Beasts of Beyond
[ you're afraid of falling flat / joiner ] - Printable Version

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[ you're afraid of falling flat / joiner ] - Grimm - 01-10-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Harsh cacophony heralding the rise of sun, song written across warmly hued keratin as beady depths of ebony peered with ravenous intent. Drowned the hushed murmur, the charge and retreat staged against grains dampened beneath tireless cycle, the break known, however. Outward thrown, carelessness supposed guide for haphazard sprawl, grit encasing curled paw. About the tide shattered, arose in a swell to leave darkened those coarse strands, salt lodged against skin grown irritated, creeping along yet forced back before graced crooked elbow. Had not been for manner broad sides fluttered with brief movement, stirred alike the grains gathered before turned cranium with expulsion of stale air, possibly deemed driftwood the slumbering behemoth.

Such may not dissuade audience, occupied any perch stone arch and the minimal vegetation wreathing when too thick their presence upon the sand. Minimised their comfortable food source, and beyond the familiar the creature that lounged without knowledge their presence crowded about, necessity driving force. Forth first moved, odd the locomotion as it settled between a walk and a hop, webbed feet lifting puffs of sand, intrigue enacted through the persistent twist of head. Halt was conducted in such way the gull might latch upon a cheek, held the pliable flesh, tugged at as if in a test.

Further exploration may not follow, ceased the current with the closure of teeth about fragile neck. Deaf the ears that flicked back to the soft chorus of cracks, though greater the commotion of flight as the flock departed, behind left the limp soul that was idiotic enough to believe meal may be made of a sleeping bear. Still was he as such, it seemed, half lidded the eyes that swept along surrounding terrain, unfamiliar as bone once more gave, free the fall of the gull freed of a head. Continued his study as the morsel shifted between grinding molars, stopped when addressed the hanging adornment of bronze.

A bell.

Basic, worn against plain shell wear that spoke of heavy use, fraying the rope that held it aloft, unkind the breeze overburdened with the heavy tang of salt. Hum bypassed the tight press of lips, dredged from fatigue laced memories the night prior, the shimmer made silver beneath the light of the moon that acted as beacon. Identified now the origin, though no answer as to reasoning behind why it rested in an alcove set in pockmarked arch way, each further space filled with a replica of a grinning skull. Grisly the sight, though minimised the impact by the mere nature of stone acting as material for each deathly mockery of frozen mirth, still away skirted his eyes in time.

Little else acted as notable landmark, the railway submerged at his back offered some base curiosity, width such notion his crossing had been conducted via such laughable, unnecessary further exploration of such for his departure may not occur any time soon. This thought drew pause, sucked between teeth a lip he chewed on in action that was well practiced familiar even as clawed digits sought to enact another they were incapable of. Lengthy the time of his traversal, behind left all he knew and that occupied his memories, that beyond the gaping blackhole that threatened to swallow him should he find the courage to ponder those lost years, rest welcome. Suitable this land ringed with an ocean that sung in a gentle murmur as the tide broke once more, though prompted further query.

Once more eyes lifted, returned to the suspended bell. Apparent the skill of craft in construction and erection, such spoke of inhabitants, be they prior or present. Upwards paw drifted, along jaw and cheek rubbing, leaned into the touch as options were weighed in silence. Finally decision seemed come to, down the paw moving, taken up the forgotten body of the gull. Inspected the sand streaked mess, ruined the once pristine feathers beneath crimson, tacky against calloused pads, a final song within it, though unconventional the means.

Sure and true the trajectory, back arm drawn before thrust forth once more, projectile the bird as it departed his paw. Smeared the bronze surface of the bell with blood as it struck, force enough the clapper within gave a single toll, left swinging for a time the bell before it settled. As for the bird it fell with a rather meaty smack against the sand, the bear uninterested and simply continued to sit, trained those half lidded eyes upon the gate.

Re: [ you're afraid of falling flat / joiner ] - Simon F.M. - 01-11-2021

The ringing of the bell brought the vampiress forward, her common place feline form traded out for the pale bear form she had taken to using. Recent event had forced her to maintain it, the fear of an attack leaving her uncomfortable in her base form. She looked over the large bear standing at the gate, gaze swiftly moving to the now blood spotted bell and the bird that rested beneath it. She raised a non-existent brown, returning her gaze to the bear. "Coulda used a paw or something, you know?" she would say in a teasing tone. Recognition flashed in her eyes, a thread she struggled to follow.

She remembered a flash of light, the earth shattering below her, the smell of burning trees, the shrieks of crewmates. Memories that had been tapped down and suffocated, prevented from ruining her dreams. "I'm Diya Folie-Mikaelson," soon to be Roux, she added to herself with a gentle smile. "You seem familiar, are you from around here? What's your name?"

