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THERE GOES THAT MOONBOY / joining - Printable Version

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THERE GOES THAT MOONBOY / joining - ROY - 01-09-2021

⋆  they'd say, "let your love grow tall"
It'd been some months since Bonita Roux had breached society properly, on her expedition for the sake of research of all things and anything. However, she planned to change this today, quickly jotting a note down in her journal before putting it away in her bag as she trotted up to the marshy territory quite confidently, a relaxed smile on her features as she prepped what she'd needed to say over in her head.

"Oi, hello! I'm Bonita Roux," the tiguar would call out loudly upon the border of Tanglewood. She was already fairly familiar with the group, given they'd been allied with her birthplace since she was a child, and well, when one of your mothers is the captain of that group, some of that knowledge was bound to rub off on you. "I'm here t' join. I suspect that's just fine?" If they knew Goldenluxury Roux, they likely would be able to tell at least some sort of resemblance in the female, and she felt at least mostly sure that someone would know what her mother looked like.

She'd been quite skillfully dodging the events of late, only noting the noise, and hearing passing rumors from those she'd meet on her aimless journey. The Coalition, doing something, then losing. It was all in the nature of war, something she didn't find herself too particularly interested in. She'd visited the Coalition, and the introductions they'd offered her had raised enough red flags for her to recognize she likely shouldn't stay longer than she had to, and so she didn't. Nothing could keep them anchored - besides themself, of course. And, in her long time of research, Bonita has settled on the idea that she'd simply had enough vast exploration, as exciting as it may be. Tanglewood, instead, peaked her interest, in their radiated territory and seemingly oddball culture. Besides, she wouldn't mind being a bit closer to her old home. Once she took the time to calm down, perhaps she could get around to finally visiting.

Re: THERE GOES THAT MOONBOY / joining - rhosmari - 01-09-2021

The woman didn't know much about Goldenluxury, save for that she had been the Captain of the Typhoon. That she had also been attacked on the border of Tanglewood by Styker and some other nasty things had happened which resulted in her leg being torn from her body. It had been a horrifying whisper to spread around the camp about how that had all happened. The Typhoon didn't know that the Coalition had taken them over, didn't know that Styker laid in wait for them and then the trap had been sprung. The lioness had not been there, trapped in her own mind and playing the game of a slave. He had cocooned her mind into a state of compliance, to fight against those that would destroy him. And that meant anyone. Still she was not as happy as she had been when she had first gotten to Tanglewood, the takeover and events afterward were worries in her mind. Stress lingering in her visage as she wandered the swamplands that she thought was still her home. It felt like a stranger's land, or maybe she was the stranger after all. Walking and thinking her place was among them. She had changed, but she still felt like herself. At least she hoped that she was. The sound of a passing voice caught her attention and she blinked her bright blue eyes.

Not wanting to keep them waiting the clouded leopard marked lioness would make her way forth, pale figure easily slipping across the pools of water to more solid and stable ground. It was her that she noticed the other and she gave a small smile, a welcoming one as far as she hoped it looked. Her eyes then roamed away for a moment as she debated on how to proceed. She was not a threat, she came here to join and knew it would be fine so she could be friendly about it. ''Ah, yes, she does not see why this one can not join Tanglewood. Our border is open to anyone really.'' Her flaming mane seemed to stutter and reform as she talked before she beckoned with her flame tipped tail for her to come on over. ''Her name is Elsweyr, she is called Shadow Regent here so she thinks that if this one needs any help she will be able to assist.'' After all she knew the lands, knew the places and the people. She would try her best.

Re: THERE GOES THAT MOONBOY / joining - wormwood. - 01-13-2021

Re: THERE GOES THAT MOONBOY / joining - ROY - 01-13-2021

⋆  they'd say, "let your love grow tall"
It wouldn't take long for someone to notice her call, as she expected. Bonita waited quietly for the female to fully approach and speak up, round ears twisting towards her. She would blink towards her, noticing the slightly odd speech pattern she spoke with, referring to herself from third person. They found it interesting. She also referred to herself as a Shadow Regent, which must be of some significance. The tiguar wasn't entirely familiar with their rank names, since she'd never really asked growing up, so she'd have to make a mental note to learn them later. "Thank you, Elsweyr, it's nice t' meet you!" The female would offer a small dip with her head out of politeness.

"Sure am," the tiguar would confirm cheerily with a nod to the male's question. She didn't often run into those who would recognize her right off the bat (mostly due to the fact she'd been staying away from groups for a while), but it still wasn't too much of a shocker that someone would be able to guess her parentage. Especially given the fact she was in Tanglewood. The recognition would only make more sense as the lion continued to speak, introducing himself as Aurum.  Luminary, huh? She guessed that probably meant he was important. "Oh yea, I've heard of you. Guess that means I gotta listen t' you now, then? Doesn't sound so bad." She'd continue in a friendly tone, ears twitching slightly at his word choice of was then is. She decides not to question it for now, though, figuring it was likely just a slip of the tongue. "Haven't seen the family in a while, been out explorin'. I was meanin' to visit after I'd settled in, actually!"

Re: THERE GOES THAT MOONBOY / joining - S. PENDRAGON - 01-15-2021

Sophiea would walk over in the direction of the trio only to notice that the tiguar that was standing there had a resemblance to Goldenluxury and it was further confirmed that they were one of Goldie's kids when the surname of Roux had left Bonita's jaws. It made her trademark frown grow in the slightest but she figured since she was already there, she would take the time to introduce herself as well seeing as it would be rude not to say anything to welcome the newest member of Tanglewood and well, Bonita was the daughter of the woman who she cared about dearly.  "Salutation and welcome, Bonita." Her whiskers would twitch carefully only to glance over at Aurum listening to him say was before switching over is, she shook her head lightly at the winged lion but didn't bother saying anything to him as of right now.

"My name is Sophiea Pendragon and I'm a friend of your mothers as well. I hope that you settle here well, there's a lot of friendly people here." She said as she took a seat adjusting her small wings at her sides, she watched Aurum from the corner of her eye as she continued to speak "A bit too friendly for my tastes, they often just walk into your home uninvited." Her eyes now on Aurum as a rare smile found itself present on her maw but it only lasted for a few moments before vanishing, she would nod slowly as she cleared her throat "It is a nice to meet you," She decided to say at last.

Re: THERE GOES THAT MOONBOY / joining - wormwood. - 01-16-2021