Beasts of Beyond
YOUR STAR IS BRIGHT AND GLOWING ☆ burial / memorial for vig - Printable Version

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YOUR STAR IS BRIGHT AND GLOWING ☆ burial / memorial for vig - wormwood. - 01-09-2021

Re: YOUR STAR IS BRIGHT AND GLOWING ☆ burial / memorial for vig - arrow - 01-09-2021

If Aurum wasn't going to cry, Arrow would.

Coming to terms with someone's death was one thing. She'd had enough moments in solitude to mourn, of course, but she didn't recall ever having to come face to face with her grief during any sort of funeral. She'd been there when Vigenere and Morgan took off initially, leaving Crow in charge, but she hadn't been there in his brief return, or his murder. The details were unclear, and she didn't want to know, so she didn't ask. It would have just added to the weight of it all, and it was heavy enough knowing he'd been taken out rather than going out on his own terms.

She probably could have stood up and said something, but she wasn't sure what to say. She wasn't sure if she could have physically done it. She wasn't even expecting to see a ceremony, period. Arrow inhaled sharply, dragging a paw over her face in a manner that could only be viewed as unabashedly stressed, looking as if she'd aged several years in that one moment with how tired she came across. She felt old, as she was poked relentlessly in the background with various memories from her own youth, sights and sounds all felt like hell.

"What a way to go, and I can't even drink in your name." Arrow muttered, stumbling uneasily to the burial site as if she already had several drinks, shaking her head. She lowered her body to the ground, tucked her legs under her chest, and dropped her chin to the dirt, staring at nothing in particular as her vision unfocused. "Vig, I outta kick your ass-" Her voice broke, and she knew she was already crying by the feeling against her face. It felt foreign, she just didn't cry. It wasn't in her code to be overly emotional. Guess she had a breaking point eventually. Was she crying just for Vigenere, or for everyone she wasn't gonna ever see again? Why was she here? Life was a bitch, and so was death, apparently.

Re: YOUR STAR IS BRIGHT AND GLOWING ☆ burial / memorial for vig - rhosmari - 01-10-2021

The sadness, creeping over the town of Tanglewood and swallowing it whole. The time for the funeral had come, one that she had asked about previously. The woman had thought that it would have been a good way to close the chapter. Have closure with someone that they would not get to see again. It was painful but it was also necessary. Death was only a new journey for the soul and so here came the final moments. She personally did not know him very well, she did not have any tales to weave into the air about the former Luminary. She only remembered when he had welcomed her to Tanglewood and the meeting that had been held. That was it for what she knew of him. They had not been close but she had come to respect what she had witnessed and to find out that he had been murdered had impacted her. Yet she was not moved to tears, but showed a sadness that was deep. He would be missed by many and that was understandable. Walking over the flaming lioness would watch with a lingering gaze, looking upon the grave with a soft intake of air. No tears fell but she realized that some would and she made sure to watch.

As Arrow came forth she could tell the woman had been drinking, that she was a wreck. That this death meant so much to her and she carefully got up to follow after her. Careful still she sat down beside the ghostly woman as she began to cry her heart out. Not being able to raise a glass in his name. Slowly the tribal woman allowed her tail to wrap around the oriental cat in comfort. She didn't feel the need to say anything because there was no need to try and stifle the emotions that she was feeling right now. Instead she would watch the proceedings and offer where she could. Arrow needed it the most right now and she felt no need to abandon the woman in her grief. She wanted to share the burden and so she silently did. Hoping that Vigenere was at peace.

Re: YOUR STAR IS BRIGHT AND GLOWING ☆ burial / memorial for vig - S. PENDRAGON - 01-14-2021

Sophiea Pendragon felt nothing as she walked over to the burial where Aurum, Arrow, and Elsweyr had gathered. She took note of how Aurum was near the brink of tears and Arrow had already sobbing her eyes out, the winged feline would flick a single one of her tufted ears as the bandages around her body shifted slightly. Her pupils narrowed into small slits remembering how Vigenere had stepped into her home once without knocking and how he had mentioned her name within one of the meetings yet it was nothing to Sophiea. The former luminary had gotten captured quite a few times leaving Tanglewood without someone to lead them even when the Coalition had come to takeover, she had no hope whatsoever that the man would return to them. The moment he had been gone, the Pendragon woman had marked him down as dead within her mind. How tragically ironic it was that he was killed within the meeting of the groups yet even in that given moment, she had been unable to feel anything. No loss, no sadness... Nothing.

The sun would still rise, the moon would go down, and everything would be the same. Nothing was moved within that world of hers but she knew that this didn't apply to everyone, she bit down on her tongue knowing a lot better than to say anything rude during this sensitive moment. Cowardly lemon... Died as all cowards would. Shameful. Came her silent thoughts as she walked over closer to take a stand next to Aurum attemtping to nudge him gently, she supposed that she could, at the very least, provide some form of comfort to those around her. She would let out a soft sigh only to eventually mumble out in a tired voice "I'm sorry for your loss, big brute." Her whiskers twitched lightly as she stared at the small burial but she'd use her small wing to pat Aurum on the shoulder before it would retreat to her side. Rest well. Came her final thought before falling silent.

Re: YOUR STAR IS BRIGHT AND GLOWING ☆ burial / memorial for vig - trojan g. - 01-14-2021

[align=left]there's a chip on my shoulder *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Moth hadn't known Vig for that long. She had died long before the other had come into Tanglewood, long before he had become leader of the group. She had come back when he was in power though, and while he was there, she knew that he would be a good leader. But he was taken from them far too soon. She hadn't though that anyone in her life time would have such a gruesome death as he had, and it caused her worry. Stryker may be dead but there were always new Strykers out there looking to cause trouble with the groups around the island, and she didn't want that to be Aurum's future, didn't want that to be the future of anyone ever again.

Looking around for a moment, she would let out a small sigh, eyes looking down at the ground for a moment as she thought of what to say, but no words left her lips. There was nothing she could say really, so much had happened in so little time, she was still shocked.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  and it's big as a boulder

Re: YOUR STAR IS BRIGHT AND GLOWING ☆ burial / memorial for vig - wormwood. - 01-16-2021