Re: [ you're afraid of falling flat / joiner ] - michael t. - 01-13-2021

Emil. In truth, it's a name that Michael can barely even remember. Despite not having memory issues like some members of The Typhoon, the thief did occasionally just allow things to slip. It was hard not to, when he often had so much tumbling around in his mind already. Not only did he have his usual dealer duties to worry about, but these days he was trying to help out as much as possible in any ways that he could. Rox was still a fresh captain, and he didn't want his sister to become overwhelmed, no matter how much she claimed that she could handle things. So, he took things upon his own shoulders, usually without her knowing. Occasionally he'd intercept requests for patrol orders, or put together little events to keep people distracted. That way, Roxanne wouldn't have a whole crowd of people gathered at her door, asking her for things while she was only just settling in. That wasn't even mentioning the trauma that they had all gone through as a result of the Coalition's past actions, and Goldie's ongoing amnesia. Rox tended to try and keep things tucked close to her own chest if she could help it, but it didn't take much for Michael to imagine that she felt guilt and sadness over what had happened to her niece – her daughter.

With so much on his mind to worry about, the bobcat would freely admit that he wasn't as focused on certain things as he would've liked to be. Old names and faces slipped from his memory, leaving him until he might one day see them again. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases, those faces returning never actually happened. Instead, they were just lost to him, having disappeared and left very little behind besides a sense of emptiness. That had been happening more and more often as of late, since the fugitive had been letting more people in. Back in the day, he never had to worry about forgetting faces, or feeling guilt over doing so. Instead, he'd just feel relieved when he forgot about the old faces of random accomplices that he and Trevor left behind, pleased to be alone with no one else but his partner. The Typhoon had changed all that, however, and Michael truthfully didn't know if it was for better, or for worse. Although, he had a feeling that those close to him would say it was for the better – close friends, like Diya.

His friend's presence temporarily distracted him as he came padding up, drawn over by the sound of the bell ringing out through the air. He felt a smile curl on his muzzle as soon as he saw her, bumping his shoulder lightly against hers as he spoke, "Hey, Diya. Haven't seen you in a little bit... have to imagine you've been taking care of Rox?" He was honestly just glad to see his fellow vampire out and about, especially since he assumed she was in a similar state of anxiety over recent events. However, her questioning over whether or not she knew this "newcomer" drew the dealer's attention back to the task at hand. His mismatched blue gaze flicked back over to Emil, slowly looking the bear over. Much like Diya, he felt some spark of recognition in the back of his mind, but he wasn't entirely sure why. Was this one of the old friends that had been lost? The extended family that he had assumed was just... never coming back?

Unwilling to allow a swell of emotions to pour forth, the bobcat briefly bit down on his tongue, quieting his own thoughts before he spoke up, "Hey there, new big guy... interesting way of ringing the bell. Gotta say, I agree with Diya... you seem familiar. Maybe you've just got one of those faces, though." He then offered the other male a crooked little smile, allowing some of the tension to release from his own shoulders before he continued, "To add on to her questions, though... you here to join?" He honestly hoped that the other was, for a couple of reasons. Although The Typhoon certainly wasn't hurting for activity, he was never going to turn down new members, especially ones that seemed powerful, like Emil did. Although the Coalition was reeling for the moment, there was no telling when they could try and cause some shit again, and Michael wanted to make sure that they were prepared for if that did happen.

Re: [ you're afraid of falling flat / joiner ] - Keona. - 01-13-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The bell rings with an unexpected force.  Singing through her ears and pulling her up to tiny paws.  Curious.  Quickly following suit and coming to a gentle halt besides Diya and Michael.  Listening quietly.  Recognition in both, though they failed to put a name to soul.  But she remembered names well.  No face to attribute to.  Emil.

"He's a crewmate." The tiny wildcat spoke softly, voice strong with confidence.  She knew few bears.  Felt sure from some spark of intuition, some sense of spirit, as her pale hues 'looked' upwards.  She hadn't been close personally, but familiar with the quiet bear.

"Aloha, Emil."

Re: [ you're afraid of falling flat / joiner ] - Grimm - 01-14-2021

[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 475px; padding: 5%; min-height: 20px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 17px;"]Slack grown features once caught beneath the careful maintenance of sustained neutrality, fatigue a gentle presence in depths slow in each blink, worn readily surprise evident in slight downward curl of dark lips. Vegetation offered little within way of concealment, thick the coat awash in ivory hue, a bright point among the earthen that crowds close. Queries pile upon tongue, held there beneath pressure of grinding teeth. Taunt the muscle beneath, lumbering steps performed with a sense of duty, a purpose in each, held even as disposition is molded by light mirth. Over her once more half closed eyes rove, a study he made no move to conceal. In turn he made no move to hide himself, corrected his slouch, slight the manner cranium cants to the side.

Mirrored the sense of familiarity, a quiet but insistent sense of deja vu. Broken apart into poorly reconstructed scenes a short time when shores adorned in soft golden grains had acted as suitable base, heavy the heart that refuted attempts to allow it to hold the epithet of home. Another held that, adorned he alike his current self, diminutive once in his presence, the desire for him once more within empty arms supposedly enough to shed familiar skin. Not him. Well he knew of this fact, the rich hues of brown and black in a mottled mess across coarse strands marred beneath accumulated scar tissue lacking, the map of scars dissecting ivory a poor match for the man he longed for.

