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Re: THE FROSTBLOWN ☆☆ ADOPTS & TRYOUTS ☆☆ OPEN - Poofy The Dark Master - 01-10-2021

username.. Poofy
character's name.. Star Pepper
rank wanted.. High Knight
back-up rank.. Knight
potential plots.. Possible looking for allies.
why the character deserves the rank.. Star is determined to protect his home at all cost, including his own life.
brief written example (one paragraph).. Star watched out whenever he wasn’t in the main camp, just in case his home was ever attacked. He kept quiet when he was on his walk outside of the camp. He didn’t want to give away to anyone that he was there, if they were a enemy. Star looked in every direction making sure there was nothing and went as far as sniffing around to make sure there was no intruders. Please that there was nothing, he continued onward.

username.. Poofy
character's name.. Apple Pepper
rank wanted.. Valereader
back-up rank.. Valereader Greenhorn
potential plots.. Looking for new Herbs
why the character deserves the rank.. Since Apple was younger, she had watched her brothers and sister cause mischief and get hurt and Apple always took care of them. After that she wanted to take care of everyone.
brief written example (one paragraph).. After growing up and watching after her brothers and sister, Apple wanted so badly to help the rest of Frostblown. She knew that someone had to look out for everyone when it came to injuries and illness. Since Apple had done that with her younger, she wanted to do that for the others in Frostblown. She watched the others around her very closely not wanting anyone to get hurt.

Re: THE FROSTBLOWN ☆☆ ADOPTS & TRYOUTS ☆☆ OPEN - jackalopejot - 01-10-2021

☆ B A S I C S ☆
name Wren Ellefsen
biological sex Female
-- gender .. [undecided/too young atm]
-- pronouns .. She/Her
age .. 4 months old
parentage Maragret Ellefsen x NPC [LITTER FOUR]
-- siblings .. [TBD]

☆ B O D Y - W I S E ☆
species .. Direwolf
mutations .. Two sets of wings and a white ring around pupil
-- accessories .. A small bracelet of wood carved beads with various shades of purple painted on them
-- disabilities .. Both sets of her wings seem to have become stunted at some point in the womb. They are small, stuck out slightly with only a few feathers to show they’re actually wings.

☆ M I N D - W I S E☆
personality type .. Me making a bold move assuming this means MBTI or some shit INFP
-- alignment .. once again, me making a bold move assuming this might mean DND alignment esque stuff bc I haven't filled one of these out in yEARS Neutral Good
-- mental & physical difficulties .. mentally easy | physically easy

Feel free to smack me over the head for any mess ups!

Re: THE FROSTBLOWN ☆☆ ADOPTS & TRYOUTS ☆☆ OPEN - Tasmagoric - 01-13-2021


Re: THE FROSTBLOWN ☆☆ ADOPTS & TRYOUTS ☆☆ OPEN - private - 01-14-2021

username.. tasmagoric ✦
character's name.. Alexi
rank wanted.. Outrider
back-up rank.. Corps Captain
potential plots.. Power use/learning, romantic plots, and personal development threads.
why the character deserves the rank..
Alexi doesn't think 'deserve' is quite the word they would use but 'destined' definitely is. Competitive to the bone and an incredibly skilled rip-off artist known to gain profit while enriching the trade game for the Frostblown. Knowing each trade route by heart and often spotted wandering them. Managing to gain the most junk at trades and fiddle it into new contraptions for future use. Quick-witted and cheeky with a charm to boost making it easy to swindle any suckers hard-earned belongings. Aside from bartering Alexi also likes to craft items and sell those as well.
brief written example (one paragraph)..
Banging and clanging resounded off the thick walls of Alexi's stone hut. Effort wearing into the Jaguars furrowed brow as their fixed expression steadied on the items between their paws. Using a rusted ore to batter at several geodes of gems on the ground below. Alexi hoped their rough surfaces would begin to crack, but it seemed without tools that it would be a painful process. Going at it for a few moments more, Xi eventually tossed the ore at the wall. Black ears flattened, they steadied to all fours while beyond unhappy and frustrated. Alexi whispered aloud walking over to grab the ore "Ah fuck, this is utterly hopeless!" Returning back to their original sitting position they once again started hacking away at the geodes.
[align=center][size=8pt][color=#393939]Text #393939    Thoughts #393939    "Talking." #393939    ATTACKING #d27a46

