attention on a couple of sunflowers that were sprouting out of the ground nearby. As he scrutinized it for a few moments, a dainty creature finally appeared. It was a fairy! The scarf-wearing feline held his breath in excitement as it peeped its head out from behind one of the bright yellow petals. Judging from its beautiful wings and delicate features, Vintro was pretty sure that this was a Heather Pixie. He had seen a few before but never one this pale. This one was one of the few that had golden wings as they were typically a silver hue. The spotted youth continued to stare at it in awe until he remembered to write the entry in his journal. Being careful not to make too much noise, he carefully took the book out from his leather satchel and placed it on the ground. He flipped through the messy pages until he found the section regarding Heather Pixies. Conjuring a pencil, he hastily jotted a few notes down that described the fairy by the sunflowers. Heather Pixie, stationed near sunflowers, healthy, golden wings. After this, he glanced back at it and continued to analyze it. All he had to do now was look into its behavior. From what he could see so far, the pixie seemed shy yet calm, meaning that it was under any stress. The way it stayed close to the sunflowers meant that it was their home and the place that it was protecting. He quickly took note of that in his book and glanced back up again to see what it was doing. As of right now, it was busy scanning the area for any danger. That was smart on their part as there were creatures that were capable of hurting them. Not prey animals, of course, but ones that only he could see. He just hoped that none of these said monsters appeared as there would have been no way for him to help the fairy. It was best not to, Mathieu had advised because it would have disrupted the course of nature. His light blue oculars lingered on the Heather Pixie as he watched it flutter its wings. What he really wanted to know right now was what it survived off of, meaning what its diet consisted of. Was it the petals or the seeds of the sunflower? The passionate scientist wanted to find out as soon as possible. He tried to keep his breathing to a bare minimum as he wanted to be as silent as possible. Moments passed by and as the fairy finally lifted a hand, he inched a little closer. This was it. It was about to reach for something...until a creature popped out of nowhere and scared it off.

ooc; [member=693]sachairi[/member]

Re: so far away — p. sachairi - sachairi - 05-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; height:auto; font-size: 10.5px; text-align:justify;line-height:120%;font-family:arial;color:black;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-.5px"]// fuckin flings myself into this bombass thread sweating heavily
i'm here,,,, school,,,, math class,,, possible part/full time summer job,,,, running out of time,,,
// wheezes

he was still. claws unsheathed and pressed into the earth accompanied by a lowered body and un-moving tail displayed his level of skill. for a while he maintained this stance as if he had died standing up. as the minutes dragged on, he placed one paw after the other in a slow, calculating manner. lowering his head, his ears swiveled wildly on his cranium as they picked up every sound they could; with this, nothing would catch him off guard. not only was he ready, the somali was prepared. he needed to catch this rabbit else another day would pass where he hasn't eaten anything. indeed, being the breadwinner of the family meant making a couple sacrifices. does his parents know he starves himself just so they could eat? absolutely not nor will they ever know. he knew he could communicate to them his situation and they would understand, but it's as though he needed to be doing this. the ruddy tom wanted to contribute to the family, to give back what they gave to him. providing the food is something his parents could do as well - they were great hunters themselves after all. he knew all of this and yet, he's too stubborn to accept it. many would call it a dilemma - a problem, but in contrast to that, the young tom sees it as a responsibility or an obligation. just because the level of difficulty increases doesn't change anything. he does what he does because he cares about his parents and want them to live strong and healthy lives, much like they do for him. he didn't know where this strong sense of family came from, and it was only recently did he begin to think about it with more depth. he had a tendency to take on most of the responsibilities despite not wanting to in the first place. but the feeling of protest swiftly evaporates as he continues the task. his mind somehow tricking himself by saying 'it's the least you can do' and he responds 'it's the least i can do.' this feeling was exclusive to family only. others they have stumbled across are ignored or given the cold shoulder should he bother acknowledging their presence. you could imagine the countless of hours spent by his parents scolding him to be more polite. sachairi didn't have it in him to be kind to those who genuinely don't care about him.

the tomcat ignored the pangs of hunger tugging at the corners of both his mind and stomach. he needed to catch this else he was sure he would go crazy. he was reaching four days - his limit. he pushed himself too hard, yes he acknowledges that. but that's how he manages to stay sharp. others may argue continuous use would make the knife dull, but he knows the muscles grow stronger with continuous exercise. he's ambitious; maybe too ambitious for his own good. pushing himself past his own limitations and often feeling as though death walked only a few paces behind him. he feels it should matter to him. he feels it should concern him. he feels he should discontinue this urge for self improvement if it means he not eating for days at a time or wounding himself combat training. but it doesn't. this feeling was all too familiar and it leaves him in a state of confusion as to why it is. it consumes his waking days and rarely fills his dreams with vague images that he forgets immediately after opening his eyes.

the same mismatched eyes that held it's usual cold stare was target-locked on a rabbit - his favourite meal. he absolutely cannot miss this chance. this meal, will be the most delicious one he's had in a long time. licking his chaps and drawing his tongue over sharp white teeth, sachairi pressed himself close to the ground. ears folded against his skull as he decided now was the primal chance of attacking. ignoring everything else around him, the tom flexed his claws and took one step forward before lunging out of his conceals station behind the bushes. claws outstretched and mouth open, the somali grabbed a hold of the rabbit and went to bite down on its neck. using its hind legs, it kicked out of his grasp before sprinting away. not allowing it to outrun him, he pursuit it, gaining on the injured animal quickly. as soon as it burst out into the clearing, sachairi leapt and landed on it. not allowing it to escape a second time, he quickly bit down on its neck and snapped its spine. the hunt didn't go exactly as planned and he hated the sloppy execution, but he was happy more than anything to have a meal. panting, he rose and turned his head, only just now realizing the other feline. what in the world was he doing? blinking his eyes, he didn't bother lick the blood from his lips - vintro is a stranger so he felt no need to present himself properly - as he casually greeted him with a bored heterochromatic gaze.