Nostrils flared with heavy breath, averted vision as the words spoken registered. Slow the manner lips lifted, brief the reveal of yellowed enamel once more hidden as it fell away. Paw arose, rubbed along chest as begun a rumbling vocalisation. Indeed, grisly his choice, looked to the mess left in wake of split second decision, but he lacked the capacity to care a great deal. On her words continued, introduction spilling from her lips with ease, minute the pause, but noticeable, rounded ears perking as vision levelled upon Diya once more.

"Deeyah." Clumsy the drawn out syllables that crown the tip of slow moving tongue, rolled along in experimentation, incorrect facsimile near enough desired result. "You familiar." Easier the passage of next, though beneath prominent accent near swallowed, trailing behind another deep breath. Her name, that she spoke with the gentle grace of a personal smile that belied that momentary break, the final nail unceremoniously torn from repressed memories. "Different. Not cat." In lieu of offering a suitable response to her own questions, those he uttered may well be deemed close enough, as it was, he spoke aloud a confusion that led to a discrepancy between what his mind offered and reality.

Another. Diminutive the ebony figure, though soft beneath the accumulated weight of needless accessories, harsh the manner he swallow thickly, down attention moving. Nothing nestled among coarse strands, hunger the depths that whispered behind him in multiple voices, the crash of waves and gurgle of tide cruel now, a deafening din. Revealed once more teeth, split dark countenance by a grimace, shame a heated stone lodged in his throat. Gone the final remnant of the man he once was, all the was left the scars adorning, rolled his shoulder in a thoughtless movement. No fault may be linked to any, and thus clean wiped his visage when his gaze settled upon Michael.

His was not likewise, however, words soft beneath unabashed affection, a care present that further ravaged his heart, grown agonising the quickened beat pressed into aching ribs. Brushed aside the inquiry, his involvement unwelcome and so skirted the subject. Stoic the bear as conducted another examination, expected such for even those seeking civility may pose an invisible threat, his own performed in tandem. Correct his first assessment, soft about the middle this rather miniscule creature, alike his silhouette broken beneath scar tissue. Idle grew his inspection, clenched teeth parting when mouth opened, meant for him simply going off the remark on size.

"No big." Harsh the snort that exited his flared nostrils alongside, a correct statement, though likely such only pertained to his own experience. Broad and heavy beneath an accumulation of muscle and fat still tiny felt he, lacking the height he once allowing him to tower, such a reasonable trade to hold even this meagre reminder of his lost love. "No forget this." Paired with the words the rise of a paw, gestured to the entirety of his face. Known well his reflection, the manner the space above his right eye was bisected by a scar trailing up towards his forehead, adorned the left side of his muzzle and similarly halved his mouth by another, the central area of the muzzle it self bearing the worst, bald about the deep incision long since allowed to scar. Others present, miniscule in comparison, each his own and with them a tale behind, the culmination a rather hideous sight he had grown to detest.

These he would not offer, rather, allowed his paw to fall once more into place, the next question offered regarded for a time. Was he prepared to once more grow ensnared within the political mess that came alongside the relative safety offered by organised community, permit himself the chance to let them within, permit the memory of the lost to prevail. Upwards eyes trailing, beyond them looking. He had met him here, fallen for the other in their own way, departed for a home prepared and maintained by them. The cold of the sudden departure, the cool that had been the place by his side, had broken something he had not registered having rooted within his chest.

"Ja." Slow the dip of chin, a shift difficult to deem a nod, though such it was, uncertainty a fading presence in the murmur of agreement. Too long allowed his memories to rot beneath the notion of remembrance, never touched as anything that may trigger their resurface was glossed over with little care for that lost in the action. So much sealed away by his own inability to accept the truth that he blinded himself to, an old fool living in the past.

Difficult to surmise the exact nature of the noise that bypassed his lips when next presence was announced in differing manner, the familiarity there as well, yet unobstructed, the knowledge freely stated in simple comment. Tentative the smile that bloomed where once his sorrow was worn in shallow curl, down flicking his eyes. "Hei, mauschen." Unbidden arose benign endearment, the tone taken one that quelled rising doubt, an ocean once locked in his throat ebbing away with a chuff rushing through his nose. "Am Emil, ja, long time." Unnecessary explanation for his absence, the exact cause his own to carry, alone left those few fleeting words.

Slow his rise, movement grown restricted beneath a familiar pain, strained muscle constricting in taunt threads that seem liable to snap should any singular extremity be moved beyond a set speed. Conclusion brought with it relief, upon trembling legs supported, focused his attention on merely retaining his balance. The moments passed in relative silence before, through the fine grains, a paw slide forward, soon after another following. Shaky the first few steps performed in such a manner, only with the confidence he may keep himself aloft did the bear allow the sand to fall away. Agonising the slow progress all the same, annoyance worn against his visage for but a moment before his movement halted before Keona, down head drawn.

Light each breath, a plume of heated air that made evident he drew in her scent with each, lightly teasing his tone. "No eat, need meat, be big and strong." Known the cause of her meagre size, the luck of the draw not on her side in such, one of few tidbits he knew of the other. "Good see kleine again." Lacking his prior amusement as lips framed his final remark, grown exhausted of speaking though little had he uttered, too much even that in the small frame of time it had been voiced, a warmth there he offered neither who came before Keo.