Re: THE FROSTBLOWN ☆☆ ADOPTS & TRYOUTS ☆☆ OPEN - teef - 01-15-2021

tracking w/ baal's account

Re: THE FROSTBLOWN ☆☆ ADOPTS & TRYOUTS ☆☆ OPEN - wifewoof - 01-19-2021

username.. Quietly [woof]
character's name.. One
rank wanted.. Valereader
back-up rank.. High Knight
potential plots.. MARGO, uncovering health transfer power, helping teach everyone general medical knowledge, traveling to other groups to learn different healing methods. And that's just for if he eventually gets to Valereader. i have so many ideas for the boy. He could particularly be a defensive boy, he could on the side run a little counseling for trainees and other members of the group. He could rediscover his wings and his health transfer power still. SO MANY IDEAS.
why the character deserves the rank.. One has always been more a healer than a fighter, esp after waking up with vague memories of the last fight he ever participated in and losing his love. He will soon have the Health Transfer power. He also would not mind working as a High Knight as he would mostly do defensive things and make sure everyone could learn to defend themselves. He does not want anyone to have the problem he did.
brief written example (one paragraph).. A black jaguar prowled around the frost-covered clearing, white snow and ice sticking to his paws and his jet black coat. His light red eyes narrowed as he stopped, tensed, and with a low snarl flung himself at his opponent, his massive paws wrapping around the trainee. The trainee violently shook themselves, barely getting the jaguar off. Skidding to a stop, the frost biting at his paw pads, he sprinted back at the trainee, his claws sheathed as he tried to take out the front paws of the younger. He was stopped by a well-timed jump into his back, a furious garbled hiss fell from his muzzle as he tried to shake them off. To no avail, he gave up and declared the lesson done. The trainee scrambled away and looked up at him with enthusiasm, "Well! How did I do One? I hope that you can teach me more defensive moves! While you teach me more about medicine." The younger looked embarrassed for a bit as the jaguar chuckled and ruffled the trainee's head barely rumbling out a quick "we'll see"
the younger barely heard before beckoning the trainee to follow.

Re: THE FROSTBLOWN ☆☆ ADOPTS & TRYOUTS ☆☆ OPEN - Windowmemer - 02-21-2021

☆ B A S I C S ☆
name .. Jadeire Ellefsen
biological sex .. Female
-- gender .. Female
-- pronouns .. She/Her
age .. 13 months
parentage .. Margaret Ellefsen x NPC
-- siblings .. [TBD]

☆ B O D Y - W I S E ☆
species .. Direwolf Hybrid
mutations .. A pair of wings, slightly bluish on the outside but white and black-striped on the inside - think peregrine falcon , a ring of white around golden optics
-- accessories .. A thin woven rope around her neck, leaves attached to it. This stays until she's 1-2 years old. She discards it in place for a spiked black collar further down development - 1-2 years.
-- disabilities .. [TBD]

☆ M I N D - W I S E☆
personality type .. ESTJ-A
-- personality traits .. hot-headed, doesn't like following rules, attempts to lead despite knowing it's the incorrect thing to do, mischievous, sarcastic ("omg I'm so quirky look at me")
-- alignment .. Chaotic Evil
-- mental & physical difficulties .. N/A - potentially will develop during plots

Re: THE FROSTBLOWN ☆☆ ADOPTS & TRYOUTS ☆☆ OPEN - teef - 03-10-2021

All character adoptions are ready to go (have been for a while as you know lol)

[member=17067]ONEHEART[/member] will be given the VALEREADER position and @Apple Pepper will be given the VALEREADER GREENHORN position.

[member=17299]Star Pepper[/member] may be given the HIGH KNIGHT position further along the line but for now, [member=16597]Poofy[/member] , Apple will be your first sHP in the group.

The promotions will be announced ICly at the March meeting.


A new litter has been added! Ranks and litters have been updated to remove outdated litters and assign proper positions to current characters and players